Happiness is Choosing to Trust

Enlightenment can come anywhere. I am always open to it showing up either in the most obvious places, the most mundane, or the most unexpected ones.

It showed up in a paragraph in a historical romance novel by Sherry Thomas, my new Iris Johansen. Her book Not Quite A Husband is an excellent story, and one I re-read often late at night. At the most pivotal moment of the book, the hero says he’s going to trust the heroine. And it hit me. That aha! moment we all crave.

Trust is a choice.

Just like happiness.

The two choices seemed to merge like the strands of a double helix. If you trust, you’re happy. If you’re happy, you trust.


Trust is territory in which I am still gaining headway after some disappointments and betrayals. You probably have your own issues to overcome. Instead of saying, “I want to trust,” I’m going to say, “I trust.” Period.

How are you with trust? Is it easy for you?

Join me today. Make the choice. Trust. Even if you’ve been burned once or twice. Trusting is its own reward.

Let’s all be happy.