It happened again.
Yesterday, talking to my friend Jen about her problems, I got to thinking about Grady. That’s not unusual. He’s on my mind so much that I’ve stopped even mentioning it because I’m pretty sure everyone thinks I’m pathetic. I’m like a potential widow walking her deck, staring out across the sea, awaiting her long-lost husband’s return. Except that Grady left for reasons that had nothing to do with sailing, and I have no reason to believe he’ll ever come back. My friends think I’m wasting my time, uselessly pining. But for me, some days, the idea that he’s still out there, caring for me, maybe making his way home, is the only thing that keeps me going.
I talked to Jen about her unrequited love. I got to thinking about mine. The thought became a virus, and hours later it was impossible to shake. By the end of my shift, I’d started to get uneasy, and there was an hour left after work where I could leave Mackenzie at her YMCA daycare program. So I made a call. I met a man I know. He always tells me I’m beautiful. An hour later, I was picking Mackenzie up, sure she could read the truth on my face. Wondering why Mommy is flushed and nervous instead of vaguely sad like normal. Wondering why Mommy keeps fussing with her lipstick at the stoplights, as if she’s done something wrong and has everything to hide.
I could say that it happened again, but that would be a lie because every time I do this, it’s intentional.
And I could say I regret it, but that would also be a lie.
In the purest sense, a large part of me doesn’t regret it at all. I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs; I don’t stay out late; I pay my rent and take good care of my little girl. When I feel sad and I find someone who makes me slightly better, that’s my form of coping. I could blame someone else — my parents for being so strict and making sex seem mysterious, Grady for leaving me young and pregnant — but really it’s me, doing what I do. I could stop. I could find a nice guy and settle down for the long term. But I’m afraid my subconscious has other opinions: People can hurt you when they get too close. Best to keep them at arm’s length, where all they can do is make you feel good.
Unless, the next day at work, you find yourself looking at your reflection upside-down in a spoon while setting a table, wondering who you are … and feeling not so good after all.
In the spoon, inverted as if hanging from the ceiling, I see a girl with wide red lips and orange hair. Fair skin that Grady used to say was smooth like milk. She’s not a bad person; really she’s not. The girl in that spoon made mistakes early, when she was trying to be her own person, when her loving but strict parents forbade her to date and required her to volunteer at the church every afternoon. She made one whopper of a mistake that filled her belly with seven pounds of life-altering joy, and today that little girl is nine and no longer so little. I spend half of my time trying to be the best friend Mackenzie will ever have, and the other half hoping she won’t be like I was and (let’s be honest) still am, hoping she’ll never find out what I do when I’m feeling low, and who I sometimes spend my time with when she’s at Grandma and Grandpa’s.
It always seems like such a good idea while temperatures are rising, when my mind fills with thoughts of skin on skin.
The way a guy will flirt, and I’ll find myself flirting back.
It feels good, being wanted. I spend my days being one thing, just a mother, so it’s nice when that’s not what someone sees in me — when they instead see someone sexy and young and pretty and worth their desire. I don’t see the problem with any of it — or rather, I should be girl-empowered enough to not see the problem. But I do.
If I was really empowered about my sexuality, I suppose people would know this about me, but they don’t. It’s a secret. On the outside, I’m almost a prude. Only after letting go do I become something else.
For just a little while, I allow myself to forget everything that’s made life so … average.
Until afterward, when I remember.
When men do what I do, they’re studs. Girls are sluts. I don’t know why. Both parties leave with what they wanted.
If it’s okay, a voice in my mind whispers, you wouldn’t spend the next days looking at yourself upside-down in a spoon’s reflection. If you thought it was fine to hook up, you wouldn’t hide what you’re doing.
I can only imagine what Ed would do if he had any idea about the incredibly handsome man who came on to me two weeks ago, and who I went to visit later.
I can only imagine what Roxanne, the head waitress, would say if she knew that between last night and today, I had several of my most intimate itches scratched.
I can only imagine the names Roxanne would call me, or how much harder Ed, who’s already awful, would harass me. And if any of that, in any form, made its way to Mackenzie? That would kill me.
I’ve always justified it as proper, in a way. I don’t have time to date, and I’m sure not going to bring a man around my daughter until he’s sufficiently vetted and proven. But because I can’t be alone, hookups feel less selfish, ironically. No muss, no fuss. I get an hour or so of feeling good before it all goes away. It’s always been my way of coping. It keeps everyone out of the loop. It’s just me and him. Clean, like a transaction.
But all the justification in the world changes nothing.
I know, each time, that I can’t keep doing this.
When I was a teenager, I could make excuses. I was a wild child who no one knew was especially feral. I did all the nice stuff my parents asked me to do. I gave to the poor and helped the needy. Everyone knew me around church because Mom and Dad had me there so often. It hardly mattered what happened in the back rooms, in the cloisters or whatever. I was a stupid kid, and even if I’d been caught, it would hardly have mattered. It broke my parents’ heart a little when I got pregnant, but they blamed him more than me.
I was with Grady for a long time, and look how that turned out.
I can do the girlfriend thing. I loved it, and deep down, I want nothing more than to have that kind of thing again. But it’s hard. It hurts. And when Grady was gone, there didn’t seem to be any logic in trying to find another man to stay with me. The old habits returned. Secretly and safely, only when someone else was watching my daughter. But they returned just the same.
I’ve known for a long time that I had to knock this off. In a few years, Mackenzie might start asking questions that are increasingly harder to answer. In the not-terribly-distant future, my little girl will start noticing boys, too. I can show her one face and hide another, but she’s not stupid. And I can’t let her be like me. I won’t.
Across the diner, I see Roxanne prowling toward me. I give myself one final look in the spoon, smile wide, and try to tell myself that I’m a good person.
I’m not failing my daughter.
I’m not failing my parents.
I’m not living a lie.
The way most people see love and sex, I can do the same … from here on out, starting today.
That was the last time. For Mackenzie’s sake, that was the last time I place my own old scars ahead of common sense. Yesterday was empty calories. It’s knowing I shouldn’t eat cookies, standing in front of the box and repeating that I shouldn’t eat them, that they’ll just make me feel horrible … then eating them anyway because of how I know they’ll make me feel when I’m weak and need something, anything, to make it better.
Sex is not the same as love, I tell myself. What love would do to heal these wounds, sex will not.
If I can never have love again, it isn’t enough to settle for sex.
I’m better than that. I’m worth more than that. And my daughter deserves better than to have a role model like I am … like I now, officially, used to be.
“Are you going to set the table or keep breathing all over the customers’ silverware?” Roxanne asks on arrival, her exotic eyebrows arched and accusing.
It bothers me that I feel one-up on Roxanne right now because yesterday, the handsome man in booth six wanted me, not her.
Unless I was willing and Roxanne was not.
Unless I was low-hanging fruit and nothing more.
It’s ironic: I’m sure I hook up because it makes me feel like I’m worth something to someone for a change, but right now, I’m feeling exactly the opposite.
“I can’t fire you, but Ed can,” Roxanne says when I don’t respond.
I tell her I’m sorry, toss my mirror-mirror spoon into the bus bin behind me, lay out a fresh set, and move on down the line.