The phone in Lida’s office rang several times. Just as Diana was about to hang up, one of the students answered.
She had just missed Lida, it seemed. Lida had been there talking to Mrs. Semple, and then she had gathered up her things and gone.
Diana grinned at the thought of Lida and Mrs. Semple together. In conversation with the other members of the department, Lida referred to Semple as “The Missus.” When speaking to Diana alone, however, Lida called her “that douche bag.” She could hardly wait to hear Lida tell of it.
She transferred her call to the departmental office and found that Lida was in a meeting. The Library Committee, the secretary thought.
Oh, God. No wonder Lida had wanted to talk last night. Jerry Felton was on the Library Committee and Lida hadn’t seen him—or any other man—since that awful business in the hospital.
She wished now that she had phoned Lida as she’d promised.
Maybe she would go to Lida’s. Yes. She would do the grocery shopping, and then, as soon as she’d put everything away, she’d drive over there.