The inspiration for this novel was born in a town on the Irish coast of Donegal in 2008. I was living in Dublin at the time and had gone on a brief vacation with some friends to an isolated house near the sea. There was a storm and lightning and countless other adventures, but nothing like what’s in this story; all the people and places herein are fictional.

But since then, from that first germ of an idea to the final text, there were several people responsible for bringing The Last Night at Tremore Beach to fruition. I want to thank them for helping make this book a reality.

First of all, Ainhoa, my fiancée, who always believed in this book and gave me some great ideas for scenes and characters. She’s capable of doing that and cooking dinner, amazingly, while I shuffled back and forth around the house with a pencil and paper, talking to myself about my problems. Thank you for your infinite patience and for being such a great partner and literary consultant.

To my mother, Begoña, and my brother Javi, who were the first ones to read the book, encourage me, and give me valuable comments and suggestions. Their thoughts helped shape the characters Judie and Peter as well as Peter’s relationship with his children. My brother Julen gave me wonderful insight into the “sensibilities” of Peter Harper. Plus, he created the magnificent book trailer.

Thanks also to Pedro Varela and Laura Gutierrez, doctors and friends who helped me with the medical aspects in the book. I tried to stay as true as possible to all hospital and psychiatric procedures (as well as the pharmacological terminology) they explained to me, though I took some creative license along the way for which I am solely responsible.

I also want to thank my agent, Bernat Fiol, who bet on me, on the book, and who also shared valuable feedback that helped make the story stronger and more dynamic.

And finally, to all those readers who wrote to me, encouraging me and asking me “what’s next.” Well, this is what was next. And I hope you enjoyed it.