


This morning, before sending Mackenzie off to reluctant weekend daycare because Mom and Dad are busy, she asked me if I like Mr. Grady. 

I wasn’t sure what to say. The ups and downs of adult emotion are confusing to kids, who see life through a simpler filter. They don’t understand the forces behind the motivations, the caveats, the need to second-guess and qualify every little thing. Rather than trying to explain, I said that I like him fine.

She asked if I was glad that he was coming over to Grandma and Grandpa’s on Sunday. 

Sure, Baby. It’ll be fun. 

Do you think Grandma and Grandpa will like him? 

I didn’t want to answer. They know Grady already, down to the rather dramatic way he changed our lives. They still like him, more than they’ve sometimes liked me, I swear. 

I wonder how much of our past might surface at dinner. I wonder what might come out. I wonder if loose lips will sink any ships. 

But most of all, I wonder why Grady didn’t back out when he learned that it wasn’t just dinner, but a family dinner. I wonder why I didn’t back out, proposing an alternative date with less baggage. I think I know the answer; I don’t have another dinnertime off work for long enough to be disappointing. And there’s another answer, too: I didn’t back away because Grady didn’t. He calls me stubborn, but we both are, and always have been. 

I’m sure they’ll like him, Mac. 

Are you excited?

Like I said, I’m sure it’ll be fun. 

I like him a lot, Mommy. I hope we get to keep seeing him all the time. 

All the time. 


I’m thinking this until Ed grabs a handful of my ass while he’s passing me. I spin so fast it almost breaks his arm off. 


“You accidentally brushed against me.” 

“Oh. Sorry. It’s a tight squeeze thorough here.” Then he gives me that dumb smile of his, and I almost understand him. Ed doesn’t think he’s being lecherous. He thinks he’s flirting. It makes me sad. 

“Maybe watch it,” I say, my temperature too high. 

“Maybe hit table 10; they’ve been waiting forever,” he says, looking jilted. 

I head out. Table 10 wants to order right away: a BLT and a cheeseburger platter. I want to chide them for being unoriginal. This is an award-winning restaurant: an intentional diner experience to contrast the other dives around town that are simply diners. The difference is subtle. If you look closely, you’ll see it in two places. We use a few ingredients that nobody here has heard of combining, like the hamburger with goat cheese. And you’ll also see it in our prices. 

I take the order. Numb. Vaguely happy, and angry that I’m glad. Because for the whole morning, I had to hear about Mr. Grady, assaulted with questions Mackenzie couldn’t ask her new role model in person. All that mulling and probing has adjusted my expectations in ways I’m not comfortable with. 

Do you think he’d go with us to the park every Thursday and paddle the paddleboat with us? 

I wanted to say, Until he skips town, maybe. 

Do you think he can come to every Sunday dinner with us? Grandma and Grandpa wouldn’t mind, would they?

I wanted to tell her, Sure, he can keep coming, until he leaves us for greener pastures. 

Mommy, if the Brownies camp out, do you think he can pitch the tent? This is a private joke between us, only minimally painful because Mackenzie hasn’t yet realized it’s serious. She has friends who camp, and I tell her that I can’t set up a tent. So far, that excuse has worked, and we laugh because we’ve never had a chance to camp. Some day, she’ll ask for real. On that day, I’ll disappoint her. Again. 

I laughed that one off, but she kept looking at me with her big blue eyes, wanting an answer. 

I don’t think Brownies do campouts, Sweetheart.

It’s a non-answer because I’m a coward. Like Grady. Running from problems.  

But I can see him setting up a tent; that’s the horrible thing. I don’t know how long this honeymoon Grady will last, but I find myself wanting to enjoy it while it does — something that prickles my skin as much as my pride. I keep reminding myself that I’m angry at this man. But with each passing thought, I want to settle in. I know he’ll leave soon, and show his true colors, again. Why not fantasize until then? Why not let myself imagine what Mackenzie is imagining? The childlike bliss of it seems so tempting.

All shift, as I’ve been serving food, filling drinks, and clearing tables, I’ve been rolling a fantasy between my mental fingers. 

Maybe he’ll stay. 

Maybe I can forgive him, and he can forgive me. 

Maybe we can start fresh. Forget what happened. We could be a family, on an outside, not-likely-but-possible kind of chance. I’m a decent mom. I know he’s only had a single-day trial, but it isn’t difficult to see Grady as a dad. Maybe he’ll want to stop roaming. He came back for something, and as I go about my work in a trance, I grow increasingly convinced that something could be me. 

He could go. 

But he hasn’t gone. 

He could have flitted in and out of town without contacting me. 

But he texted. As much as a man like Grady can bear his soul in a few characters on my phone, Grady bared his. 

He could have refused our date in the park. He could have — and should have — balked at the idea of having dinner with my parents as if we’d never stopped being a couple, kid in tow.

But he went to the park. He talked and played with Mackenzie. And he accepted the dinner, with grinning relish. 

He’s staying in town for me. He must be. 

And God help me, in spite of everything, I still love him. I still love Grady Dade so much, it scares me. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I’m betting it’s Chadd. The guy won’t take a hint, but right now I feel plenty strong enough to walk away, to keep giving him the cold shoulder I’ve been giving him through dozens of texts. There were texts in that group of increasingly impatient-sounding messages that tempted me plenty, as riled up as I’ve been. 

But the pleasant lie I’m spinning has given me a Band-Aid. I’m not who I used to be. I’m not broken beyond fixing. For at least a little while, I’m allowing fantasy as a crutch. I’m starting to believe, even if I fear that faith will hurt me. Against that, the thought of even the hottest man’s relieving touch has no strength to weaken me. 

I pull the phone from my pocket and move to delete the new text, but it’s not from Chadd. 

It’s from Tommy Finch, and it says, Look up.

He’s at table 14, right in front of me, smiling in a way that pops my dream like a bubble.