
The year was 1985. I sat somewhat nervously, notebook on lap, surrounded by a group of my friends and colleagues, all waiting for our minds to be blown and our lives to be changed. The book-lined study of Dr. Gerald (Jerry) Epstein’s New York City apartment was our launching pad, and we were all about to buckle up for a wild ride of information that would change the way we saw ourselves and each other, and the way we would come to help our patients.

As our group of chiropractors met, week after week, we all took in the information in our own way, as will all of you sitting in the classroom of this book. Well, that’s not unusual. But what was new to us, and is probably new to you too, is that we were realizing that the ways we were different in how we were comprehending our lessons had less to do with things like our note-taking ability or study habits, and more to do with the shape of our nose or the depth of our philtrum (the vertical groove between the nose and the upper lip). What strange land had we stumbled upon? It was the ancient, sacred art of face morphology, and once you make the leap into this perspective, there is no turning back. Once you take the informal oath to look compassionately at all faces with a commitment to honor the sacred and unique expression that each face is, the world suddenly becomes populated with billions of reflections of the Infinite, all revealing their deep and complex nature right there on their face.

Well, that seminar series eventually ended and off we all went to use this material in our chiropractic practices. And as could easily have been predicted, one of us took this material and started using it with a confidence and level of mastery that could only bear the name Jennifer Lamonica. Jennifer is a phlegmatic Lymphatic, a morphological type that is a highly organized repository of information. In fact, when it comes to information that can help her help her patients, I would dare say she is insatiable. Over the years I have watched her study just about every chiropractic technique that crosses her path, and if she can use something she learned in a weekend seminar to help even one of her patients, well, few things make her happier than greeting that patient on Monday with a new way to take their healing even further.

I’ve watched her pore over journal after journal, clipping and filing research articles, nutritional discoveries, physiological breakthroughs, anything that represents a puzzle piece in her ever-evolving understanding of the miracle of the human body. I’ve watched her gather degrees and certificates (acupuncture, nutrition, mental imagery, etc.), all with such a natural and authentic desire to help people that unless you know Jennifer it is hard to imagine.

The funny thing is that she is so intuitive, all her vast knowledge and education act like mere iron filings in the magnetic field of her deep innate wisdom as a healer.

And so, as a face morphologist, when Jennifer looks at a face she sees everything she has ever studied revealed in the contours of that face’s geometry. Whether a glance at a face points her to ask her patient questions about blood chemistry, marital status, joint pain, emotional upset, chronic infection, or anything else, you can pretty much trust it will lead to revelations that heal in a profound way.

About thirty-four years have passed since that first seminar in Jerry’s apartment. And here we are. Jennifer has been called to the task, at the request of Dr. Epstein, of funneling this forty-five-hundred-year-old oral tradition into this book. She has painstakingly culled this material from thirty years of notes (many of which contain Zen koan–like statements that defy logical explanation). And so the book in your hands is a multilayered compendium. It has numerous invisible layers at its base, composed of millennia of esoteric oral tradition. It begins to come into focus with Madame Colette Aboulker-Muscat, taught by her father (and to my understanding this was unusual since she was a girl). Colette had extraordinary abilities that became evident at a young age. Another layer forms as Jerry leaves his conventional practice as a psychiatrist to follow Colette’s teachings and to devote his professional life to helping his patients with this method. Which brings us to Jennifer’s contribution: from my perspective, what Jennifer brings to this ancient river of teachings is heart, devotion, humility, and an uncanny talent as a healer.


REBBIE STRAUBING is a chiropractor, the founder of the Yoga of Alignment (YOFA), author of Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment, and creator of two forms of remote energy work for people and animals: the YOFA jhe Sessions and YOFA Energy Sessions. A singer-songwriter who has created a body of spiritual chants for meditation and healing, she is also an animal communicator and practitioner of Ho‘oponopono.