Happiness is Doing What Makes You Happy

You might be thinking, isn’t doing what makes you happy a given? Is Ava having a moment or something?

I’ve realized something interesting about us complex human beings: we often know what makes us happy, but we don’t do it.

Case in point. I recently started taking dance classes again. I have done this at various stages throughout my life with stops and starts. I began with the tango, a dance I have always wanted to learn, and then moved on to the rumba. This resurgence of dance in my life has reminded me of how much I love it. Dancing makes me happier than I can express. It’s euphoric!

So, why did I ever stop? Why did I stay away from it?

I’ve talked to other people about this conundrum. When I ask someone if there’s some passion they aren’t pursuing, they can usually name at least one thing. Most of them are telling themselves some story that is holding them back. I don’t have enough time, money, a partner to do it with, the talent, etc.

You know what I’m talking about, right?

I had some excuse for not dancing before, but now that I am back to it, grinning for the entire evening as I whirl around the floor, I have made a commitment to myself to live my life from a place of passion.

Because what I am passionate about will likely bring me happiness.

What about you? What makes you happy? Are you doing it? Is it part of your daily life or some ephemeral experience you give yourself every once in a while?

Make the Happiness Commitment with me—start doing it today, and watch your entire life change. I know mine has.