Leaning on his elbow, Dajon gazed at the beauty sleeping beside him. Sunlight streamed in through the stern window, setting her curls sparkling in an array of red, orange, and gold. Dark fringes of lashes shadowed her golden cheeks, and a tiny cluster of freckles danced upon her nose. Stirring, she moaned and snuggled close to his chest. The scent of lemon and lilies danced around him, reminding him of the glorious night they’d spent in each other’s arms. He allowed his gaze to wander down her creamy neck, across her bare shoulders, and down to where the coverlet forbade his eyes to go farther. He couldn’t believe she was his wife.
Thank You, God. Thank You for this precious gift.
The ship rocked over a wave, shifting the sun across her eyelids that she slowly fluttered open. When she focused on him, a delicate grin adorned her lips. “Good morning, husband.”
“Good morning, wife.” He brushed a thumb across her cheek.
Reaching up, she ran her fingers through his hair and then allowed her hand to boldly caress his shoulder, then the muscles in his arm, then over to finger the hair upon his chest.
His body warmed. “I’m real, I assure you.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“I would never have believed I could be so happy.” She shifted her shimmering auburn eyes to his. “Yesterday I faced either the noose or Sir Wilhelm’s bed—both equally repugnant.” She smiled, but then a flicker of sorrow pinched her features. “I had lost all hope. And now here I am, not only freed from those hideous fates but the wife of the most wonderful man I’ve ever known.”
The snap of a sail sounded above them, followed by the creak of the hull.
“And I’m at sea.” Her eyes widened with glee, and she sat up, holding the coverlet to her chest. “And I’m on my ship”—she gave him a measured smile—“your ship, I mean.”
Dajon chuckled and toyed with the curls cascading down her back.
Faith traced a trail over his arm with her finger. “What a grand idea to spend our wedding night aboard the Red Siren. I’m so glad you brought her to port.”
“After I resigned my commission, I must admit I felt naked without a ship to command.” Dajon caressed the silky skin of her back, his mind and body shifting to the soft feel of his beautiful wife.
Leaning down on her elbow, Faith frowned, the mirth of only a moment ago drained from her face. “I can’t believe you did that for me. You love the navy. Your career—it meant so much to you.” She lowered her gaze and began to pick at a loose thread on the coverlet.
Placing a finger beneath her chin, he raised her eyes to his. “Truth be told, as soon as I began to understand the enormity of God’s grace, I realized I didn’t need the navy to redeem me from my past sins.” He shrugged.
“But you love the sea as much as I do.”
A lock of her hair fell over her shoulder and grazed the bed. Dajon twirled it between his fingers. “You gave up your seafaring career as well, did you not?”
“Career?” She giggled. “If you can call it that, but aye, I did. For the Lord.”
“Then perhaps He has other plans for us upon the sea.” He pulled her down beside him, showering her neck with kisses until she pushed him away, laughing.
The tiny purple scar below her left ear caught his eye. He traced the half-moon with his finger. “Where did you get this?”
“In a sword fight.” She gave him a sassy look.
“Of course.” Dajon laughed. “I know I should be horrified to discover my new wife is a swordsman”—he cleared his throat—“or swordswoman, but somehow I find it quite enticing.”
A challenge sparked in her eyes. “Perhaps we can try our hand at swordplay someday.”
“Perhaps, but I fear you are not a woman accustomed to defeat.”
“Nay and why would that change?” One side of her mouth curved in a grin.
“Speaking of pirating.” Dajon thought better to change the subject before she challenged him to a duel. “What of all the treasure you’ve stolen?” He raised his brows.
Faith held a finger to his lips. “The Lord has already shown me what I am to do.”
“Since I cannot return the wealth to its proper owners, I shall give it all to charity—to the poor, to those in need.”
“What about providing for your sisters and their future?”
“I won’t deny I’m a bit uneasy about it.” Faith sighed. “But I need to trust God. I know He has a plan for all of us—a good plan—if we will only trust and follow Him.”
Dajon smiled, feeling the warmth of her statement spread down to his toes.
“All save this ship, that is.” She gave him a sideways smile. “I have returned her to her rightful owner.”
“What do you mean? The Red Siren is yours.”
“I am giving her back to you. . .as a wedding present.”
She shook her head. “I don’t deserve such a gift. Not after I stole her from you.”
“You stole my heart, too.” Dajon brushed a thumb over her cheek. “And I’m giving that back to you as well.”
Her eyes moistened. “Then I vow to take good care of both.” She pulled him down and met his lips with hers. For a moment, Dajon lost himself in her taste, squeezing her closer, his body heating.
As if completely unaware of her effect upon him, she pushed him back. “What shall we do with the ship? Merchant or”—her voice sparked with excitement—“privateer?”
Dajon chuckled. “Only in wartime, my little pirate, or we shall be right back where we started.”
“Oh, very well. But we shall command her together.” Faith folded the top of the coverlet and patted it with finality.
“Together?” Dajon cocked a brow. “Nay, my love. I never share my command.”
Her lips leveled in a satisfied smirk. “Well, ’tis time you begin, my husband.”
“Having such a notorious pirate for a wife should prove quite interesting.” He rubbed a thumb over her lips, longing to kiss them again.
She kissed his finger and smiled. “We should return home soon and tell my sisters the good news. They must be worried sick about me.”
“Yes, we shall.” Dajon crept closer. “But ’tis far too early.”
Faith ran her fingers over the stubble on his cheek and frowned.
“Why the sad look?” he asked.
“I am too happy for words. What if I am only dreaming?”
“I assure you, you are not.” Dajon brushed her curls from her forehead. “But perhaps I need to prove it to you.”
“And how do you intend to do that?” Her tone held a challenge.
He gave her a roguish grin.
She smiled at him in return, her gaze beaming an invitation.
And Dajon lowered his lips upon hers to accept it.