Kissing Mudra

I debated with myself whether to include this mudra in the book, out of concern that readers might find it ridiculous to consider this prelude to sexual activity as something to be learned or analyzed. The first kiss is very often the first act of intimacy between two people who are attracted to one another. It is also the first “authorization” of intimate contact.

Kissing has a stimulating effect. It is closely connected to the senses of taste, smell, touch, the sense of propriety, and the awareness of the person with whom one is sharing the kiss. It brings on various emotions and psychological states, depending on whether it is long, short, incapable, languid, or spirited. It reveals whether someone is relaxed or inhibited, depending on whether it is free or restrained. It may convey fear, nervousness, or tranquility. It is said that the opening of the “upper” lips is a prelude to the opening of the “lower” lips.

We use forty muscles when we kiss. This releases the initial endorphins, which are the hormones of calm and contentment. A kiss can bring on a state of well-being, while still feeling exciting.

A man’s kiss is less tender than a woman’s, both because a man is more highly toned and because his muscles are larger. The tongue itself is all muscle, which explains a few things. A woman’s tongue is more finely tuned, and kissing is often more important for her because she is more sensitive and more romantic. Thus, during kissing, a woman’s physiological reactions are more rapid. The Bartholin’s glands begin secreting their liquid before the man even has an erection.


Practicing kissing is excellent for one’s mental and physical health. It fuels the fire, reminding you and your partner of your attraction to one another. It also serves as a barometer for measuring your psychological state and your partner’s, revealing far more than one might think.

Put some effort into inventing diverse forms and types of kisses. You will be surprised at the things that are possible in this regard, and at all the things you will discover. And above all, never forget that love is the most beautiful thing there is.