Varieties of Cannabis
Anumerous wonderful aspect concerning the Cannabis plant is that it comes in a wide range of varieties. No two types of cannabis are equal, and they likewise come in both the male and female assortment. Some are tall and thin, others are short and bold, and still, others are a lot smaller. All strains of cannabis come from the Cannabaceae group of plants. A few specialists consider that Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa are the two-principle subspecies, albeit a few people think they are completely separate and unique species.
To make a strain, cultivators select an assortment of attributes to create the effect they need. This is a comparative procedure to how breeders select specific attributes in canines. Individuals regularly portray cannabis strains as being Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid. Hybrid alludes to a strain made by crossbreeding both Indica and Sativa strains.
Cannabis exists in numerous assortments and sub-species. Cultivators and ranchers have, for some time, been reproducing various assortments with specific attributes to make hybrids and explicit strains. Every cannabis strain has an alternate convergence of the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), just as different mixes. Growers develop the plants to have a specific look, taste, and effects on the client and brand them as needs be.
Right now, writing about the effects of various cannabis strains comes overwhelmingly from an individuals' encounters. Although specialists are considering the effects of an assortment of cannabis strains on a scope of ailments and there is, as of yet, far to go here.
Numerous growers crossbreed specific cannabis plants to grow new strains with explicit attributes. Specialists recommend that there are more than 700 strains of cannabis.
One of the most significant qualities of a cannabis strain is the THC content. A few standards exist on naming each strain, yet numerous growers don't name their product per these guidelines. Regardless of these orders, hybridization and crossbreeding have implied that individuals can't tell precisely the amount THC is in a specific plant by just taking a gander at its physical highlights.
Continue researching to become familiar with cannabis strains, and which are the most mainstream and easy to find.
Different types of cannabis are available in the market which includes:
3.1. Cannabis Sativa
This plant grows quite large reaching up to 15 feet in some cases, leaves are long, dainty, and narrow. Considering their high potential, these are perfect for outdoor growing. The seeds are soft to the touch with no spots or markings on them. Do not expect this plant to flower quickly because a Sativa takes its precious time and even shifting the light cycle could have little effect on this. It also can enhance your creativity depending on the person. This is the strain you use when you want to be up and active during the day since it raises your energy and opens you up to fresh new ideas. If you are an artist of some sort, you may love this one.
Canapa Sativa Siciliana from campi Molino Crisafulli, in Caltagirone (Catania) - Italy
Sativa is known for a high ratio of THC and CBD, the two active primary cannabinoids. In Cannabis Sativa, dominant strains are typically higher in THC than CBD. While this makes it less likely to be used for medicinal purposes, they also work well to combat the symptoms of fatigue, mood disorders, depression, and much more.
3.2. Cannabis Indica
It is a more solid strain in comparison to Sativa but it does not have the height a Sativa can achieve. Generally, it grows between 3 to 6 feet tall, is a bushy plant with round healthy leaves, unlike the Sativa. However, they both have marble-colored soft seeds. The attributes and height indicate a short plant is perfect for indoor growing.
Legally grown outdoor Indica Plant "Black Cookies”
Additionally, it flowers much faster and can be influenced much easier by adjusting the light cycle to promote flowering. This species is most commonly found in countries like Nepal, Lebanon, Morocco, and Afghanistan. If you want to make hashish, this weed is a stoner's favorite since it is more likely to make you sedated and put your entire body into a state of relaxation. It also often contains more CBN (another cannabinoid). CBN is the aged form of THC. There may also be a fair amount of CBD in it. This will surely take you where you want to go, far and beyond just a regular high with its qualities and helps with insomnia alleviating, pain, inducing relaxation of muscles, muscle spasms, calming, anxiety headache and migraine relief and much more as the compounds all work together.
3.3. Cannabis Ruderalis
You will rarely hear anyone talking about Cannabis Ruderalis, which is one of the primary varieties. It is usually pretty short-statured, growing between 20 and 25 inches in height similar to the Indica strains. This plant has a very thick foliage. This plant is usually found growing in the northern regions of the world. Ruderalis has an extremely early and fast flowering cycle because it grows further north (it is found in countries such as Russia) than any other type of cannabis and so it doesn't have the luxury of spending a lot of time to mature before cold weather hits. One of the reasons you hear a little about this strain is because it is known to be highly psychotropic. Its high content of CBD (Cannabidiol) is making it progressively famous as rearing stock for medicinal uses.
Ruderalis is intriguing in the way that it blossoms dependent on age as opposed to the light cycle. This is called auto-flowering. This implies that regardless of whether or not it is developed inside under 24 hours of light, it will consequently begin to deliver blossoms on its hereditary calendar. So, when it is crossbreed with an Indica or Sativa they will probably cauliflower and have a higher CBD content. Ruderalis is additionally very impervious to harm by creepy crawlies or plights. Cannabis Ruderalis and its hereditary/health advantages have radically changed the way geneticists and seed reproducers are creating strains. It is one of the least utilized base hereditary qualities to date which is quickly evolving industry wide. It is used primarily as a source of additional genetic material by breeders and cultivators. That way hybrids that flower early can be bred, and certain strains can be adjusted so that they grow better in northern climates. Hybrids in modern cannabis cultivation come from breeding. There are a huge number of varieties available resulting from many years of intense mixing and hybridization that have created a huge spectrum of these three primary varieties.
3.4. Industrial Hemp
Industrial hemp, or hemp, is typically found in the northern hemisphere and is a variety of the Cannabis Sativa plant species that have been grown specifically for industrial use. It is one of the fastest-growing plants and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago. It can be refined into a variety of commercial items including paper, textile clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food for animals.
Close up of hemp plants inside a greenhouse
Hemp was a cash crop in America until the passage of the 1937 cannabis Tax Act. According to the research, hemp has a low THC content and isn't worth smoking. Additionally hemp is federally legal as long as it does not surpass a THC content of 0.3%, whereas cannabis is still federally illegal.
Now while these different types of strains are available in the industry, we'll learn here that the differences may not be as great as you may initially think. Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis, and Hemp cannabis have different looks, different morphologies, but the actual difference between these plants may not be as great as you may think.
3.5. Differences in the Varieties You Should Know
I'm going to make you familiar with some Sativa and Indica strains. Sativas, in general, are going to be something that you want to use during the day for a more active, more focused high. We've got the strain Super Sour Diesel, which is a high THC Sativa and the Strawberry Satori's, both great and usually provide a euphoric, energetic high as opposed to the heavy Indica, like the strain Triple X, which you might want to smoke right before going to bed as it might be heavily sedating. As we’ve discussed, CBD is the second most commonly found compound in the plant next to THC and will help target pain, provide alleviation and could help with sleep. Something like the Harlot Zoo is going to have little to no THC, whereas the strain Harlequin is going to have a little more of a balanced midrange such as 6-7 % THC and maybe a 10 to 15% CBD. Then we've got the many hybrids in between, like a Cherry Pie, which also has a lower THC. This one came back at 15% THC, which would be a good place to start if you are new to cannabis or haven’t smoked in awhile, as opposed to going with something that has a 26% THC content. One of my personal favorites is the strain Strawberry Satori, which I hope you're going to start seeing around in town a lot more because of the clarity it provides. Again, it has an active, focused high as well as nice fruity smell and flavor. A strain like Goji OG has a beautiful structure but it's not going to have a pungent smell whereas all of those previously described have a very heavy fruity flavor.
As a disclaimer: different morphologies allow classifying on this basis and that's typically what was used to classify them into different categories. However, the Phenotype does not always match the Genotype . The backgrounds of some plants are not always well known due to the blending of genetics and while general characteristics are presented, please realize that plant behavior may not always match the cannabinoids. This is due to the lack of shared knowledge between researchers and general public. For example, due to federal illegality in the United States, the general public does not realize that there are many studies and research completed of the cannabis plants, whereas in Israel, studies are completed and published frequently, allowing for a better dispersal of information.
Much of this traces back to the underground market having an abundance of “control” on the product. Now I think legal advancements have opened up the market for more varieties. Two plants by the same name may not be the same genetics. We're getting into something that may look initially the same but when observed under the microscope and during scientific testing, we're seeing some great differences that do occur. So, we would think the plants would be accurate and consistent during current times but without genetic markers being tracked, there is a high chance of mix-ups occurring just from grower error, with the possibility of misinformation being spread for the purpose to protect breeders as well. There are two factors at play: pride contributes to the fact that these names aren't necessarily directly matching up. Our names when defined will often describe the structural morphology of the plant, while not taking into consideration the chemical profile of the plant, creating inaccurate correlation. The same strain from two different suppliers can have vastly different chemical profiles. Sellers will often say when you find a good strain, stick with that supplier but this is not a long-term solution. This variability presents a huge challenge especially for the medical market and as a result, many have chosen to go with known names rather than the actual same material. They think they know exactly what they're getting every time. So, what does this mean? That means do not trust that the name matches a clearly defined set of effects. You should know that pure strains will ensure a consistent chemical profile regardless of the starting material. Extractions can be found in purified products which reduces variability compared to the use of the flower. Databases are being constructed so future understanding of cannabis will become a lot easier. However, the general characteristics of the three main types of cannabis will be presented here along with some concerns about those classifications.
3.6. Origin of Cannabis Indica
Cannabis Indica has its origin in neighboring countries of Pakistan and Afghanistan where climates are colder with shorter seasons. The plant has short and stocky leaves. Short and stocky leaves in general lend to be more conducive to indoor growth where space is often extremely limited. Due to its morphology, these dense plants with broad leaves lead to heavy production with the possibility of four to six crops per calendar year. Indicas are often marketed as offering relaxation, decreased nausea, pain and it is good for nighttime use.
3.7. Origin of Cannabis Sativa
The Sativas origins are found more towards the equator where the climate tends to be warmer and the days longer. The average daylight is stable over the year, which is why Sativas are thought to originate near the equator. Morphologically, these are considered to be the giraffe of the Cannabis plants. These have long and thin leaves, the opposite of the Indica. They’re physically the biggest of the three varieties due to the fact that they can have more continuous growth cycle. They look bigger in appearance and grow up to 15 feet tall and produce higher yields. Because it sometimes takes a little bit longer to get to this stage, so it comes at the cost of sometimes longer flowering times.
Specialists propose it is difficult to determine the categorization of a cannabis plant by taking a gander at its tallness, expanding, or leaf appearance. The best way to know the concoction creation of a cannabis-determined item is to break it down in a biochemical measure.