Happiness is Receiving

Like many of us, particularly women, I was raised to give more than I received, and it’s taken some serious intention these last couple of years for me to muster the will to request help when I need it. But it makes me even happier when support comes without me even having to ask. This happened a number of times this week, most notably with my delightful neighbor shoveling my sidewalks for me—not once, but three times.

Even though I have moments when I still want to do it all, I am exploring the new territory of receiving. And my heavens, does it make me happy.

What is your comfort zone? Are you more of a giver or a receiver? I don’t think you have to be one more than the other. I’m just calling in balance. When I need to give, I do. When I need to receive, I allow myself to do so. Mostly. I’m still a work in process.

Receiving support is inspiring to me because it’s like I’m walking my own talk. I was tired of being drained from giving all the time, and much of it wasn’t fun anymore. With the right balance between giving and receiving, I’m pretty happy doing both.

So, go on. Give receiving a chance. You might be surprised how much you like it after you undo all that conditioning not to. Come on. I’ll cheer you on.