Melissa Boyde & Fiona Probyn-Rapsey, Series Editors
The Animal Publics series publishes new interdisciplinary research in animal studies. Taking inspiration from the varied and changing ways that humans and non-human animals interact, it investigates how animal life becomes public: attended to, listened to, made visible, included and transformed.
Animal Death
Ed. Jay Johnston & Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
Animal Welfare in Australia: Politics and Policy
Peter John Chen
Animals in the Anthropocene: Critical Perspectives on Non-Human Futures
Ed. The Human Animal Research Network Editorial Collective
Cane Toads: A Tale of Sugar, Politics and Flawed Science
Nigel Turvey
Engaging with Animals: Interpretations of a Shared Existence
Ed. Georgette Leah Burns & Mandy Paterson
Fighting Nature: Travelling Menageries, Animal Acts and War Shows
Peta Tait
The Flight of Birds: A Novel in Twelve Stories
Joshua Lobb
A Life for Animals
Christine Townend
Obaysch: A Hippopotamus in Victorian London
John Simons