I had a dream that the whole world turned to glass.
Those who had much to hide were very afraid.
I don’t know what time it was when I woke the next morning, but no one was home. I looked over to Joel’s bed. It was made. I just lay back in my bed looking at the ceiling, following its cracks with my eyes, trying to distract myself from what I felt. My heart ached in a way I had never felt before. Grace was gone. I had cut off my brother and I had unmasked my parents as the sinners they were. I had never felt so alone in all my life. It was the first time in my life that I truly wanted to die.
What seemed unbelievable to me was that Grace was still out there. Was there a chance that she would be okay? Maybe the police were telling the truth and her parents really wanted to take care of her. Right, and Kennedy and Khrushchev were playing croquet together.
Even if she weren’t hurt, I had betrayed her. It was no use trying to believe that everything was okay. It wasn’t. And it never would be again.