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Abs, Hermann, 19–22, 320
Achleitner, Paul, 234–36, 266, 345–48
Ackermann, Joe
background of, 97
at Bank of Cyprus, 338–39
at Credit Suisse, 97
death of, 124–25
at World Economic Forum, 209–10
at Zurich Insurance, 203–204, 210, 227, 338
Ackermann, Joe, at Deutsche Bank, 97–102, 119–21, 166, 169
appointment as CEO, 140–41
Bankers Trust acquisition, 65–66, 169
Bänziger and, 105–109
bombing attempt, 162–63
compensation systems, 101, 152
de facto CEO, 85, 98–102
Dresdner Bank deal, 82–83
financial crisis and, 141–42
Frankfurt Festhalle speech, 178–81
leadership style, 100–102
Mitchell’s death, 89, 91–92
Postbank acquisition, 148, 234
profits-at-any-price approach, 98–102, 103, 105–106, 109, 119–20, 130–32, 147–48, 157
retirement, 178–81, 192
return-on-equity target, 99–100, 108, 109
Russian business, 108–11, 200, 317–18, 340
sanctions-busting transactions, 103–105, 104n, 236
September 11 attacks (2001), 95–96
Trump loans, 166, 174
Albright College, 50, 217–18
Alfa Bank, 327
Allianz, 23
Alta Mira Treatment Center, 242–43, 244–45, 248
Alt-A mortgages, 131–32, 136–37, 138, 139, 195, 340, 360
American Civil War, 14
Apprentice, The (TV show), 118–19, 173
Army Rangers, U.S., 105, 105n
Arsenal Football Club, 170
Arthur, Chester A., 13
Arthur Andersen, 30
Art of the Deal, The (Trump), 123
Aryanization, 19–20
Asian financial crisis of 1997, 65
Auden, W. H., 230
Audi Q5, 282, 283–84
Auschwitz concentration camp, 20, 67
Avila, Jonathan, 217, 245
Bacon, Francis, 83
BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority), 263–65, 332
Banca Monte dei Paschi scheme, 208, 296
BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) (cont.)
Broeksmit and, 184–85, 186, 188, 263, 293–94
international banking rules, 165
Libor scandal, 263–64
Menke’s letter, 263–65
Val’s investigation, 249, 296, 332
BakerHostetler, 330–33
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, 154–56
BaFin investigation, 208
Broeksmit’s warnings about, 295–97, 301, 326
collapse, 193–94, 208
Deutsche derivatives scheme, 155–56, 193–94, 295
Italian investigation, 193–94
Val and Goracci, 301–304
Val and Justice Department, 320–21, 358
Bankers Trust
Deutsche Bank acquisition, 63–67, 68, 93, 147, 154
Trump loans, 64, 68, 74
Bank Leumi, 167, 169, 312
Bank of America, 28, 168–69, 312
Bank of Cyprus, 338–39
Bank of England, 209
Bannon, Steve, 305–306, 325
Bänziger, Hugo, 106–108, 161, 183
background of, 106–107
BaFin and Broeksmit, 184–85
Sewing and, 259, 348–49
sexual harassment allegations, 107–108, 108n
Barclays, 92
Baron, Stefan, 100
Barrack, Tom, 272
Barry, Maryanne Trump, 174
Bartmann, Flavio, 85–86, 204
Bean, Stephen, 88–89
Bear Mountain, 89
Bear Stearns, 74–75, 134
Beatles, the, 2
Belamar Hotel (Los Angeles), 279, 280, 281
Belton, Catherine, 321–22, 322n
Ben-Artzi, Eric, 159–62, 180, 195, 261
Ben-Artzi, Jonathan, 159–60
Benson, Harry, 2
Berlin Wall, 24, 42
Berman, Geoffrey, 344–45
Bernanke, Ben, 164
Big Bang (financial markets), 24
Big Short, The (movie), 138n
Bikini Robot Army (band), 218–19, 254–55, 283
Bittar, Christian, 128–30
background of, 129
compensation, 152, 264, 290, 291
investigation, 195–96, 264, 290–91
Libor scheme, 151–52, 195–96, 261, 290–91
Bloomberg, Michael, 99
BMW 8 Series, 47, 48
BMW X5, 181
Bogart, Humphrey, 20–21
Boies, David, 255
Bowers, Tom, 169, 170–75, 354
Brand, Jacques “Jack,” 4–7
DBTCA and, 187–88, 205–206
Trump loans and, 5–6, 7, 306
Breit, John, 38, 39, 40, 185, 206
Breitbart News, 238, 325
Breuer, Rolf-Ernst, 63–67, 82–83, 93
Bridge School, 244–45
Broeksmit, Alessa, 189–90, 207, 216, 223, 224, 285
Broeksmit, Alla, 156, 188
background of, 213–15
Bänziger’s fiftieth birthday party, 184
Bill’s burial, 244
Bill’s memorial service, 229–30
Bill’s retirement, 204, 210
Bill’s suicide, 3–4, 221–22, 224, 225, 227–28
Brooklin home, 39–40, 190, 244
move to London, 50, 83–84
Park Avenue apartment, 123
in Short Hills, New Jersey, 33–34
Val and, 213–20, 221–22, 242–44, 280, 281–82, 283–84, 300, 351–53
Virgin Gorda vacation, 207–208
wrongful-death lawsuit considerations, 243–44
Broeksmit, Bill
background of, 30–32
at Continental Illinois, 32–33
drinking and partying of, 32, 123–24
memorial service for, 229–30
at Merrill Lynch, 33–41, 48–49, 123, 126–27
Mitchell’s death and, 89–90, 122–23
Scott Mitchell and, 188–90
suicide of, 1–4, 221–30, 251–52, 287–89, 292, 341, 359–60
suicide notes, 223–24, 227, 229, 246–47, 280, 284–86
Val and, 39, 215–22
World Economic Forum and, 209
Broeksmit, Bill, at Deutsche Bank, 8, 51–52, 54, 83–84, 157
BaFin and, 184–85, 186, 188, 263, 293–94
Banca Monte dei Paschi scheme, 295–97, 301, 326
DBTCA and, 186–88, 191, 192, 204, 205–208, 223, 233, 241–42, 256, 285, 293–94, 317, 326–27, 358
Dixon and, 158–59, 326
ethical standards of, 58–59, 207, 359–61
hiring, 48–50
Libor scheme, 196, 288–94
offer of chief risk officer job, 183–85
retirements, 84–86, 85, 122–24, 204, 210
return as consultant, 135–37, 156
Senate investigation, 237–38
Val’s investigation, 279–86, 289–95, 298–304
Broeksmit, Bob, 31, 229–30
Broeksmit, Jack, 30–31
Broeksmit, Jane, 30–31
Broeksmit, Katarina, 207, 216, 223, 224, 244, 285
Broeksmit, Valentin “Val,” 213–21
author’s contacts with, 247–50, 252, 257, 279
Banca Monte dei Paschi investigation, 295–97, 301–304, 320–22
Deutsche Bank investigation, 279–86, 289–90, 298–304
drug rehab, 242–45, 248
drug use, 219, 282, 283, 300, 330, 331
early life of, 39, 213–17
education of, 50, 216, 217–18
father and Mitchell’s death, 89–90
father’s files, 225–26, 225n, 246–47, 249–50, 256–57, 300, 322, 355–56, 357–59
father’s memorial service, 230, 242
father’s retirement, 204
father’s suicide, 1–4, 222, 223–26, 227–29, 245, 252
father’s suicide notes, 223–24, 246–47, 280, 284–86
John Moscow and, 330–33
Justice Department and, 320–21, 357–59
Marie and, 351–53, 355, 359
mother’s computer files, 281–82, 283–84, 292–93
Senate investigation and Roach, 329–30
Senate report, 237
Simpson and, 324–27, 333, 333n
Sony Pictures hack, 253–55
Trump and The Art of the Deal, 123
Brooklin, Maine, 39–40, 190, 244
Browder, Bill, 331
Brown University, 69
Buffalo Bills, 270, 271
Buffett, Warren, 75
Bush, George W., 162, 164
Business Executives for National Security, 334–35
BuzzFeed, 324
Byrne, Richard, 114–16, 119, 175–77, 274–75
Callable interest rate swaps, 34
Capital ratio, 182–83, 192
Carbon-emissions permits, 150–51, 191–92
Carney, Mark, 209
Casablanca (movie), 20–21
CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 127, 136–37, 138–40, 154
Central Presbyterian Church (New York City), 229
Cerberus Capital Management, 347
Charles de Gaulle Airport, 300
Cherednichenko, Alexander, 213–15, 216–17
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 194
Chicago Sun-Times, 214
Chrysler Building (New York City), 76
Cicero (magazine), 263
Citigroup (Citicorp), 74, 120, 147, 167–68, 270
Citron, Robert, 40–41
Claremont McKenna College, 31, 31n
Clarke, Stuart, 174
Cleopatra (movie), 254
Climate change, 150–51
Clinton, Bill, 164
Clinton, Hillary, 307, 309
Cloete, Alan, 129, 262, 262n
Cohan, William, 74, 275
Cohen, Michael, 357
Cohn, Gary, 320
Cohrs, Michael, 92, 102–103
Colby College, 27
Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 127, 136–37, 138–40, 154
Colony Capital, 272–73
Columbia Business School, 69
Commerzbank, 82, 347–48
Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 194
Concorde, 45, 47, 88
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 343
Continental Illinois, 32–33
Cook County Juvenile Court, 214, 215
Cooper Horowitz, 75–76
Coppola, Francis Ford, 254
Craig, Sue, 307–308, 308n
Credit Suisse, 97, 106–107
Croatia, 122–23
Crossman, Alex, 142
Crow Indians, 13
Cryan, John, 298–99
appointment as CEO, 266–68
background of, 267
replacement as CEO, 345
Trump and, 307–308, 314
Cypriot banking, 231–33, 338–39
Daimler-Benz, 23
Daisy (dog), 4, 123, 220, 221, 223, 225, 230, 243, 286
Dartmouth College, 28
Davis, Sidney, 244
Davis, Steven, 105, 105n
DB Pace Acquisitions, 275
DBTCA. See Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
DeCoster, Jack, 27, 34
at Bankers Trust, 64–65
at Deutsche Bank, 43, 45–46, 117, 141–42, 147, 159–62, 164, 193, 194, 195, 207, 295, 339
at Merrill Lynch, 29–30, 32–33, 34–35, 38–39, 40–41
Derivatives Hall of Fame, 30
Der Spiegel, 24
Deutsche Bank. See also specific persons
anti-money-laundering systems, 110–11, 309–13, 342–43
Bankers Trust acquisition, 63–67, 68, 93, 147, 154
Berlin headquarters, 18–19
computer (IT) systems, 106, 106n, 148, 183, 188, 199, 310, 341–42
derivatives business, 43, 45–46, 51–52, 53, 117, 141–42, 147, 159–62, 164, 193, 194, 195, 207, 295, 339
Dresdner Bank deal, 82–83
early history of, 18–26, 42–43
emissions-trading strategy, 150–51, 191–92
entry into New York, 8–9
European debt crisis and, 162–64
financial crisis and, 134–35, 137–44, 146–47, 161, 196, 261, 270
founding of, 15–16
Frankfurt headquarters, 22, 24, 25, 43, 151, 298
IPO, 95–96
leverage ratio, 130–31, 146–47, 160–61, 192
London headquarters, 51–52, 86
Manhattan headquarters, 112, 163–64
Morgan Grenfell acquisition, 24–25, 42–43
Nazi Party and, 19–21, 66–67, 182
profits-at-any-price approach, 99–102, 103, 105–106, 109, 119–20
rights offerings (May 2014), 235–36
sanctions-busting transactions, 103–105, 236
share price, 98, 146–47, 234, 260, 265, 267, 299, 339
Villard and Northern Pacific Railway, 13, 14–15, 17–18
vorstand, 52–54, 77, 85, 130, 140
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (DBTCA)
Broeksmit and, 186–88, 191, 192, 205–208, 223, 226, 233, 241–42, 256, 285, 293–94, 317, 326–27, 332–33
Federal Reserve and, 110–11, 187, 194, 205–206, 241–42, 249–50
Renaissance Technologies trades, 152–54, 186, 237–39, 325, 348
Russian money laundering, 110, 198–99, 232–33
Trump loans, 176, 186, 271, 273–75, 317
Val and father’s files, 223, 226, 249, 256, 258
Wall Street Journal story, 241–42, 249–50
Deutsche Telekom (DT), 43
De Weck, Pierre, 169, 174, 174n
Dingell, John, 153
Dire Straits, 133
Dirksen Senate Office Building, 329
Dixon, Troy, 157–59, 326
Dobson, Michael, 44–45
Dodds, Simon, 293–94
Donald J. Trump Foundation, 342
Dowd, John, 343
Dresdner Bank, 82–83
Dublin School, 216, 217
Dunbar, Nicholas, 138
Early 2000s recession, 98
Ebola virus, 273
“Economic nationalism,” 305–306
Economist, The, 124, 182
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 22, 320
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 229
Epstein, Jeffrey, 310
Estelle (Edson’s girlfriend), 188
Broeksmit’s memorial, 230
Edson’s death, 88, 89, 122–23
Gstaad vacation, 83
Maine beach vacation, 84–85
meeting Edson, 60–62
European debt crisis, 162–64
European Union (EU), 150, 231, 306, 339
Evelyn Gardens house (London), 3, 221–22, 225
Faissola, Maria, 156, 183, 225
Faissola, Michele, 183, 267, 353
Banca Monte dei Paschi scheme, 155–56, 208, 295–97, 302
Broeksmit’s memorial service, 230
Broeksmit’s suicide, 224, 225, 225n, 228
Qatar investment, 347n
Fan, Colin, 135, 239–40, 262, 267
Fannie Mae, 34–35
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 205, 254, 291–92, 357, 358, 359
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. See BaFin
Federal Register, 343
Federal Reserve, 41, 65, 140, 164, 256, 343
DBTCA and, 17, 110–11, 194, 205–206, 241–42, 249–50
Ferron, Mark, 128, 129, 135, 151
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), 201, 311
Financial crisis of 2007–2008, 134–35, 137–44, 146–47, 161, 196, 261, 270
Financial Times, 66, 230, 321–22
First Amendment, 255
First Boston, 70
Fitschen, Jürgen
appointment as CEO, 180, 181, 182–83
Broeksmit’s suicide, 226
carbon-emissions tax fraud, 191–92
return on equity, 191, 260
stepping down as CEO, 265, 266
at World Economic Forum, 210
Flohr, Bob, 44–45, 55, 60, 86
Force majeure, 143–44
Fordham University, 166
Four Seasons (New York City), 172
40 Wall Street (Trump Building; New York City), 76–77, 316, 328
Fox Business Network, 255
Fox Chase Farm, 55
Fox News, 277–78, 324
Frankfurt Festhalle, 178–81, 258, 259–60, 265
Freshfields, 292–93
Freud, Lucian, 83
Frick Collection, 277
FSB (Federal Security Service), 109
Fury (movie), 254
Fusion GPS, 323–24, 325, 330–31
Gaines, Carl, 276–77
Gambino, Calogero “Charlie,” 251–52, 293
Garrison, William Lloyd, 14
Gates, Bill, 75
Geanakoplos, John, 252
Geithner, Tim, 164
General Motors Building (New York City), 113
General Services Administration (GSA), 272–73
German language, 181–82, 259
Giuliani, Rudy, 96
Gmail, 281–82, 284–85
Gold Creek, Montana, 13–15
Goldman, Daniel, 354, 355–56
Goldman Sachs, 43, 139, 270
Bannon at, 305
Ben-Artzi at, 160
Kennedy at, 70–72
Offit at, 69–72
Goldsborough, Matt, 218, 282–83
Good Time Charlies (band), 218
Goracci, Luca, 301–304, 320–21
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 24, 179
Gorsuch, Neil, 338n
Gosling, Ryan, 138n
Graff, Rhona, 274
Grant, Ulysses S., 13
Gray, Michael, 301, 301n
Great Recession, 137–38, 146–47, 305
Greek debt crisis, 162–63, 165
Greenberg, Ace, 74–75
Greenspan, Alan, 144
Grosvenor Hotel (London), 87
Gstaad, 83
Guardians of Peace, 252–55
Gulf War, 70
Haber, Steven, 174
Halloween (movie), 214
Harding, Luke, 197
Hard Rock Hotel, 282–83
Harvard University, 239
Hellenic Bank, 231–33
Heroin, 282, 283, 300, 330, 331
Herrhausen, Alfred, 23–25, 100
assassination of, 25–26, 42, 66
Hevesi, Alan, 66–67
“Hey Momma” (song), 218–19
Hezbollah, 105
Hirst, Damien, 123
Hitler, Adolf, 19–20
HM Customs and Excise, 149–50
Holocaust, 19–20, 66–67, 213
Holyfield, Evander, 78
Hotel Arts Barcelona, 133–34
House Financial Services Committee, 353, 356
House Intelligence Committee, 353–54, 355–56
Housing bubble, 134, 137–40, 157–58
Hussein, Saddam, 104
I.G. Farben, 20
Import tax, 150
Informationsflut, 107
Ingram, Kevin, 72–73, 73n
Instagram, 351, 352
Institute of International Finance (IIF), 164–65, 192
Interest rates, 9, 31, 34, 38–39, 40, 41
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 163, 299, 327
Intesa Sanpaolo, 155
Iran sanctions, 103–105, 236
Iraq, 104–105
Irish banking crisis, 162–63
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, 105
ITunes U, 252
Jacobson, Paul, 73
Jain, Anshu
ackground of, 47, 57
at Merrill Lynch, 47
Jain, Anshu, at Deutsche Bank, 48, 53, 54, 63, 105–106, 124–26, 130–35, 187, 233–36, 237, 259–67
appointment as CEO, 180–83
Banca Monte dei Paschi scheme, 193–94, 295
Bittar’s bonus, 152, 264, 290
Broeksmit’s memorial service, 230
Broeksmit’s retirement, 191, 192, 204
Broeksmit’s suicide, 226–28, 292
Broeksmit’s suicide note, 223, 224, 227, 229, 246–47, 286
carbon-emissions tax fraud, 191–92
Der Inder nickname, 124–25
financial crisis, 134–35, 141
leadership style, 125–26, 135–36, 142
Mitchell’s death, 91–92
Mitchell’s recruitment of, 47
Publicis deal, 102–103
resignation as CEO, 6–7, 265–67
rights offering, 235–36
risk taking, 57–58, 92, 102–103, 128, 134–35, 137
Scott Mitchell and, 189, 190
Trump loans and, 6–7, 118, 173, 176, 271, 273–74
at World Economic Forum, 209–10, 261
Jain, Geetika Rana, 47, 57, 209, 210, 235, 267
Jaysh al-Mahdi, 105
Jay-Z, 178
J.P. Morgan & Co., 112
JPMorgan Chase, 51, 95, 147, 247, 270, 310
Justice Department, U.S., 195
Deutsche Bank money laundering, 344–45
Deutsche Bank penalty, 339–40
Libor investigation, 291
Trump presidency and, 344–45
Val and father’s files, 320–21, 357–59
Kavanaugh, Brett, 338
Kebede, Kassy
Mitchell and Estelle, 60–61
Mitchell’s death, 89
recruitment, 47, 48
Kebede, Liya, 47
Keitel, Harvey, 59
Kelly, Megyn, 277–78
Kennedy, Anthony, 70, 74, 90–91, 139, 336, 338
Kennedy, Justin
background of, 70
at Goldman Sachs, 70–72
Trump presidency, 336–38
Kennedy, Justin, at Deutsche Bank, 80
departure, 145
housing crisis, 139–40
Mitchell’s death, 90–91
recruitment, 73–74
Trump loans, 75–76, 113, 115–17, 145
Khuzami, Robert, 93, 344–45, 345n
Kim Jong Un, 253
Kissinger, Henry, 24, 179
Kohl, Helmut, 24, 25–26
Komansky, David H., 86
Kopper, Hilmar, 42–44, 53
Kostin, Andrey, 109–10
Kostin, Andrey, Jr., 110, 196–98
KPMG, 154
Kravis, Henry, 75
Kroenke, Stan, 170
Kushner, Charles, 275–76, 312
Kushner, Jared, 169, 172, 275–77, 315–16
Deutsche Bank investigation, 310, 311–13, 312n, 316, 358
Deutsche Bank loans, 275–76, 306–307, 336–37, 356
New York Observer, 172, 276, 277, 336–37
Kushner, Seryl, 277, 306–307
Kushner Companies, 169, 275–77, 311–13, 315–16, 336–37
Kvalheim, Grant, 47–48, 92
Labor Department, U.S., 343–44
Labor unions, 78, 234, 264–65
Lagarde, Christine, 179, 299
LaGuardia Airport, 278
“Last Day of Our Acquaintance, The” (song), 90, 229
Las Vegas, 32, 282–83
Latvian money laundering, 110–11, 118, 332
Lehman Brothers, 4, 63, 66
Lemon, Don, 278
Levin, Carl, 153–54, 238–39
Levinson, Charles, 256–57
Lewis, Michael, 138n
Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate), 151–52
Broeksmit and, 288–94
criminal investigations, 195–96, 261–62
criminal settlement, 261–62
Gambino and, 251
Menke’s letter, 263–64
Lincoln, Abraham, 14
Lippmann, Greg, 138–40, 138n
Little Dix Bay Resort, 207–208
Loans to Donald Trump. See Trump, Donald, loans
Loat, Martin, 58–59, 62, 101, 102, 207
Lojevsky, Igor, 197
London Ambulance Service, 222
London Wall, 86
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 126
Los Angeles Times, 41
Lotus Notes, 188
Lufthansa, 23
McFadden, Tammy, 309–13, 342, 358
Machu Picchu, 345
Maggiore, Lake, 81
Majd, Saman, 124, 204
Make America Great Again (MAGA), 269
Manafort, Paul, 343
Mannesmann, 120
Manufacturers Hanover, 74
Mar-a-Lago, 115, 118, 175
Marks, Tom, 32
Meltzer, Larry, 279–81, 282, 300
Menke, Frauke, 263–65
Mercer, Rebekah, 325
Mercer, Robert, 152–53, 238, 325
Merkel, Angela, 120–21, 163, 179, 306
Merrill Lynch
Broeksmit at, 33–41, 48–49, 123, 126–27
derivatives business, 29–30, 32–33, 34–35, 38–39, 40–41
Misra at, 126–27
Mitchell at, 28–30, 33–40, 44–45
O’Neal at, 49, 86
Orange County fiasco, 40–41, 49, 295
Trump loan default, 113–14
Microsoft Excel, 160–61, 188, 326
Miles, Liz, 31–32
Mirror trades, 198–99, 232, 344, 357, 358
Misra, Rajeev
background of, 126
at Merrill Lynch, 126–27
Misra, Rajeev, at Deutsche Bank, 127–28
financial crisis and, 134–35
Jain’s resignation, 266
resignation, 135
risk-taking, 127–28, 127n, 131, 138
Mission: Impossible (movie), 88
Mitchell, Dara, 78, 308, 309
Mitchell, Edson, 27–30
airplane crash of, 88–90, 122
background of, 27–28
Estelle and, 60–62, 83, 84–85, 88
at Merrill Lynch, 28–30, 33–40, 44–45
personality of, 36–37
Mitchell, Edson, at Deutsche Bank, 51–62, 79–86, 267
Bankers Trust acquisition, 63–67, 68
Christmas parties, 87–88
Dresdner Bank deal, 82–83
hiring, 8, 44–46
management style, 55–57, 125, 157
recruitment efforts, 46–50, 54–56, 72–73
Mitchell, Ellen, 60, 189–90
Mitchell, Scott, 60, 135, 188–90
Mitchell, Suzan, 28, 29, 50, 55, 59–60
Mitchell, William, 287–89
Mnuchin, Steven, 70–71, 72, 308, 309, 320, 334, 343
Moby (musician), 355
Monte dei Paschi di Siena. See Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Moore, Simon, 287
Morandi, Michael, 208, 223, 226–27, 228, 230, 285
Morgan Grenfell, 24–25, 42–43
MortgageIT, 131–32, 136–37, 138, 139, 195, 340, 360
Mortgage Observer, 276–77
Moscow, John, 330–33
Moscow College of Agriculture, 213
Mountain Home Inn (Mill Valley), 256
Muccia, Daniel, 241–42, 249, 264
Mueller, Robert, 342–43
Museum Tower (New York City), 76, 95, 140
NatWest, 74
Nazi Party, 19–21, 23, 66–67, 182, 213
Neiberger, Christopher, 105, 105n
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 159
New York blizzard of 1996, 71
New York Department of Financial Services, 236
New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), 69
New York Observer, 172, 276, 277, 336–37
New York Palace Hotel, 14n
New York Post, 301, 301n
New York Rangers, 168
New York Stock Exchange, 95–96
New York Times, 140, 169, 307
New York Yankees, 168
Noble, Dan, 354
North American blizzard of 1996, 71
Northern Pacific Railway, 13, 14–15, 17–18
North Korea and Sony Pictures hack, 252–55, 281
Northwestern University, 32
Nothing Personal: A Novel of Wall Street (Offit), 308
Obama, Barack, 147, 176, 269–70, 339–40, 344
citizenship conspiracy theories, 176, 269–70
Obamacare, 241
Occupy Wall Street, 163–64
O’Connor, Sinéad, 90, 229
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 343
Offit, Avodah, 68
Offit, Kenneth, 68, 76
Offit, Mike, 68–72, 308
background of, 68–69
at Goldman Sachs, 69–72
Nothing Personal, 308
Trump campaign and presidency, 308–309, 334–36
Offit, Mike, at Deutsche Bank, 72–74, 170
firing, 80, 81, 308
hiring, 72–74
Trump loans, 75–80
Offit, Morris, 69
Offit, Sidney, 68, 78
O’Malley, Sean, 332
O’Neal, Stanley, 49, 86
Orange County bankruptcy, 40–41, 49, 295
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 146
Otting, Joseph, 343
OxyContin, 320
Palio di Siena, 154, 303
Panama Papers, 199, 341
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 237–38
PayPal, 322
Pelosi, Nancy, 353
Philipp, Michael, 55, 57, 63
appointment to vorstand, 85
hiring, 46–47
Mitchell and Estelle, 60–61
Mitchell’s death, 89
retirement, 101, 102
September 11 attacks (2001), 94–95
Pitt, Brad, 254
Postbank, 148, 234
Powell, Dina, 320
Presidential campaign of 2016. See Trump, Donald, presidential campaign of 2016
Prevezon, 331
Princeton Club (New York City), 44, 45
Procter & Gamble, 38, 64–65
Project Maiden, 131
Project Osprey, 64–67
Publicis, 102–103
Pulp Fiction (movie), 59
Putin, Vladimir, 109, 162, 179, 197, 200, 339, 344
Qatar, 347, 347n
Quicken Loans Arena, 277–78
Racism, 124–25, 182
Ramakrishna, Satish, 237, 238–39
Red Army Faction, 26
Reeves, Joshua, 105, 105n
Renaissance Technologies, 152–54, 186, 237–39, 325, 348
Republican National Committee, 246
Return on equity, 99–100
Reuters, 256–57, 279
Risk Academy, 107
Ritalin, 282
Ritchotte, Henry, 135, 183–84, 195–96, 234, 267
Ritter, Mark, 117–18
Roach, Bob
background of, 153
Senate tax-avoidance investigation, 153–54, 195, 236–37
Senate tax-avoidance report, 237–39, 294
Trump loans and Russia, 328–30, 354
Roberts, John, 337
Rocco, Victor, 292–95
Rocky Mountain Academy (RMA), 217
Rogen, Seth, 253
Rolling Stones (band), 133–34
Ross, Howard, 167
Ross, Steve, 170–71
Ross, Wilbur, 320, 338
Rossi, David, 193–94, 244, 301, 302–303
Royal Courts of Justice, 288
Rubin, Robert, 46, 69–70
Deutsche Bank’s United Financial acquisition, 108–109, 131, 196–97
VTB Bank, 109–10, 197, 317–18, 327, 328–29
Russian and Turkish Baths (New York City), 39, 123, 246
Russian Commercial Bank, 327
Russian interference in 2016 election, 312, 315, 328, 342–43, 344
Russian Laundromat, 197, 198–202, 232–33, 236, 340
Russian money laundering, 110–11, 118, 198–202, 231–33, 236, 315, 317–18, 327, 339, 340, 344
Kushners and, 312–13, 312n
Trump and, 118, 312, 315, 318, 328–30
Russian Mortgage Bank, 327
Russian sanctions, 339
Ryan, Charlie, 108–9, 110
Saatchi Gallery (London), 1–2
Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 324–25
Sales tax, 149–51
Salinas, Raúl, 154, 354
Salomon Brothers, 30, 46
Sandusky, Jerry, 158–59
Sanford, Charles, 64
San Francisco Giants, 220
Sater, Felix, 77n, 328
Scalia, Antonin, 338n
Schäuble, Wolfgang, 25–26
Schiff, Adam, 353–54, 355–56
Schink, Jon, 32
Schlesinger, Steve, 144
Schneider, Jürgen, 43, 73
Schröder, Gerhard, 120–21
Schumer, Chuck, 169
Scorsese, Martin, 254
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 326
Deutsche Bank investigations, 93, 93n, 195
Deutsche Bank penalty, 261
Deutsche Bank warnings, 162, 180, 195, 261, 358
Seeger, Pete, 153
Senate Banking Committee, 328, 330
Senate Financial Services Committee, 354
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 153–54, 236–39
September 11 attacks (2001), 94–96
Sewing, Christian, at Deutsche Bank
appointment as CEO, 346–49
background of, 258
Broeksmit review, 293–94
Frankfurt Festhalle (2015), 258–60
resignation and return, 259, 348–49
Trump loans and, 7
Sexual harassment, 87, 107–108, 167
Siemens, Georg von, 15–17
Simpson, Glenn, 323–27, 329, 333, 333n
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, 289–90
Singer, Paul, 323–24
60 Wall Street (New York City), 112, 163–64, 292
666 Fifth Avenue (New York City), 336–37
Société Générale, 129
Sony Pictures hack, 252–55
Soviet Jewish refugees, 214
Soviet natural gas pipeline, 22
Soviet Union, 22, 23, 42, 108. See also Russia
Stanford University, 70
Steele, Christopher (Steele Dossier), 323–24, 326
Stein, Mark, 289–90, 292
Stephens, Blake, 105, 105n
Stone, Rod, 149–51, 191–92
“Stop All the Clocks” (Auden), 230
Strasburg, Jenny, 249–50
Strawberry Manor house (San Francisco), 245, 248, 253–54, 255, 279
Swaps, 34, 290
Swaptions, 34
Syrian sanctions, 103–105, 236
Tall Trees mansion (near London), 45
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 141–42
Taschen bookstore, 2, 222
Thatcher, Margaret, 24
Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life (Trump), 144–45
Tiger Management, 57–58
Tognazzi, Antonella, 302
Tournament Players Club of Boston, 118–19
Trump, Donald
bankruptcies of, 5–6, 74, 113–14, 115, 119, 174–75, 307, 309, 335
Inauguration of, 320, 336
loans. See Trump, Donald, loans
Obama birtherism charge, 176, 269–70
organized crime connections, 118
presidency of, 314–15, 321, 336–38
presidential campaign of 2016. See Trump, Donald, presidential campaign of 2016
Trump, Donald, loans, 5–7, 74–80, 112–19, 186, 306–308
Atlantic City casinos, 74, 79–80, 113–15
Banker Trust, 64, 68, 74
Bear Stearns attempt, 74–75
Buffalo Bills, 270-71
Deutsche Bank’s relationship with, 112–19, 172–74, 270–71
Deutsche Bank’s response to presidency, 314–17, 318
Deutsche Bank’s internal reviews, 315–20
40 Wall Street, 76–77, 316, 328
lawsuit against Deutsche Bank, 143–45, 171–72, 173
McFadden review, 311, 342
Mueller investigation, 342–43
real estate valuations, 172–73
Russian connections, 118, 312, 315, 318, 328–30, 342–43
“special purpose vehicles,” 117
Trump Doral, 174–77
Trump Tower Chicago, 115–17, 171–72, 173, 270, 337–38
Turnberry, 5, 306
Washington, D.C. property, 273–75, 334
World Tower, 77–79, 335
Trump, Donald, presidential campaign of 2016, 269–70, 274, 305–306, 311
business record, 270, 274, 307
Offit and, 308–309
Republican debate, 277–78
Russian interference, 312, 315, 328, 342–43, 344
Steele Dossier, 323–24
Trump, Donald, Jr., 275, 306, 316, 337
Trump, Eric, 315, 316, 328
Trump, Fred, 75, 112–13
Trump, Friedrich, 112
Trump, Ivanka, 316
Chicago project, 116, 172, 337–38
Doral project, 175–76
Jain and, 271
Kennedy and, 116, 337–38
marriage to Jared, 172
Vrablic and, 172, 175–76, 273, 274, 276, 308n
Trump Atlantic City casinos, 74, 78, 79–80, 113–15
Trump Endeavor 12 LLC, 278
Trump Foundation, 342
Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago, 115–17, 171–72, 173, 270, 337–38
Trump International Hotel Waikiki, 117–18
Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., 271–75, 334
Trump Marina (Atlantic City), 79–80
Trump National Doral Miami, 174–77, 270, 272, 274, 278, 315, 328
Trump Old Post Office LLC, 274
Trump Taj Mahal (Atlantic City), 113–14
Trump Tower (New York City), 269, 274
Trump Tower Moscow, 77n, 328–30
Trump Turnberry, 5, 306
Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG, 143–45, 171–72, 173
Trump World Tower (New York City), 77–79, 335
Übernahmegespräche, 66, 93
UBS, 54–55, 267
United Church of Christ, 30
United Financial Group, 108–109, 131
United States elections of 2016. See Trump, Donald, presidential campaign of 2016
United States elections of 2018, 353
United States Football League (USFL), 270
United States housing bubble, 134, 137–40, 157–58
University Club, 242, 284–86
University of Massachusetts (UMass), 46, 47, 57
University of Pennsylvania, 126
Ursuline School, 166, 168–69
US Open, 113
Vaccaro, Jon, 78
Vekselberg, Viktor, 338
Venmo, 351
Villard, Henry, 13–15, 16–18, 310
Northern Pacific Railway loan, 13, 14–15, 17–18
Virgin Atlantic, 229
Virgin Gorda, 207–208
Volcker Rule, 343
Vonnegut, Kurt, 68
Vrablic, Rosemary
background of, 166–67
at Bank of America, 168–69
at Citicorp, 167–68
Trump presidency and, 320
Vrablic, Rosemary, at Deutsche Bank
Kushners and, 169, 172, 275–77, 306–307, 312
Trump Jr. loan, 275
Vrablic, Rosemary, at Deutsche Bank, and Trump loans, 6–7, 172–74, 270–71, 306–308, 354
Doral property, 175–77, 270, 278
McFadden review, 310–11
Washington, D.C. property, 273–75
VTB Bank, 109–10, 197, 317–18, 327, 328–29
Walker, Dick, 93, 93n, 264, 344–45
Wall Street Journal, 41, 49, 64, 255, 323, 329
DBTCA and Federal Reserve story, 241–42, 249–50
Val’s contact with author, 247–48, 252, 257, 279
Washington Monument, 271
Waters, Maxine, 353
Waugh, Seth, 113–14, 116, 119, 187
Wauthier, Pierre, 203–204, 227, 244
Weber, Axel, 180
Weinstein, Boaz, 128, 137
West, Kanye, 178
Wilcox, Fiona, 287–89
Wilhelm, German Emperor, 15, 178
Wimbledon, 220
Wisley Golf Club, 60, 61, 83
Wiswell, Tim, 198–99, 202, 232–33, 236, 329, 358
Wolfe, Tom, 172
World Economic Forum (Davos), 209–10, 261
World War I reparations, 21
World War II, 19–21. See also Nazi Party
Xanax, 226, 285, 287
Yale Club (New York City), 334–35
Yallop, Mark, 81
Yield curve swaps, 34
Young, Neil, 245
Young, Pegi, 244–45, 248, 279, 353, 354–55
Zurich Insurance Group, 203–204, 204n, 210, 227, 338
Zyklon B, 20