- Tea
- health benefits from, 1
- rooibos, 1
- Thomas’ Hearty Grains 100% Whole Wheat Bagel, 1
- Thoracic rotation, in dynamic warmup,1, 2
- Thrusters, in weight workout, 1, 2
- Time Zones. See Fat-Burning Time Zone;
- Muscle-Building Time Zone;
- Reloading Time Zone
- TNT Diet
- adhering to, for life, 1
- creators of, 1
- customization of, 1
- eating plans in (see TNT plans)
- extremes in nutrient composition in,
- health effects from, 1
- decreased bad cholesterol, 1
- decreased blood sugar, 1
- decreased inf lammation, 1
- decreased insulin levels, 1
- decreased triglyceride-HDL ratio,1
- decreased triglycerides, 1
- increased good cholesterol, 1
- for improved body composition, 1, 2
- openness to, 1
- results from, 1 (see also Success stories)
- science behind, 1, 2
- time frame for, 1
- Time Zones in (see Fat-Burning Time Zone; Muscle-Building Time Zone; Reloading Time Zone)
- weight loss from, 1, 2
- weight-training workouts in,1
- (see also TNT Workout Plan)
- for women, xix
- TNT Diet Quick-Start Guide, 1
- TNT plans
- choosing, 1
- Plan A
- adjusting to, 1
- cardiovascular checkup before, 1
- Time Zones used with, 1, 2, 3, 4,5
- when to use, 1, 2, 3
- Plan B
- Time Zones used with, 1, 2, 3, 4
- when to use, 1
- Plan C
- Time Zones used with, 1, 2, 3, 4,5
- when to use, 1
- Plan D
- Time Zones used with, 1, 2, 3, 4
- when to use, 1
- Plan E
- Time Zones used with, 1, 2, 3, 4
- when to use, 1
- success with, 1
- TNT Wellness Journal, 1
- TNT Workout Plan
- cardio workout in, 1, 2, 3
- design of
- exercise selection, 1
- number of repetitions, 1
- number of sets, 1
- rest periods, 1
- dynamic warmup exercises in, 1,2
- arm circles, 1, 2
- body-weight squat, 1, 2
- fire hydrant in-out, 1, 2
- groiners, 1, 2
- hip extension, 1, 2
- jumping jacks, 1, 2
- lunge, 1, 2
- lying straight-leg raise, 1, 2
- pushup plus, 1, 2
- thoracic rotation, 1, 2
- fitness philosophy behind, 1, 2
- intervals in, 1
- purpose of, 1
- weight workout exercises in
- back extension, 1, 2
- barbell bent-over row, 1, 2
- barbell squat, 1, 2
- Bulgarian split squat, 1, 2
- chinup, 1, 2
- contralateral stepup, 1, 2
- dumbbell bench press, 1, 2
- dumbbell lunge, 1, 2
- dumbbell pullover, 1, 2
- dumbbell push press, 1, 2
- dumbbell stepup, 1, 2
- front squat, 1, 2
- goblet squat, 1, 2
- good morning, 1, 2
- hanging leg raise, 1, 2
- hip extension, 1, 2
- hip-thigh extension, 1, 2
- incline dumbbell bench press, 1, 2
- incline lower trap raise, 1, 2
- incline reverse crunch, 1, 2
- inverted row, 1, 2
- ipsilateral back lunge, 1, 2
- kneeling overhand-grip lat pulldown,1, 2
- kneeling reverse cable woodchop, 1, 2kneeling underhand-grip lat pulldown, 3, 4
- lat pulldown, 1, 2
- leg lowering drill, 1, 2
- negative chinup, 1, 2
- neutral-grip shoulder press, 1, 2
- plank, 1, 2
- prone cobra, 1, 2
- pullup, 1, 2
- pushup, 1, 2
- pushup + row, 1, 2
- Romanian deadlift, 1, 2
- scaption + shrug, 1, 2
- seated row, 1, 2
- seated row to neck, 1, 2
- side bridge, 1, 2
- single-arm dumbbell row, 1, 2
- static lunge, 1, 2
- Swiss-ball hip extension and leg curl,1, 2
- Swiss-ball jackknife, 1, 2
- thrusters, 1, 2
- V-grip seated row, 1, 2
- walking lunge, 1, 2
- wide-grip deadlift, 1, 2
- wide-grip seated row, 1, 2
- weight workouts in, 1
- Advanced Workout, 1
- Get Back in Shape Workout, 1
- guidelines for, 1
- Toast, Halloumi cheese as substitute for, 1
- Tomatoes
- Avocado and Tomato Salad, 1
- Filet Mignon with Tomato and Mozzarella Salad, 1
- Tortillas, recommended brand of, 1
- Total-body training. See also TNT Workout Plan
- effectiveness of, 1, 2
- logic of, 1
- recommended frequency of, 1
- repetition ranges in, 1
- time factor in, 1
- Trap raise, incline lower, 1, 2
- Triglyceride-HDL ratio, determining, 1
- Triglycerides, high health risks from, 1, 2
- low-carb diet reducing, 1, 2, 3
- Triscuit Original Wheat Crackers, 1
- Trunk extension exercises, 1
- Trunk f lexion exercises, 1
- Trunk rotation exercises, 1
- Tuna
- Tuna Salad, 1
- Tuna Salad Sandwich, 1
- Turkey, as high-quality protein, 1
- Turkey sandwich, for pre-workout meal,1
- Turnips