Source: The Conspiracy of Treasonous Minions, p. 222 (see italic note on p. 214).
26 September 1988
I wish to make a personal appeal to the foreign ministers of all countries accredited to Burma to address the issue of human rights in this country in the most unqualified terms under Item 4 of the Agenda of the General Debate during the current session of the United Nations Assembly. The Debate is scheduled to begin in New York on 27 September 1988, so you will appreciate there is a great urgency. I would be most grateful if you would therefore kindly forward this appeal to your Foreign Minister on my behalf. I have made similar appeals to Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists to urge them to raise this issue with the foreign ministers attending the Debate. I feel sure it will be agreed that the indiscriminate killing in recent weeks of unarmed demonstrators including school children, students and Buddhist monks is a legitimate subject for international condemnation.