- SAID principle, in muscle building,1
- Salad dressings, 1, 2, 3
- Salads
- Avocado and Tomato Salad, 1
- Filet Mignon with Tomato and Mozzarella Salad, 1
- Quinoa Salad, 1
- Steak Salad, 1
- Taco Salad, 1
- Tuna Salad, 1
- Tuna Salad Sandwich, 1
- Sandwiches
- avoiding, in restaurants, 1
- Tuna Salad Sandwich, 1
- Satiety, fat providing, 1, 2, 3
- Saturated fat
- in beef, 1
- in butter, 1
- characteristics of, 1
- cholesterol levels and, 1
- in coconut, 1
- Fat-Burning Time Zone reducing, 1
- health benefits from, 1
- heart disease and, 1, 2, 3
- paradox of, 1, 2
- Sauerkraut
- Sausage
- Sausage and Red Pepper Pizza, 1
- Sausage with Feta and Spinach, 1
- Scaption + shrug, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Seated row, 1, 2
- V-grip, 1, 2
- wide-grip, 1, 2
- Seated row to neck, in weight workout,
- Sedentary jobs, overweight from, 1
- Seeds, 1, 2
- Segal-Isaacson, C.J., 1
- Serving sizes, of recipes, 1
- Setbacks, overcoming, 1
- Sets, number of, in TNT Workout Plan,1
- Sherrington, Charles Scott, 1
- Shoulder press, neutral-grip, 1, 2
- Shrug, scaption +, 1, 2
- Side bridge, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Single-arm dumbbell row, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Sitting, overweight from, 1
- Skinny-fat, typical man as, 1
- Snacks
- Fat-Burning Time Zone, 1
- Reloading Time Zone, 1
- stocking, 1
- Soda
- diet, 1, 2
- slowing brainpower, 1
- Sodium, health risks from, 1
- Soups
- avoiding, in restaurants, 1
- Kielbasa and Lentil Soup, 1
- Sour cream, as natural fat, 1
- Soybean oil, omega-6 fatty acids in, 1
- Specific adaptation to imposed demand (SAID principle), 1
- Spices
- in Fat-Burning Time Zone, 1, 2
- in recipes, 1
- in Reloading Time Zone, 1
- Spinach
- Sausage with Feta and Spinach, 1
- Sprints, in cardio workout, 1, 2
- Sprouted grain bread, 1
- Squat
- barbell, 1, 2
- body-weight, 1, 2
- Bulgarian split, 1, 2
- front, 1, 2
- goblet, 1, 2
- Starch
- avoiding, in Fat-Burning Time Zone,1, 2
- defined, 1
- Static lunge, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Stationary bike, in cardio workout, 1
- Steak
- fatty acid content of, 1
- for muscle building, 1
- Stepup
- contralateral, 1, 2
- dumbbell, 1, 2
- Stir-fry
- Straight sets, in weight workouts, 1
- Stroke
- alcohol increasing risk of, 1
- preventing, with
- fish and fish oil, 1, 2
- vegetables, 1
- weight training, 1
- Stuffing
- Peppers with Quinoa Stuffing, 1
- Success stories, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Sucrose, 1
- Sugar
- added to nuts and seeds, 1
- alternate names for, 1
- avoiding
- in added forms, 1, 2
- in Fat-Burning Time Zone, 1, 2
- in Reloading Time Zone, 1, 2, 3
- in baked beans, 1
- in cereals, 1
- heart disease and, 1
- types of, 1
- Supplements, recommended, 1
- Swiss-ball hip extension and leg curl, in
- Swiss-ball jackknife, in weight workout,1, 2