Kidney-Toning Mudra

Because the kidneys govern sexuality and reproduction, according to Chinese medicine, it is important to protect and maintain their health. This mudra for toning and reinforcing the kidneys focuses on massage of the Kidney 1 point—the first point of the Kidney meridian, located near the center of the sole of the foot. The exercise is quite practical, in that you can do it while you are doing all manner of other things: watching television, reading, or working at a desk. The only requirement is that you need to sit still.

Use a golf ball. These small spheres are exactly the right size and hardness necessary for achieving the perfect effect. The small indentations in the surface help you to avoid losing your grip during the movements you will be practicing.


For most of us, this area of the foot is fairly sensitive. The reason for this is simple: the soles of the feet are where the Kidney meridian begins. Because Kidney energy is easily dissipated and must be continuously regenerated, the areas that reflect it are generally quite tender.