
After the girls finished decorating the tree, Sandy turned to Chloe. “I was thinking,” she began. “You and Elsa didn’t really get to meet each other properly; everything was so… crazy. Do you want to come see her?”

“Definitely!” Chloe replied with a big smile. She didn’t want to jinx things, but Chloe couldn’t help thinking that she and Sandy were on the way to becoming friends. Maybe even best friends!

Chloe followed Sandy to her room. “Be ready,” Sandy said over her shoulder as she opened the door just a crack. “Elsa does not like being trapped. She’ll probably try to bolt.”

“I’m ready,” Chloe assured her.

In one fast motion, Sandy opened the door and knelt down to preemptively block Elsa from escaping. “Go, go, go, go!” she urged Chloe, who dissolved into giggles as she scrambled through the doorway. Sandy was right behind her, and both girls cracked up as they crashed onto the braided rug in the middle of the room.

Elsa, who was snuggled on a pillow on one of the twin beds the whole time, opened her eyes. She didn’t look impressed.

“She’s so pretty,” Chloe said. “Do you think she’d let me pet her?”

“Sure,” Sandy said. She reached over and pulled Elsa into her lap. “She’s actually very cuddly when she’s not being chased by a dog she’s never met before.”

Chloe’s smile faded.

“I’m joking!” Sandy quickly said. “Charlie’s a great dog. He just… got a little carried away. Here—do you want to hold her?”

“Yes!” Chloe exclaimed. She settled on the floor and held out her arms. Sandy carefully passed Elsa to Chloe.

“Oh! She’s purring!” Chloe said quietly so that she wouldn’t startle Elsa.

“She likes you,” Sandy said.

“You think so?” Chloe asked, resting her ear against Elsa’s fur. “Because I love her. I always wanted a cat, but… you know. My dad’s allergies.”

“That’s too bad,” Sandy said sympathetically.

“If he would get allergy shots, it would help a lot,” Chloe confided. “But my dad didn’t see the point, especially because I love dogs, too.” Then a knowing smile crossed her face. “Of course, he might be more interested in getting those shots now.”

Sandy reached over and pulled Elsa back into her lap. “Oh?” she said.

“Of course! My dad would do anything for your mom,” Chloe said. “He’s totally crazy about her! It would be, like, embarrassing if it wasn’t so sweet.”

Sandy didn’t answer.

“Trust me, he’s not about to let some little cat allergy get in the way,” Chloe said.

At last, Sandy spoke. “Get in the way of what?”

“Their relationship!” Chloe said. “They seem really happy together, huh? I mean, really happy. I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad asks your mom to marry him! Wouldn’t it—”

“Let me stop you right there,” Sandy interrupted. Her voice was colder than the icicles hanging from the eaves outside. “I have literally no idea what you’re talking about.”

Chloe blinked in confusion. “I—our parents—”

“No.” Sandy shut her down. “Absolutely not. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but my parents are probably getting back together.”


“And even if they weren’t, my mom would never marry your dad,” Sandy continued, talking right over Chloe. “He is definitely not her type.”

Chloe’s knuckles dug into the rug as she pushed herself off the floor. She walked to the door with perfect posture and steady steps, aware of every muscle in her body as she tried to will away the tears that stung her eyes. She wasn’t going to cry in front of Sandy. She wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction.

Because that was what Sandy wanted, right? Chloe couldn’t think of any other reason why she would be so, well, mean. She didn’t understand it. One minute, Sandy seemed sweet and fun and cool. The next minute, she was insulting Chloe’s dad, acting like he wasn’t good enough for her mom. Acting like her mom wouldn’t ever lower herself to date him—let alone get married.

Chloe paused in the hallway. Does Sandy know something I don’t know? she wondered. What if Jessica had told Sandy that she and Dad were just friends? What if—what if she’d told Sandy that she was going to break up with Dad? For a moment, Chloe felt sick. What if Dad was planning to propose someday—but Jessica was already planning to dump him?

It was too horrible to think about.

Chloe was sure of one thing, though. She wanted to leave Mistletoe Cottage and never look back. Dad and I can have our own fun weekend, she thought fiercely as she strode toward the living room. Who needs them?

“Dad, I want—” Chloe announced as she burst into the living room.

Then she stopped short.

There were Dad and Jessica, slow dancing in the light of the little Christmas tree. From where she was standing, Chloe could see Jessica better than Dad. Jessica’s head rested against his shoulder, her eyes were closed, and there was the happiest smile on her face. Even from across the room, Chloe could tell that there was nowhere Jessica would rather be.

So what was Sandy talking about?

Dad and Jessica stopped dancing, and Chloe wished she hadn’t interrupted them.

“Hey there, sweetie,” Dad said, a look of concern on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Chloe said, forcing herself to smile even as her face turned red. She’d never been good at lying. “I’m just—tired.”

“Tired?” Dad repeated as he crossed the room. “I hope you’re not coming down with something. Your face is flushed. Do you feel feverish?”

Chloe ducked away from Dad’s hand as he reached for her forehead. “No, I’m fine. Just tired,” she said. “I was so excited about the trip that I barely slept last night—remember?”

That part, at least, was true.

“Would it be okay if I go back to our cabin and rest for a while?” Chloe asked.

Jessica and Dad exchanged a glance. They always seemed to be talking without any words.

“I’m pretty tired, too,” Jessica said. “I was up late finishing a project for work so I could take a few days off. I’ll probably need to lie down for a while this afternoon… unless you want me falling asleep at the dinner table!”

Chloe smiled again. She could tell that Jessica was trying really hard to connect with her… and to lighten the mood.

“Nothing wrong with a little afternoon siesta,” Dad announced. “Let’s plan to meet at the restaurant at six o’clock for dinner. I’ll call and make a reservation.”

“Thanks, Tom,” Jessica said. She looked like she wanted to say something else.

Oh, please don’t make Sandy come out here to say goodbye to me, Chloe worried.

Luckily, though, all Jessica said was, “Hope you get some good rest, Chloe.”

“And you, too,” Dad said to Jessica. “The restaurant up at the lodge is supposed to be excellent—definitely not a meal you want to sleep through.”

“Come here, Charlie,” Chloe said with her special whistle. He trotted over so that she could clip his leash to his collar. Then Chloe, Charlie, and Dad walked outside.

The pebbles on the path crunched under their feet as they set off for their cabin. When they were out of earshot, Dad sighed with relief. “Phew! I’m glad that’s over with,” he said.

“What do you mean?” Chloe asked, surprised. Dad was crazy about Jessica—right? Why would he be glad to leave?

“All the pressure,” Dad explained. “It’s stressful to meet people for the first time! I was pretty nervous this morning.”

“You were?” Chloe asked. “I had no idea.”

“Oh, sure,” Dad told her. “What if you didn’t like Jessica? What if you and Sandy didn’t get along? What if Sandy didn’t like me? Well—actually—I don’t think Sandy does like me—”

Chloe’s face turned red again. “That’s her problem, not yours,” she said, surprised by the anger in her voice. “You’re an awesome dad!”

“Yes, I know,” Dad said in that funny voice that always made Chloe laugh. “But this kind of thing is hard for everyone. A lot of stress. A lot of pressure. And—just between you and me—Sandy’s still struggling with her parents’ divorce.”

“I don’t get it,” Chloe replied. “I thought her parents got divorced, like, three years ago.”

“They separated three years ago,” Dad corrected her. “The actual divorce just became final last September.”

“Oh,” Chloe said. She still didn’t understand why Sandy would be having a hard time. After all, she’d had three years to get used to it.

“Anyway. Just something to keep in mind,” Dad said. He rubbed his eyes as they approached their cabin.

“Your allergies?” Chloe guessed.

Dad nodded. “They’ll probably get better now that we’re in a cat-free zone,” he joked. “Don’t worry about me, sweetie. Just get some rest.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Chloe said as she gave him a hug.

A couple of hours later, Chloe’s eyes opened. She sat up on the bed, momentarily confused, until she remembered that she was in a cabin at the lodge. Chloe stood up, stretched, and wandered into the living room. “Dad?” she called out. “Charlie?”

There was no sound—not even the clinking of Charlie’s tags.

That’s when Chloe noticed a note on the table.

Hey, sleeping beauty—I went to the lodge in search of some allergy medicine. Charlie has accompanied me. Back soon. Love, Dad

Chloe had just finished reading Dad’s note when she heard a key turning in the lock.

“Look who’s up,” Dad said, grinning at Chloe.

“Successful shopping trip?” Chloe asked as she glanced at the large paper bag in his hand.

“I bought every kind of allergy medicine they sell,” Dad said. “And one of these, too. Think fast!”

Chloe’s hand flew up just in time to catch the chocolate bar Dad tossed to her.

“Attagirl,” he said. “Great reflexes! But don’t ruin your appetite for dinner. We’re going to meet Jessica and Sandy soon.”

“I’ll just have a bite or two,” Chloe replied as she tore open the wrapper. It was her favorite kind.

Then Dad’s face grew serious. “Chloe,” he began, “I don’t want you to worry, but Charlie got sick on our walk.”

Chloe swallowed hard. Suddenly, she didn’t feel like eating the candy bar. She didn’t feel like eating anything. “His gastritis?” she asked. Her voice sounded higher than usual.

Dad nodded. “I was wondering—is there any chance you forgot to give him his medicine this morning?”

“No way!” Chloe exclaimed. “I always give it to him!”

She leaned over to pick up Charlie and buried her face in his fur.

“I know you do,” Dad said, patting Chloe’s back. “I just thought, maybe with all the excitement of packing and getting ready for the trip…”

Chloe paused, racking her brain as she thought back to that morning. Had she given Charlie his medicine? Or had she been in such a rush to pack everything that she could have forgotten?

Chloe shook her head. “I definitely gave it to him,” she told Dad. “I’m certain. It’s the first thing I do every morning. Even before I eat breakfast.”

“Okay,” Dad said. “That’s what I figured.”

“But if Charlie took his medicine, why is he sick?” Chloe asked anxiously. “He hasn’t eaten anything weird. He hasn’t had a flare-up in ages. Oh, Dad, do you think—”

“Nope,” Dad said firmly, cutting Chloe off before she could even say the words. “I don’t think there’s any reason to panic. Remember, it’s been an exciting—and stressful—day for Charlie, too. New people, new places, a long car ride…”

“Don’t forget an angry cat,” Chloe said, remembering Elsa’s claws swiping across Charlie’s nose.

“A very angry cat,” Dad agreed. “I’m not a vet, but I’d guess that would be enough to upset his stomach. Remember what Dr. Garcia said to do when Charlie has a gastritis attack?”

Chloe nodded. “Watch him carefully for twenty-four hours,” she said. “Make sure he has lots of water, takes his medicine, and only eats his special food.”

“And that’s exactly what we’re going to do,” Dad promised. “And if Charlie doesn’t get better—or if he gets worse—we’ll call Dr. Garcia right away. I promise.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Chloe said. As she stroked Charlie’s fur, he stretched and yawned, making Chloe and her dad laugh. Charlie didn’t seem sick, but Chloe still couldn’t help worrying about him. She couldn’t bear the thought of Charlie getting really ill and going back to the animal hospital again.

Dad stood up. “I’m going to figure out what to wear tonight,” he told Chloe. “The restaurant looks a little fancier than I expected. I don’t want to get kicked out for not wearing a tie.”

“I forgot we were going out to eat,” Chloe said. “Can I stay here with Charlie?”

“Let’s see how he does for the rest of the afternoon,” Dad told her. “If Charlie gets worse, of course we’ll cancel our dinner reservation. But if he’s doing okay, we should both go. This is a great chance for you to get to know Jessica and Sandy a little better.”

“Okay,” Chloe sighed. She’d much rather stay with Charlie than eat dinner with Sandy. But if Charlie had to get even sicker for Chloe to stay in, dinner with Sandy sounded great.