Querying the network using SWAGGER

Select one of these APIs LetterOfCredit:

Notice the GET and POST verbs for this API. Most modern APIs are defined using REST and JSON, and that's what you see here. Practice expanding and collapsing the views to see all the different options.

When you're happy, select InitialApplication GET:

Just like with Playground, you're able to interact with the business network using the same APIs as applications. It's quite a bit more technical as a view, but that's OKas a programmer, you should feel comfortable with this.

The API we've selected allows a program to query (GET) all the letters in a business network. If you select Try it out!, you'll see the following response:

This details show you the exact API that was issued. It was a GET request on the
http://localhost:3000/api/LetterOfCredit URL, and the response body shows the data that was returned. You should be able to see that it's very similar in structure to the Playground data, and if you scroll through the response, you'll see the two letters in the network.