- Deadlift
- Romanian, 1, 2
- wide-grip, 1, 2
- Dementia, fish oil preventing, 1
- Depression, fish oil for, 1
- in fish oil capsules, 1, 2
- food sources of, 1, 2, 3
- Diabetes
- fasting glucose level with, 1
- heart disease and, 1, 2
- insulin resistance and, 1
- metabolic syndrome and, 1
- muscle loss and, 1
- nuts preventing, 1
- from RBP4, 1
- triglycerides and, 1
- vegetables preventing, 1
- weight training preventing, 1
- Diabetic ketoacidosis, 1
- Diarrhea, after starting Plan A, 1
- Diet(s). See also specific types
- conventional
- moderation in, 1, 2
- muscle loss from, 1, 2
- muscle building and, 1
- Diet beverages, 1, 2
- Diet food, problem with, 1
- Dining-out guidelines, 1
- Dinners
- Fat-Burning Time Zone, 1
- Reloading Time Zone, 1
- DNA protection, from multivitamin, 1
- Drew’s All-Natural dressings and
- Drinks
- alcohol, 1, 2, 3
- fruit and vegetable juice, 1, 2
- kefir, 1, 2, 3, 4
- milk, 1, 2, 3, 4
- overconsumption of, 1
- TNT-approved, 1, 2
- Dumbbell bench press, in weight workout,1, 2
- Dumbbell lunge, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Dumbbell pullover, in weight workout,1, 2
- Dumbbell push press, in weight workout,1, 2
- Dumbbell stepup, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Dynamic warmup. See TNT Workout Plan, dynamic warmup exercises in