Mudra for Harmonizing Feminine and Masculine Energies
This mudra has three main effects on a couple’s energy. First, it stimulates excitement between the two partners. Second, it augments the circulation of energy between them. Third, it harmonizes the energies of the two partners. It is also fun to practice, as it works as both a marvelous introduction and a delicious conclusion.
Variation 1
Practice this mudra of global energy harmonization right at the beginning of your sexual activity, without any other preliminary foreplay.
Variation 2
In the middle of sexual relations, when the jade stalk is still within the jade garden—whether you have reached orgasm or not—stop all movement. Carefully place yourselves in the position of this double mudra, and practice it as described. Then slowly resume your sexual activity with the fire newly refueled.
Variation 3
It may happen—though this is rare—that after the sexual act, the partners cannot stand to remain in contact, or even talk with each other. If this is the case, you can practice this same exercise to soften the energy between you.
If you are practicing this mudra after sex, perform the steps in reverse order: kiss each other at the beginning of the mudra, then gently rub noses, then remain still, staring into each other’s eyes, before closing them and enjoying the serenity of this marvelous embrace. Above all, do not forget to slowly contract your anal muscles for the duration of the exercise.
By prolonging this period of stillness to a lesser or greater degree, you can discover the different forms of energy that circulate within and between you. Once you are properly accustomed to this exercise, you will find that it brings great pleasure.