Chapter 16

“You’re recovering very well, even better than I had expected,” the surgeon told Mick after the examination. “I don’t foresee any complications arising as long as you don’t push yourself beyond your limits. Go back to work, but don’t try chasing down a felon on foot just yet. Leave that to your deputies.”

“What about…?” Mick glanced at Wynn who had joined them in the surgeon’s office after Mick’s exam.

The surgeon smiled. “There’s nothing wrong with sex, as long as it’s not acrobatic or protracted.”

Mick snapped his fingers, muttering ‘Damn’ as he remembered his promise to Wynn to keep him in bed until he begged for mercy.

Wynn chuckled before asking the surgeon, “Is there anything else we have to worry about?”

“No. As I said, he’s doing well. If that changes for any reason—” the surgeon looked sternly at Mick, “—you’re to admit it. And I’m talking about mentally and emotionally, as well as physically. I know you’re used to violence to a certain extent because of what you do, but this time it was directed at you personally by someone you trusted. You seem to be handling that well so all I’m saying is, be aware if your emotions start to fluctuate—and ask for help.”

“Got it,” Mick replied. “I’m well aware that’s a possibility. Trust me.”

“Very good. Now unless you have any other questions…” When both men shook their heads, the surgeon stood, offering his hand to Mick. “Keep up the good work, remember you’re human, not Superman, and hopefully I won’t have to see you again.”

“Believe me, I don’t want that any more than you do,” Mick said with a laugh. “Thanks, Doc, for everything.”

“You’re very welcome,” he replied as he escorted them to the door.

“And that’s that,” Mick said as soon as the door closed behind them. “Shall we go home and celebrate?”

“Sure. I’ll take you out to supper at the diner.”

“That is not what I meant and you know it,” Mick grumbled as they headed down the hallway to the elevator.

“I know. As for anything else, well, we’ll see.”

“Wynn. Damn it!”

Wynn just smiled as they waited for the elevator. When it arrived, empty, they stepped in. Seconds later Wynn had Mick up against the wall and was kissing him hard. That lasted until the elevator doors opened at the hospital lobby. It might have lasted even longer if a rather amused nurse hadn’t pointed out as she got on that they had an audience. They broke apart quickly and got off, both of them avoiding looking at the people standing there.

“This feels like the time my tenth-grade teacher caught me in the janitor’s closet with Bobby March,” Mick muttered, as they hurried to the exit.

Wynn laughed. “Hopefully you weren’t doing more than kissing.”

“Hell, we hadn’t even gotten that far.”

“Do tell.”

So Mick did as they walked to the car.

* * * *

“That was a good supper. Damned good,” Mick said, as he unlocked the front door. “Now I’m ready for…”

“Don’t say ‘dessert’. It’s so cliché,” Wynn broke in, chuckling.

“Now would I say that?” Mick grinned, opening the door and stepping aside to let Wynn enter first.

“In a…” Wynn didn’t get to finish his sentence. He was suddenly wrapped in a pair of strong arms, his mouth taken by a kiss so heated his toes curled. So he did the only thing possible, he returned it in kind, his tongue waging war for dominance with Mick’s as they hungrily tasted and savored each other’s mouths.

“Upstairs, now,” Mick ordered, many long moments later.

“In a hurry?” Wynn’s eyes glittered with amusement then darkened with need when Mick growled in the affirmative while practically tearing off Wynn’s shirt.

“Damn, you’re spectacular,” Mick whispered, his gaze raking over Wynn’s muscular chest.

Rather than reply, Wynn began unbuttoning Mick’s shirt. When he finished, he pushed it off Mick’s shoulders. He knew what to expect. He had, after all, spent a great deal of time with Mick at the hospital. Still, the sight of the scar from the bullet wound had him hissing in a breath. He traced a fingertip around it, watching Mick’s face for any sign that touching it caused him any pain.

Mick took Wynn’s hand, pressing it against the scar. “It’s fine. I’m fine, so get that idea out of your head right now.” Still holding Wynn’s hand, he tugged him toward the stairs.

They made it to Mick’s bedroom with several stops along the way filled with passionate kisses. Then they slowly finished undressing each other, savoring the process, until they each stood totally naked. Wynn was now definitely much more aroused than he had been when they started, if that was possible. And it only took one glance to know Mick was as well.

Wynn closed the distance between them, placing his hands on Mick’s hips, walking him backward to the bed. When Mick’s calves hit the edge, he sat. Before he could do more, Wynn was on his knees in front of him, one hand wrapped around his thick erection. Then he bent, running his tongue over the leaking slit before taking him halfway into his mouth.

“God,” Mick moaned, sucking in a deep breath. “Just…damn.” He leaned back on his hands, arching into Wynn’s mouth then suddenly tried to pull away.

Wynn looked at him in surprise. “You don’t like?”

“Hell yeah, I like, but we need—” Mick pointed to the nightstand drawer.

“Shifter here,” was all Wynn replied before returning to what he’d been doing.

“Oh. Well…” Mick let out a deep groan when Wynn took him fully into his mouth and deep into his throat.

Wynn continued his ministrations, his fingers stroking Mick’s balls until he felt them tighten. He swallowed hard around Mick’s cock then again as Mick exploded, flooding his throat with cum, Mick’s shout of release echoed through the room. Pulling back some, Wynn sucked and stroked until Mick was finished.

“Shit and damn and…and…” Mick gasped out, once he could speak again.

Wynn smiled, crawling onto the bed beside his now-reclining lover. Mick pulled him closer and kissed him, whispering “Thank you” against his lips.

* * * *

They lay like that, wrapped in each other’s arms, until Mick said, “So we won’t need condoms?”

Wynn shook his head. “Another perk of being a shifter, I don’t get sick, with anything. Not,” he added, “that I’ve had a chance to recently, just in case you were wondering.”

Mick smiled, brushing a kiss across Wynn’s lips. “I wasn’t. I’ve got the feeling you’re not the sort of man who plays fast and loose.”

Wynn said, “No, I’m not,” returning the kiss. Then he rolled over, opening the nightstand drawer by Mick’s bed. “So no condoms, ever. Lube on the other hand—” It was obvious he had hoped Mick had some when he sighed in relief after finding it, handing it to Mick.

Mick cocked an eyebrow. “For me or you?”

“Your choice,” Wynn replied with a grin. “I’m a switch.”

“Well, hot damn. Me too. So I think we’re going to be just fine together.”

Wynn laughed. “You doubted it?”

“Not really.” Mick looked at Wynn, his gaze moving down to Wynn’s rampant erection. “You must have a great deal of self-control.”

“Only with someone I care about who cares about me in return, because I know my turn will come in time.”

“And that time is now.” Mick sat up, squeezing some lube into his hand. “You know this is going to turn you on even more,” he told Wynn with a lascivious grin as he began stroking his hand over Wynn’s cock.

“No…shit…” Wynn gasped. “Keep that up and my self-control will go south in a hurry.”

“Don’t want that happening until you’re in me.” Mick lay back, asking, “Do you want me…how?”

Chuckling low, Wynn replied, “Yes, I want you. Haven’t you figured that out yet?” When Mick flipped him off, he said, “That’s exactly what I’m planning on doing, so stay just the way you are and lift your legs.”

“Finally a straight answer.” Mick pulled his legs up, watching Wynn in expectation. When Wynn lubed his fingers and carefully slid one into Mick’s waiting entrance, pressing in far enough to find his gland and stroke it, Mick moaned, his cock starting to harden again.

Wynn eased in a second finger, gently stretching Mick then pulled them out. With his gaze locked on Mick’s face he entered him slowly.

“I’m fine,” Mick whispered, ignoring the pain, anticipating the pleasure that would follow. He knew he wasn’t fooling Wynn when his lover hesitated so he thrust up, taking more of him in.

That was all it took. Soon Wynn was fully inside and riding him, slowly at first, still watching Mick’s expression.

“Are you trying to drive me crazy?” Mick growled.

“Umm humm. That was the plan. To make you beg.”

“No, that was…my plan,” Mick countered, moaning, thrusting up again. When Wynn wrapped one hand around Mick’s now-hard member, Mick’s moans deepened. Soon they were moving together as if they’d been making love for a lifetime.

And we are making love. It was Mick’s last thought before he exploded, feeling Wynn come seconds later with one final hard thrust.

* * * *

“I vote we do that again,” Mick murmured much later, nipping Wynn’s earlobe.

“Oh we will, and often, but not quite yet,” Wynn responded with a laugh. He searched Mick’s face, saying, “Maybe now’s not the time to ask, but are you all right?”

“Good Lord, yes. Better than all right.”

“Okay, maybe I should clarify a bit, and you have to promise not to get upset. The doctor, well, warned you I guess, that you could have some emotional reaction to what happened with Danny and being shot. I haven’t seen any of that, but I think I know you well enough by now to realize you could be keeping it all inside.”

“I’m not,” Mick said defensively, turning away from Wynn’s scrutiny. “Yeah, I think about it. How could I not? I feel sorry for Danny, and guilty too, because I didn’t handle the situation the way I probably could have if I’d been thinking clearly. I was just trying to deal with his up and down emotions and get him calmed down enough that he’d leave town. Then he asked if I’d take him back if he cleaned up his act, or…or something like that. I told him I wouldn’t and…he shot me.”

“You have nothing to feel guilty about,” Wynn said quietly, putting a finger under Mick’s jaw, urging him to look at him again. “He sounds, from what you’ve said, like a man whose feelings were always on a roller coaster.”

“They were, even when we were together, although they weren’t nearly as…volatile, I guess you could say, as they were that evening. He had his ups and downs. I sometimes wondered if he wasn’t bipolar. That’s part of the reason we finally broke up. That and the fact I was tired of traveling to spend time with him.” Mick grimaced. “I never would have done that if he hadn’t threatened to out me. I was still pretty much hiding my sexuality at that point, afraid it could affect my job.”

“So you did what, took long weekends or vacation time?”

“Yeah. Stupid, huh? But I was in love with him—or thought I was. That was a first for me.” Mick smiled sourly. “It lasted for all of two months before I realized it was lust, not love, so I told him it was over and left. He seemed to understand. Oh, he argued, but in the end I was sure he accepted it. Believe it or not, that all happened almost seven years ago. Who would have thought he’d suddenly show up the way he did?”

“He’s sick, Mick. He probably kept dwelling on what happened and finally it got to be too much and he decided, somewhere deep inside, you were mistaken and really did love him and, hell, who knows? Hopefully, with help, he’ll get straightened out and back on track. The right track.” Wynn cupped Mick’s face in his hands. “So you’re to stop beating yourself up over it. Understand?”

“I do and I will. And if I start thinking that way again, I’ll tell you and you can lecture me the way you are now.”

Wynn chuckled. “Is that what I was doing, lecturing you?”

“No.” Mick smiled and brushed a kiss over his lips. “You were helping me see clearly. And that, my dear man, is just one of the reasons I think I finally found someone I truly do love.”

“I hope so, because I’m fast moving beyond just caring and into love myself—with you.”

They looked at each other for a long moment then kissed. It was deep, soulful, and Mick knew it spoke of their feelings, sharing them.

Then, when they broke apart, Wynn dropped his gaze to the scar on Mick’s chest, circling it as he had before with one fingertip, his expression full of remorse. “Maybe, if I hadn’t been in the picture, if he hadn’t seen me—”

“Don’t even go there. Don’t try to take some of the blame on yourself. Look at me, Wynn.” When he did Mick continued. “Danny came here with a gun. I doubt he planned on shooting me but he might have thought he could frighten me into returning to him, or maybe he planned on kidnapping me to force the issue. Or, maybe, he just kept one in his car. He ran around with some pretty unsavory characters when I knew him. Whatever his reason for having it, his seeing you had nothing to do with what happened.”

“You’re right, of course. Neither of us is to blame.” Wynn pulled him into a tight hug. “He was what he was, which makes me damned glad I didn’t kill him.”

“I don’t think you have it in you to kill anyone. Well, except Lionel, of course, but that was self-defense. Now can we put all of this behind us and move on?”

“For sure. And the first place we’re moving on to is bed.”

“Hate to point this out to you, but we’re already in bed.” Mick grinned broadly. “So what next?”

“We sleep. You should be exhausted and I know I’m close to it.”

“On one condition, in the morning we do this all again.”

Wynn cocked an eyebrow. “The talking?”

“No, you nut, the sex, or rather—” Mick kissed him, “—making love.”

“I think I can handle that.”

“Oh I know you can, at least once, and maybe more.”