


1  Down in a Ditch

2  Grey Shadows

3  Clannan Beg

4  A Cow in the Kitchen

5  A Quiet Bay?

6  Josh

7  Tears and Twisters

8  A Light in the Night

9  The Calm and the Storm

10  A Damp Delivery

11  Guilty or Not Guilty

12  Riding Sunshine

13  Father Peter’s Quest

14  Bowler Hats

15  The Tangled Web

16  Eggs, Eggs and More Eggs

17  A Four-Legged Sailor

18  The Lure of Papavray

19  Island Animals

20  Parents and Problems

21  Sunshine’s Adventure

22  The Echo in the Hills

23  The School Outing

24  Miss Amelia Arabella Anstey-Smythe

25  The Man Who Washed

26  Johnny’s Village

27  Elizabeth, Ina and a Lot of Snow

28  Little Boy Lost

29  From the Deep to the Sky

30  007 in a Morris Minor

31  Home!

32  Californian Sunshine!

33  Nevada

34  Storms and Speed

35  A Grasshopper and a Black Widow

36  Back to California

37  The End of an Era

