Penis-Thickening Mudra

Some men complain of not being well-enough endowed. Their penises are either too thin or too short. Just as the breasts are the primary symbol of femininity for women, there is no doubt that the penis plays the analogous role for men. In our modern society, some surgeons will operate on this organ to increase its size. Other doctors recommend injecting substances into the penis, or even implanting small balloons that can be inflated when necessary.

These synthetic techniques can have some efficacy, restoring the function of erection or simply replacing that function if a real erection is no longer possible. However, these techniques should be reserved for men who have undergone prostate surgery or who suffer from other pathologies. Instead, men who would simply like to have a bit “more” to work with can practice the following exercises.

These exercises can also be helpful for men with prostate problems, including early-stage prostate cancer. If a prostate adenoma is diagnosed in time, it can be eliminated through natural methods without any lasting effects. It may be best to let nature take its course, helping it along with a few simple exercises that can alleviate certain problems.


An erection is caused by the flow of blood into the corpora cavernosa—two spongy bodies inside of the penis. During arousal, a sphincter (a muscular ring) shuts off the capillaries that draw blood out from the penis. After the arousal ends, or after ejaculation, the sphincter relaxes and the blood flows back into the body, allowing the jade stalk to return to a position of repose.

By reinforcing the function of the sphincter, you can increase the blood pressure in your penis during erection, even to the point of permanently enlarging the corpora cavernosa. If these compartments are enlarged, they can hold more blood, which will necessarily lead to a larger erection than you previously had.

If you don’t tell your partner you are practicing this exercise, she or he is bound to notice the difference regardless. This will be further proof, if any is needed, of the effectiveness of this mudra. However, what goes up must sometimes come down; after a few weeks of this exercise, you may notice your penis losing some of its newly acquired volume. This is normal and temporary. After a few more sessions of the exercise, you will gain that volume back again.


Practice this mudra only when you already have an erection. For best results, practice it lying down in order to relax your entire body.

You will notice that this exercise restricts the blood circulation in your penis, perhaps even making it turn slightly blue. The veins and arteries close to the skin may swell up. Don’t panic—these reactions are natural. This is also an indication that you are practicing the exercise correctly.

Variation 1

You can also augment the flow of blood into the corpora cavernosa by firmly massaging the shaft of your penis within the circle created by your thumb and index finger, as in the exercise above. Massage your penis by moving this circle 3 or 4 centimeters toward the tip—but no further than that. This will squeeze a bit of blood up from the base of the penis, also allowing new blood to flow into the base as the bottleneck created by your thumb and index finger moves up.

You and your partner will both be impressed with the results of this exercise.

Variation 2

Remember that everything has a mental aspect and that your body is closely connected with your mind. You may wish to make use of this connection with a mental exercise that visualizes a larger penis.


As this mudra is concerned only with stopping the flow of blood from the penis into the rest of the body, it can easily be done on your own. However, a partner can also perform this function for you, creating the blockade with thumb and forefinger at the base of the penis.