There are so many thanks I need to share, and never enough pages to do so.
First and foremost, I want to thank my family. Living in Vermont, I am halfway across the world from my parents, on either side of the globe. To my family in Scotland, particularly my mum, Scott, and Charlotte, thank you for being my greatest support, the ones I can always call. To my family in Alaska, particularly my dad, for being my cheerleaders. To Grandma and Nana, with so much love.
Next, I want to thank both my friends and family for showing me what strength is. It’s what helped me write this draft. Daphne and I appreciated having all of you in our corner. To Remy and Noodles, my marketing support duo. To my CPs far and wide, Ellie, Carly H., Diana, the 21ders, and fellow authors. To June, Adalyn, and Katy for taking a chance on Daughter of Sparta and giving me the best blurbs I could ever ask for. To Molly, Guapo, Natalia, Autumn, Jeannie, Tori, Dexter, and Amy, and all my wonderful friends far and wide, too many to name here. I am so grateful for you all.
An enormous thanks to my team at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. This book wouldn’t be in your hands without the incredible Alvina Ling, Tracy Shaw, Bill Grace, Andie Divelbiss, my publicist Shivani Annirood, Andy Ball, Annie McDonnell, and Savannah Kennelly and the entire team at The Novl. I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to even write this beast without the hard work of T. S. Ferguson and Hallie Tibbetts, who fought for my story and had faith in me from the beginning. This story would also not be possible without my tireless editor Caitlyn Averett, who sprinted headlong with me on a marathon of revisions. Your insights were so appreciated.
A very emphatic thank-you to my team at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC. To Lauren Abramo, for bringing my books into the hands of readers all over the world. A massive, all-encompassing thank-you to my wonderful, thoughtful, determined agent, Amy Elizabeth Bishop, the champion Daphne and I are so grateful for. Also Z, of course.
Lastly, home is where the heart is. Infinite thanks to my loving partner, Zachary. My champion and rock, warm arms and heart. Nizhoni and Tuff deserve all the thanks and pizza too.