
A Note from the Author


Whoever and wherever you are, thank you so much for reading Strands of Fate! I know you have plenty of options for reading material, so I’m honored that you chose to spend more time with me in the world of Antiquity’s Gate. I know that this book took you to new places to meet new people, and gave you a bit more history about the origins of the Theran people. I hope it’s enriched your experience, and given you a bit of insight into what makes the Elves tick.

I can’t wait to share Memoirs of the Forgotten with you. I wonder if you’re excited too, after that sneak peek? At the time of this writing it is by far my favorite. There’s so much going on, and a lot of things are coming together for our friends in Sanctuary and elsewhere. In the meantime, I wonder if you figured out who The Mask is. I’ve put his name in the book, but it’s hidden. Do you have your suspicions? I invite you to email me anytime with your prediction, though be don’t find out for quite some time.

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