I WANT TO thank God, and also thanks to my entire family, especially my mother for being the strong woman that you are; my father for making me the man that I am; my grandparents George and Betty Lofton for raising me in the Lord; and to Elzie and Stella Brock Jr. for helping me to believe that everything and anything is possible.

I would like to thank my siblings, Tamela, Moses aka Marvin Driver III, Trice aka Patricia, and Lil Sam, who I experienced life with. I want to thank my mother-in-law, Mrs. Inett Jackson, and my father-in-law, the late Walter Jackson, and my stepdad Sam Gray Jr., for taking us in and loving us. Thanks, too, to all my uncles and aunts.

Thanks to my high school coaches, Mike Truelove, Jimmy Duffer, and Boyce Honea; my college coach Cordell Jones; to Alicia Shields and to the entire Packers organization, including Bret Favre, Ron Wolf, Bob Harlan, Ray Rhodes, Mike Sherman, Mike McCarthy, Ray Sherman, James Franklin, Jimmy Robinson, and Edgar Bennett. My special thanks to Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, pastor Johnny White and Calvary Baptist Church, pastors Barker and Cummings.

I would like to thank my friend and agent Brian Lammi, the entire Lammi Sport Family team, cowriter Lori Nickel, and my writing partner Peter Golenbock. Also my thanks to my editor, Mary Choteborsky, of Crown Publishers, and all my business partners.

Lastly, to the BROS … You know who you are.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!