


My lunch companion’s name is Ebon Shale. He’s an agent, and he’s in town doing something I’d heard rumors of but didn’t entirely believe: trying to coax Jimmy Cannon out of retirement. Apparently, it’s an errand he’s been on for years, with little luck. “But the casting directors won’t stop demanding that I try,” he tells me with a wan smile. 

Everything Ebon says is sharp but laced with melancholy. It’s like he’s wearing a cloak, but it’s a sinister cloak that’s slowly killing him. I don’t have the guts to ask this man I’ve just met what’s wrong, but I’m sure he’s covered it all with Mason — so if I’m supercurious, maybe Brandon can tell me. 

If it matters. Which, in the big picture, it doesn’t. 

Ebon listens to everything I say. He’s so quiet that I almost think I’m boring him, but his serious eyes are intense, seeming to take it all in. Several times, I wonder why I’m doing any of this. But there’s something about Mr. Ebon Shale. I can tell he’s a man who makes connections, a man people trust. I can tell he’s someone who keeps his mouth shut. Who keeps secrets, when secrets need keeping.

When I’m finished, Ebon touches the open magazine on the table. 

“So you can go then. To Alaska, I mean.” 

I nod. “Almost immediately.” 

“But you don’t know if you should.” 

“It’s my choice. But I don’t want to be an asshole, and am no longer sure I’m not one.” 

“You don’t strike me as an asshole, Grady.” 

I don’t know why, but this pleases me. I just met Ebon. And yet his approval seems to matter.


“I’m good at my job because I’m good at reading people, so you should believe me on this.” I get a small smile. But then it retreats, as if the statement bothers him. “Usually, anyway,” he adds. Then he blinks up, that troubling aside banished, and says, “Can I be presumptuous?”


“If you want to know what you should do, just ask yourself a question: What do you think about more often than anything else?”

“What do you mean?” 

“When you were away, what did you think about?” He waves his hands as if erasing the board to start fresh. “What kept coming back to you, like a song that wouldn’t stop rattling around in your brain? What thoughts haunted you?” 

“I guess this place did. But before I left, I just wanted to get away.”  

“But now you’re back. Do the same things keep popping into your head, about this place?” 


I think he’ll ask me for more, given that I haven’t actually answered, but instead he leans back. Some of the sadness leaves his tired eyes, and his face changes to something like pleasant recollection. 

“Let me tell you something I learned the hard way. Nobody really appreciates the things they have when they have them. It’s something hardwired into our brains. We’re driven by desire, and the only way you can ‘desire’ something is if you don’t actually have it. We chase, and then we get. And once we get, we no longer want.” 

I nod, wondering where this is going. 

“I think there’s only one real exception, but it’s an important one. For a few, select places and people in our lives, we’ll want them forever … then want them more once they’re close enough to touch. Those are the things your compass is telling you to chase: the things that don’t run when you approach them.”

“Like reclusive actors who won’t come out of retirement?” It’s a stupid joke to break Ebon’s intensity, but I backtrack when I realize it’s my own bullshit behind the words. The truth bothers me enough that I want to run. 

Ebon spares me the indignity of acknowledging my interruption and simply continues.

“When I was a kid, I spent a few summers on an island. A place called Aaron, off the Atlantic coast. Ever heard of it?” 

I shake my head. 

“It’s a tiny place; I’m not at all surprised. Nothing really remarkable about it for most people, either — just cottages, shops, dirt roads, and this big carnival on a pier. And yet there’s something about those old, pedestrian memories that I can’t seem to shake. It never made sense to go back as an adult because I’d made a life in the city. And, in fact, there was at least one good reason to never go back. But I still thought of Aaron all the time. I have a fantastic memory, Grady. Practically photographic; it’s why I’m so good with clients, because I remember every little thing about them. But my memories of Aaron are on another level. They’re like movies. I think of those summers at the strangest times. They practically assault me. Maybe like memories of Inferno Falls assaulted you, and brought you home.” 

“My uncle’s death brought me back.”

Ebon gives me a smile that says he doesn’t believe me any more than Joe did.

“Now that you’re here, though, you’re thinking about Alaska.” He taps my magazine. “So the big question is, are you still thinking about Inferno Falls?” 

I look up. I’m not sure if this is a question I’m supposed to answer, but I’m interrupted by my chirping phone. It’s a new email notification, but when I glance at the screen I see that nearly three hours have passed. I’m so shocked, I find myself gaping at Ebon as if this is an elaborate joke. There’s no way it’s been that long. I talked about Inferno and Maya. That was it. 

But on the other hand, if I spilled to a stranger for that long without realizing it, I have every answer I’ll ever need. What compels me? What thoughts constantly orbit my head, giving a clear direction to my desire’s compass? There’s really no question, now that I think about it. 

“Shit, I’m so sorry to bolt like this, but I didn’t realize how late it’s gotten. I have to go.”

“Going anywhere interesting?”

Finally, something tips inside me, and I find myself giving the answer I failed to give earlier. “Something I can’t stop thinking about.” 

Ebon stands to match me. I’m taller, but Ebon’s one of those people who seems larger through force of presence. He extends a hand. “It was nice to meet you then, Grady Dade. Good luck with your decisions.” 

“And good luck with Jimmy. I hope you can get him to do what you want, with the movies and whatever.” 

“I’m sure I will. Or whatever.” He smiles then looks down, the fingers of his right hand fiddling with his wedding band. When he meets my eyes again, a quiet smile adds an appendix: But if that doesn’t work out, I don’t really care anymore. 

I suddenly feel charitable for providing our afternoon’s chat, certain that as much as I needed to unload, Ebon was much happier to stop thinking about whatever’s been haunting him. 

I head for the patio gate. But then I turn around halfway. 

Thanks to this man, I know what I need to do today. I know that I have to try, and be unafraid. I need to find out how Maya feels — and if she wants me to, I need to stay here, with her. I need to stop running. 

It only seems polite to ask Ebon a question of my own, to see if I can help him in some small way. 

“If you were to go back to your island,” I ask, “do you think it would stop haunting your thoughts, and you’d find you wanted to stay?” 

Again Ebon reaches down and fidgets with his wedding band. 

“I guess I’ll find out,” he says.