Making the Running was somewhat of a step into the unknown for me, and one of its themes in particular posed challenges. I would like to thank those who shared their experiences and helped to make this book that little bit more authentic, and I hope that I have handled the storylines inspired by them with tact. It is important to mention that the events in this book are not a manual on what every addict goes through, but a fictional version of what is possible.
As ever, my thanks to my wonderful editor, Michelle Foster, and my BETA readers, Michelle Knight and Kelsey Kissel. Much of Making the Running’s research was completed in previous novels or date back to my own experiences in racing yards, with the exception of a few facts. For those my thanks extend to Dan Skelton.
And last, but by no means least, thanks to Harriet Jones and the rest of the Jones family, who introduced me to murder mystery parties in a way that made it impossible not to include in the story.