One of the greatest pleasures of writing this book has been to receive emails from people around the world offering information, contact details and photos. I have a long list of people to thank, beginning with Melanie Fricot, whose salty banana milkshakes and ride to the hospital saved my life, and whose friendship is one of the reasons I love my life so much! Thanks, too, to David Johnson, Rosa Villón and the people of Pamparomas, Peru, who gave me a whole new appreciation of water and solidarity.
I’m grateful for Brian Fagan’s book Elixir: A History of Water and Humankind, which gave me glimpses into cultures I knew nothing about. Thank you to Shauna Curry, Michelle MacDonald, Emilie Sanmartin and Natasha Sarkar of CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology), whose support, enthusiasm and assistance with photos and information were invaluable in getting this book written.
Thanks to Solar Electric Light Fund, Ryan’s Well Foundation and Potters Without Borders for sharing a wealth of photos. For spectacular images, contacts and information from around the world, I send thanks to Melanie Fricot, Gastón Castaño, Henry Mulder, Susie Mullen, Sherri Phillips, Evan Sabogal, Dr. Abul Hussam, Dr. Abul Munir, Bob McInnes, Paolo Lugari, Terry Spragg, Kai Morrill, Elisabeth Rubli, Jane Baird, Robert Schemenauer, Katie Hammel, John Alejandro, Jim Holmes, David Springbett, Heather MacAndrew, Peter Hart, Ian Paul and Alex Dunne. (Thanks, too, to all the kids who agreed to have their photos published in a children’s book!)
I am grateful to Orca Book Publishers for the opportunity to write this. Many thanks to Sarah Harvey for her guidance and insightful editing, and to Jenn Playford and Teresa Bubela for their beautiful book design.
Thanks to Maia-who-knows-how-to-swim for her patience as I wrote this book, to Liam and Sam for keeping her company, and to Ashley for her help with childcare in the final days of rewrites.
I especially want to thank all the members of my family who cheered me on, even when I brought up disgusting facts about Roman communal toilet sponges (blech!) over dinner. You really are a patient lot.
Thank you, everyone.
These boys are doing one of the most important jobs in their family—bringing clean water home. HEL080808/DREAMSTIME.COM