Happiness is Not Having to Earn “It”

Have you ever felt like you were that Greek god pushing the boulder up the hill over and over again? Just when you think you’ve reached flat ground, you hit another incline. Many of us feel like we have to struggle this way to “earn” something good, something lasting, something sustaining.

This week I had another reminder of the incredible happiness that comes from not having to earn anything. Just having that magical moment arrive when you receive spontaneous, surprising abundance right out of the blue. I was informed this week that my debut novel, Nora Roberts Land, and my second book, French Roast, were both nominated for Reward of Novel Excellence awards. That’s two books nominated in two separate categories. We are talking a serious happy dance.

And do you know what?

I didn't even know this review committee knew about me. I had no idea they had my first two books. I was like, heck yeah! 

Now, granted, I had worked my butt off on both books, especially the second one, which was the hardest to write of the books I’ve written so far. So in some ways I earned it. But not really. This news just arrived out of the blue, and it couldn’t have made me happier.

How much time do we spend pushing toward goals we never achieve? Moments like this teach me about grace. That beautiful word is all about receiving something you didn’t earn. I love grace! Join with me this very minute and call more into your life.

Who wants to “earn” everything? Not me. That’s exhausting.

So, take a minute right now and think about all the areas in your life where you are trying to earn something. I’m doing it as we speak. Isn’t the list a bit longer than you...ah...might have expected? We’re earning in our jobs, our relationships...even with ourselves. Have you ever gifted yourself with food after doing something tough? Earning.

Let’s all agree to take a few items on our list and stop the earning. Allow the grace to flow in instead. Rest in the knowledge that we are supported by forces we can’t see and that things are happening even if we can’t see the buds bursting through the ground yet.

Let’s all agree to give happiness some room starting right now.