Finally, let's look at the list of events in the business network:
InitialApplicationEvent, ApproveEvent, RejectEvent, SuggestChangesEvent, ShipProductEvent, ReceiveProductEvent, ReadyForPaymentEvent, CloseEvent
We can see that the events have names matching the transaction types, and this is typical. These are explicit events that are generated by transactions to indicate when certain events occur in the business network. In our scenario, they are used by the user interfaces to keep the web pages up to date, but of course could be used for much more sophisticated notification processing, for example, CloseEvent could be used to trigger payment to Bob.
When you first define a business network, you'll find that the events closely mirror the transactions. But, over time, you'll find that more sophisticated explicit events get added, for example, Matias or Ella might want to generate a specific event for a HighValue letter, or a LowRisk application.
We'll look at the details of these events later.