The Agreement to Stand for Election

While under house arrest the authorities delivered to Aung San Suu Kyi the papers prepared by her party to gain her agreement to stand in the forthcoming elections of May 1990. Her agreement was signed on 22 December 1989 and contained the following statement, her own translation from the original in Burmese. Although the military authorities eventually contrived to block her candidacy, her party went on to win more than 80 per cent of the seats contested.

I have been detained since 20 July 1989 because of my political endeavours. In spite of my continuing detention I am submitting my application as a prospective candidate for the forthcoming elections in obedience to the decision made in December 1989 by the Bahan Township Committee of the National League for Democracy for the selection of the Pyithu Hlutaw delegates. I am submitting my application out of respect for the decision taken by my party in accordance with democratic practices; to honour the courage and perseverance of the people who are striving for democracy; and from a desire to help fulfil the just aspirations of the people to the best of my ability.