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ABA (applied behavioral analysis), 170–171
Abi-Rached, Joelle, 6; neuromolecular gaze, 21–22
Abi-Rached, Rose, neuromolecular gaze, 21–22
Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education, 181
achromatopsia, 239n18
The Addams Family TV series, 210
addiction, as brain disorder, 132
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), 18–19; fMRI research on children, 19–20; medications, 133
adolescents: 19–20. See also teenage brain
aesthetic experience, 119–120
aesthetic judgment, 115–118
aesthetic relation, 127; versus artistic relation, 110–111, 120, 127, 239n17
aesthetics, 107–120
alcoholism, 8, 132
Aldworth, Susan, 190
Alzheimer’s disease, 41, 52, 161, 195, 203
Ambidexterity, or, Two-Handedness and Two-Brainedness: An Argument for Natural Development and Rational Education (Jackson), 46
Ambidextral Culture Society, 55
ambivalence, 230
amnesia in film, 218–220
amygdala, impressionistic art, 110
An Anthropologist on Mars (Sacks), 171
Analytical Essay on the Faculties of the Soul (Bonnet), 33
Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), 28
The Anatomy of the Brain and Nerves (Willis), 30–31
Andreasen, Nancy: Brave New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome, 41; The Creating Brain: The Neuroscience of Genius, 41
ANI (Autism Network International), 170
anima, 27
animal spirits, 28–29; memory and, 30; Willis and, 30–31
Annals of Anthropological Practice, 87
Anthropological Theory, 87
anthropology, neuroanthropology and, 87, 90
anthropology-cultures, 104
The Antidepressant Era (Healy), 133
antipsychiatry: C/S/X and, 169; neurodiversity and, 168–169
antipsychotics, 139–140
anxiety disorders, 136, 142, 149
Arango, Angel, 197
The Archaeology of Knowledge (Foucault), 230
Aristotelian frameworks, the soul and, 26–27
art: angiograms, 190; artist as neuroscientists, 109; artistic relation, 110–111, 120, 127, 239n17; artists as neuroscientists, 109; brain scans, 190; cave paintings and neuroarthistory, 107; versus images, 122–129; kinetic art, 112; neuroaesthetics and beauty, 113–120; pop art, 123; portrait artists’ MRI scans, 114
ascesis, 43
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 87
Asperger syndrome, 174, 183; Asperger’s Conversations, 180; Aspergia, 186; identity and, 185–186; neurodiversity and, 166–167; Singer and, 173
Asperger’s Conversations audio post, 180
The Astonishing Hypothesis (Crick), 34
Atmospheric Disturbances (Galchen), 195, 203–204
Australian aboriginal art, 122–123
autism: 138, 166–183, 240n7. See also Asperger’s syndrome
Autism and Developmental Disabilities List (AUTISM List), 170
Autism Gene Resource Exchange, 178
Autism Is a World documentary, 172
Autism Society of America, 169–170
Autism Speaks, 170
Autistic Pride, 171
Autistic Self Advocacy Network, 181
autonomy, and brainhood, 24
Bagatell, Nancy, 174
Baggs, Amanda, 240n7
Basaglia, Franco, 169
The Beast with Five Fingers film, 210
beauty, 111–120
behavioral chronic stress phenotype in mice, 163–164
Beliaev, Alexander, Professor Dowell’s Head, 196, 211
Bell, Matthew, 148
Bernal, J. D., The World, The Flesh, and the Devil, 197
bidirectionality, 76–77, 86–87, 91, 93
Bidlo, Mike, 125
big data, 5
bioaesthetics, neuroaesthetics and, 107
bio-bio-bio model, 139–143
biocultural co-constructivism, 87
bioethics versus neuroethics, 68
biohumanities, 76
biological psychiatry, 8
biologization of mental illness, 176–177
biomarkers: autism and, 178; bipolar disorder and, 157; depression, 146–147; mental distress, 137–139; neuroimaging for treatment, 159–160
biopolitics, 3, 61; depression and, 8
biopsychosocial model, 147
biosocial brains, 102; autism and, 167–173
biosociality, the Internet and, 174
Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 196–197
bipolar depression, 17–18, 19; biomarkers, 157; diathesis-stress model, 147; versus manic-depressive disorder, 177; neuroimaging, 159; pharmaceuticals and, 133; structural imaging and, 159–160
Blade Runner film, 221
Bleak House (Dickens), 195
bodily humors, 27
body: biological views of body/self, 15; brain and, 13–14
Body Parts film, 210
Bogen, Joseph: The Duality of the Mind, 55; neowiganism, 55
BOLD signals in the brain, 80–82
Bolshevik science, 236n9
Bonnet, Charles, 229–230; Analytical Essay on the Faculties of the Soul, 33; personhood and, 36; soul’s interaction with the body, 34–35
Bös, Mathias, 102
brain: body and, 13–14; circuitry, 151, 154; dictatorship, 4; versus genome, 16; mind and, 13–14; as a muscle, 56; in a vat,
brain death: intellect and, 24–25; irreversible coma and, 24; religious traditions, 23. See also VS (vegetative state)
brain disorders: addiction as, 132; diagnoses and neural systems, 20–21; mental disorders as, 2, 17–18; terminology, 131. See also specific disorders
brain facts, appropriation, 62
brain gym exercises, 51
brain jogging. See neurobics
BRAIN Initiative, 4, 5–6
The Brain That Changes Itself (Doidge), 41
brain tumor patients, 16
brain-based vocabulary in psychiatry, 132
brainhood ideology, 231; as personhood, 25; Western context, 23
brainomania, 34
Brave New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome (Andreasen), 41
Bride of Frankenstein film (Whale), 208–209
Brillo Box, 120, 123
Broca, Paul Pierre, Tan and, 38–39
Broer, Christian, ADHD studies, 18–19
Brontë, Anne, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 195
Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre, 195, 196; phrenology in, 196; The Professor, 195; Shirley, 195, 196; Villette, 195, 196
Brown-Séquard, Charles-Édouard, 55; brain exercises and, 45–46
Bulgakov, Michael, Heart of a Dog, 196
Burton, Robert, Anatomy of Melancholy, 28
Byatt, A. S., 195; on John Donne and mirror neurons, 193
Cadigan, Pat: Fools, 197; Mindplayers, 197
CAN (Cure Autism Now), 170
canonical neurons, 128, 239n19
Capgras syndrome, 195, 200
Carley, Michael John, 180
causality, 163–164; convictions, 136; depression and, 155–161; neurimaging and, 164–165
cave paintings, 122; neuroarthistory and, 107
CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), 140–141
cerebral convolutions, 30–31
cerebral fundamentalism, 4
cerebral hemispheres, 38–40, 43–47; beliefs about race, 55
cerebral subject: anatomy and physiology, 37; anima and, 27; animal Spirits, 30–31; Aristotelian framework and, 26–27; brain animal, 35; brain death and, 23; brainhood, 17, 23; versus cerebral self, 236n4; corpuscularianism, 32; cultural significance, 23–24; double brain, 43–47; Edwin Smith surgical papyrus, 26; faculties, localization, 30, 36, 38–42; humors and, 27–29; as ideology, 14; individuals and, 15; Locke and, 32–33; modernity and, 25; the neuro and, 20; neuroascesis, 42–43; neurobics and, 17, 52–57; neurochemical self, 17, 21–22; phrenology, 47–50; psychiatric patients, 18, 20; seat of the soul and, 22; self-help and, 50–52; solidism, 31; subjectivation and, 15; transplantation and, 13–14
cerebralization, 7; of memory in literature, 203–207; of personhood, 9–10; of psychological distress, 8–9
Change of Mind film, 213–214
chemical imbalance, 134
childhood trauma, 141–142
Choice Cuts (Boileau-Narcejac), 210
Choudhury, Suparna, critical neuroscience, 101
Churchland, Patricia, 184
Churchland, Paul, 13
citizen science, 235n5
clinical narrative, 200–201
clinical symptoms, 38, 134–137, 140, 146–151, 154, 157, 162
clinical trials, 133, 144
Cognition and the Visual Arts (Solso), 114
cognitive literary studies, 192
Cold Lazarus TV miniseries, 211
collectivism, neuroanthropology and, 94–95
Collins, Wilkie: Heart and Science, 196; The Legacy of Cain, 195
Combe, Andrew, 47–48
Combe, George, 47–48
Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 104
Connolly, William, Neuropolitics, 60–61
consciousness, Locke and, 32–33
contemporary culture, neuro in, 3
Cooper, David, Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry, 169
Cooter, Roger, 4
corpus callosum in Einstein’s brain, 40
corpuscularian theory of matter, 7, 32
corpuscularianism, 32
The Corrections (Franzen), 195, 201–202
Cosmic Mind, 54
correlation, 69, 72, 75, 81, 89–92; fMRI and, 63; site and effect, 39; symptoms and brain lesions, 38
Cotta, Fernando, 171
Coué Emile, 51–52
Coué method, 51
cranial palpation, 36
cranioscopy, 36
The Creating Brain: The Neuroscience of Genius (Andreasen), 41
The Creation of Psychopharmacology (Healy), 133
creativity, neuroplasticity and, 41
Crichton, Michael, The Terminal Man, 197
Crick, Francis, The Astonishing Hypothesis, 34
critical neuroscience, 101
crowdsourcing, 5
C/S/X, 169
Cultural and Neural Frames of Cognition and Communication, 87
cultural attribute, personhood as, 25
cultural diversity as neurodiversity, 96–99
cultural neuroscience, 86–89; bidirectionality and, 91–92; biosocial brains, 102; cultural psychology and, 90–91; culture mapping and, 92–93; Domínguez Duque on, 100–101; emotion and, 91–92; interpersonal perception and, 92; investigator’s values, 101; versus neuroanthropology, 90–91; neuroplasticity and, 92; SCS and, 96–97, 105; social cognition and, 92; sociobiological culture, 102; sociocultural neuroscience, 89; source analysis and, 93; synergy and, 91–92; transcultural neuroimaging, 99–100
cultural psychology, 90–91
cultural resource of neuro, 10–11
culture: actions and artifacts, 102; anthropology-cultures, 104; definitions, 103–104; mind-body relationships, 137; neurodisciplines, 85–86; neurologizing, 86–89; SCS (self-construal scale), 94–95; as sociobiological, 102
Culture and Brain, 88
culture mapping, 93
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time (Haddon), 195
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 156
Cuvier, Georges, on neurobiology, 37
cybernetics, 39
Cyborg Foundation, 239n18
DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Years), 136
Danni’s Blog, 180–181
Danto, Arthur, 122–123
Dark City film, 220–221
Darnton, John, Mind Catcher, 198
David Copperfield (Dickens), 195
Davidson, Richard J.: depression causality, 155–156; emotion regulation, 154; meditation’s effects on the brain, 152–154
Dawson, Michelle, 175
DBS (deep-brain stimulation), 160
de Beaugrande, Robert, 192
De Clérambault syndrome, 195
de Vos, Jan, 4
deaf community: culture 173–174; Deaf rights movements, 168; Internet, 179
Decade of the Brain, 1, 60
death, brain and, 23
default mode network, 99, 161
deficit model, 190
Dekker, Martin, 178
Denkhaus, Ruth, 102
Dennett, Daniel, 199–200
denosologizing: depression in GMH, 165; MDD, 161–162; psychiatry, 146
depression, 19; biomarkers and, 146–147; brain-based vocabulary in psychiatry, 132; causality, 155–161; CBT and, 140–141; denosologized psychiatry and, 146; diathesis-stress model, 147–148; effectiveness of treatment, 141; fMRI and, 67; GBD and, 136; as global health priority, 143–144; Handbook of Depression, 145–146; heterogenity, 151, 153–154, 157; melancholia and, 148; memoirs, 148–149; neural vulnerabilities, 163–164; neurobiological origins, 150–151; neurochemical self and, 17; neuroimaging and, 145, 147–148, 149–152; as organic illness, 145–146; RDoC and, 146–147; resting-state research, 161–162; SSRIs, 133; white matter hyperintensities in the elderly, 158. See also MDD (major depressive disorder)
Descartes, René, 27; The Passions of the Soul, 30; Treatise of Man, 30
Di Dio, Cinzia, aesthetic judgment, 117–119
diagnoses: DSM, 137–138; instrument reliability, 136; RDoC, 138–139; spread to other stressors, 134
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. See DSM III
diathesis-stress model, 147–148
Dick, Philip K., A Scanner Darkly, 197
Dickens, Charles, 195
dictatorship of the brain, 4
diffusion anisotropy, 158
disabilities, social model, 168
disability rights, 167–168
disability studies, 1
disciplines of the neuro. See neurodisciplines
The Divided Self (Laing), 169
The Divine Law of Cure (Evans), 51
Divine Mind, 54
Doidge, Norman, The Brain That Changes Itself, 41
Domínguez Duque, Juan F., 100–101
Donovan’s Brain (Siodmak), 197
double brain, 43–47
Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors film, 210
Dracula (Stoker), 196
Drevets, Wayne C., 149
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 137–138, 239n1
DSM III (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 8, 239n1; Asperger’s disappearance, 167; autism and, 171, 183; biomarkers and, 138; depression group of disorders, 157; diagnosis basis, 165
DTI (diffusion tensor imaging), 158
dualism, and brainhood, 24
The Duality of the Mind (Bogen), 55
The Duality of Mind (Wigan), 197
The Echo Maker (Powers), 195, 200, 201, 204
Eco, Umberto, 195
ectobrains, 211
education, 44–48, 55
Effinger, George Alec: The Exile Kiss, 198; A Fire in the Sun, 198; When Gravity Falls, 198
Einstein’s brain, 39–40
Einstein’s Brain (Hull), 40
Eliot, George, The Lifted Veil, 195
embodied cognitive science, 236n2
embodied mind, 192
embodied simulation, 124–127
emotion: cultural neuroscience and, 91–92; regulation, 154
empathic brain, 127–128
empathy, 120–129
empirical aesthetics, 108
encultured brain, 89–90
The Encultured Brain, 85, 87
Enduring Love (McEwan), 195, 200
epigenetics, 141–142, 147–148, 238n7
erotomania, 195
Esoteric Christianity and Mental Therapies (Evans), 51
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 32–33
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind film, 222–223
Eugenides, Jeffrey, 195
Evans, Warren Felt, 50–51
everday ontologies, 17, 184
evidence-based practices, 140–141, 165
evolutionary aesthetics, 107
Examen de ingenios para las ciencias (Huarte), 28
exercise, physical, 52–53
exercising the brain, 56; double brain and, 43–47
The Exile Kiss (Effinger), 198
experience, aesthetic experience, 119–120
explanatory depth illusion, 74
FA (fractional anisotropy), 158
faculties, localization, 30, 36, 38–42
Farah, Martha, fMRIs and, 83
FFA (fusiform face brain area), 114
film, 9; amnesia, 218–220; body part transplantation, 209–211; ectobrains in, 211; memory in, 217–218; transplantation theme, 207. See also literature
A Fire in the Sun (Effinger), 198
First Book in Physiology and Hygiene (Kellogg), 49–50
Fitzpatrick, Susan M., 71–73
fMRI: ADHD diagnosis and, 19–20; American Psychological Association on, 77–78; big data and, 161; BOLD (blood-oxygen level-dependent) signal, 80–82; depression and, 67; Farah and, 83; humanists and, 71–77; lie detection experiment, 76–77; Logothetis, Nikos, 79; media handling, 68–69; mind-reading and, 78–80; modularity of the brain, 82; mystical experiences, 72; neuro-turn and, 73; neuroX and, 78–79; and research, 78; resting-state research, 161–162; reverse inference and, 83–84; Rosen, Bruce, 78; SCS (self-construal scale) and, 97–98. See also neuroimaging
folk neurology, 132, 184
Fools (Cadigan), 197
Fontana, Lucio, 125–126
Forel, Auguste, 35
Foucault, Michel, 3; The Archaeology of Knowledge, 230
Fowler, Lorenzo and Orson, 49
Frankenstein film (Whale), 207–209
Franzen, Jonathan, The Corrections, 195, 201–202
Freedberg, David, The Power of Images, 120–129
Freeman, Derek, Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth, 104–105
functional magnetic resonance imaging. See fMRI
Galatea 2.2 (Powers), 198–199, 203
Galchen, Rivka, Atmospheric Disturbances, 195, 203–204
Galen of Pergamon, 26–29, 31–32
Gall, Franz Joseph, 36–38
Gazzaniga, Michael, 13
GBD (global burden of disease), 136; depression and, 136
gender, brains and, 82–83
genealogy, Foucault and, 3–4
genetics: diathesis-stress model and, 147–148; epigenetics, 141, 238n7; genetic self, 15–16
Genette, Gérard, 111, 239n17
genome, 16
Gibson, William, Neuromancer, 197
Gilbert, Scott F., biological views of the body, 15
Global and Regional Asperger’s Syndrome Partnership, 183
globalization of mental illnes, 165–166
globalization of psychiatry, 135–137
GMH (Global Mental Health) movement, 136; denosologizing depression, 166
golden ratio, 117–119
government of living, 3
Graham, Sylvester, 48–49
Gramsci, Antonio, 238n4
Grandin, Temple, Thinking in Pictures, 171
Great Expectations (Dickens), 195
Greenberg, Gary, 183–184
Greenwood, Carol E., 52–53
Gross, Sky, 16
Gupta, Mona, 135
Hacking, Ian, 175, 237n1
Haddon, Mark, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, 195
Han, Shihui, 99–100
The Hand film, 210
Handbook of Depression, 145–146
Handbook of Social Neuroscience, 87
Harbisson, Niel, 239n18
Hardy, Thomas, Tess of the d’Urbervilles, 196
Harrison, Harry, The Turing Option, 197–198
Hartley, David, soul’s interaction with the body, 34–35
Harvey, Thomas, Einstein’s brain and, 39
HBP (Human Brain Project), 235n4
healing touch, 51
health of the body: neuroascesis and, 48–50; thoughts and, 51
Healy, David, 133
Heart and Science (Collins), 196
Heart Condition film, 210
Heart film, 210
Heart of a Dog (Bulgakov), 196
Heerings, Marjolijn, ADHD studies, 18–19
hedonic judgment, 72, 111
hegemony of the neuro, 20–21
heterogenity of depression, 151, 153–154, 157; parsing metaphor, 157
HGP (Human Genome Project), 16
hierarchy, 73–74
high-functioning autism. See Asperger’s syndrome
Hippocrates, On the Sacred Disease, 29
Hjortsberg, William, Odd Corners, 198
Holland, Norman, 192
Huarte de San Juan, Juan, 28
Hull, Kevin, Einstein’s Brain, 40
Human Brain Mapping, “Neural Basis of Individualistic and Collectivistic Views of the Self,” 94–95
Human Brain Project, 4
humanists, neuro and, 71–77
humors, bodily, 27
Hyman, Steve, on neuropsychiatric disorders, 131–132
ICD (International Classification of Diseases), 138, 239n1
identity: autism and, 174–178, 178–181; Locke and personal identity, 7, 25–26, 32–33; memory in film, 218–220, 220–224; neurodiversity and, 178–179; self-identity and brain-based vocabulary, 132
identity politics, 185–188
ideology of brainhood. See brainhood ideology
“If Neuroimaging Is the Answer, What Is the Question?” (Kosslyn), 84
imagination, Willis on, 30–31
immune selfhood, 15
immunological self, 15
individualism: modernity and possessive individualism, 25; neuroanthropology and, 94–95; somatic individuality, 26
individualism-collectivism, 91
Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior (Rimland), 169–170
Insel, Thomas, 21
insula, 94, 119, 160
intellect, brain death and, 24–25
International Encyclopedia of Depression, 156
Internet: autism groups, 169–170; autistic identity and, 179–181; biosociality, 174; Danni’s blog, 180–181
interpersonal perception, cultural neuroscience and, 92
Jackson, John, Ambidexterity, or, Two-Handedness and Two-Brainedness: An Argument for Natural Development and Rational Education, 46
James, William, The Varieties of Religious Experience, 50
Jane Eyre (C. Brontë), 195, 196
Joffe, Helene, 20
Johnny Mnemonic film, 221–222
Johnson, Jenell, The Neuroscientific Turn, 70
Kandinsky, Wassily, 122
Kawabata, Hideaki, “Neural Correlates of Beauty,” 112–113
Keats, Jonathon, 41
Kellogg, John Harvey: First Book in Physiology and Hygiene, 49–50; moral order and, 56
kerygma, 51
kinetic art, aesthetics and, 112
Klee, Paul, 122
Kleinman, Arthur, 166
Kosslyn, Stephen, “If Neuroimaging Is the Answer, What Is the Question?”, 84
Krementsov, Nicolai, 236n9
L’homme au cerveau greffé film, 214–216
La horripilante bestia human film, 210
Laing, Robert, The Divided Self, 169
language, localization, 38–39
Latour, Bruno, 13–14
laying on of hands, 51
Leary, Timothy, political problems and psychological issues, 60
left brain, Broca and, 38–39
The Legacy of Cain (Collins), 195
Lehrer, Jonah, 193
Lenin’s brain, 39
Let Them Eat Prozac (Healy), 133
Lethem, Jonathan, Motherless Brooklyn, 195
lie detection, 42–43; fMRI experiment, 76–77
life sciences, biohumanities and, 76
life support, VS and, 24
The Lifted Veil (Eliot), 195
Lindee, M. Susan, DNA Mystique, 16
literary studies, cognitive literary studies, 192
literature, 9, 194–207. See also film; neuro lit crit; neuronarratives
Littlefield, Melissa, The Neuroscientific Turn, 70
Livingstone, Margaret, 109–110
localization, 38–41
Lock, Margaret, 23
Locke, John: consciousness, 32–33; Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 32–33; personal identity, 7, 25–26, 32–33; Second Treatise of Government, 25; Willis and, 35
Lodge, David, Thinks, 198–199, 205–206
Logothetis, Nikos, on fMRI, 79
looping effects, 237n1
Lowboy (Wray), 195
Luria, Alexander, 201
Mad Pride, 168
Magdalena’s Brain film, 219–220
major depressive disorder. See MDD
The Man Who Changed His Mind film, 211–213
The Manchurian Candidate film, 219
Mania: A Short History of Bipolar Disorder (Healy), 133
manic-depressive disorder, versus bipolar disorder, 177
Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth (Freeman), 104–105
marketing of pharmaceuticals, 135–137
Martin, Emily, 184; bipolar patients, 17–18
Marxism, 169, 238n4
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, 106
Mayberg, Helen S., 138, 160
McEwan, Ian, 204–205; Enduring Love, 195, 200; Saturday, 195, 202
MDD (major depressive disorder), 144; brain volume, 158; denosologizing, 161–162; resting-state research, 161–162; sgACC abnormalities, 160. See also depression
Mead, Margaret, Coming of Age in Samoa, 104
medial prefrontal cortex. See MPFC (medial prefrontal cortex)
medication, 133; antipsychotics, 139–140; marketing, 134; Ritalin, 133; SSRIs, 133. See also psychopharmacology
meditation, effects on the brain, 152–154
melancholia, 148, 240n5
memoirs of depression, 148–149
memory: amnesia in film, 218–220; animal spirits and, 30; in film, 217–218; identity and in film, 220–224; Willis on, 30–31
memory cerebralization in literature, 203–207
Menand, Louis, 231
Mental Cure (Evans), 51
mental disorders, 131; as biological disorder, 138–139; biologization, 176–177; as brain disorders, 2; versus brain disorders, 17–18; as chemical imbalance, 134, 230; global prevalence, 135–137; globalization, 165–166; neurologization, 176–177; universality, 137. See also brain disorders
mental distress, 130–131; biomarkers, 137–139; cerebralization and exclusion, 132–133; diagnosis spread, 134
mental faculties. See faculties
Mental Medicine (Evans), 51
Mental Patients’ Union, 169
mental phenomena, neuro and, 71–72
Meyerding, Jane, 173, 175; “Thoughts on Finding Myself Differently Brained,” 183
mind, brain and, 13–14
Mind Catcher (Darnton), 198
mind-body relationships, 137
mind-cure movement, 50
mindfulness, effects on the brain, 152–154
Mindplayers (Cadigan), 197
Minsky, Marvin, The Turing Option, 197–198
mirror neurons, 123–129; Byatt on John Donne, 193; political thinking and, 61
Mitchell, Silas Weir, 196
modern creed, 3, 231
modernity, brainhood and, 25
modularity of the brain, 82
Montesquieu’s brain and Huron’s soul, 33–34
mood disorders, 135, 145, 151, 154–155, 164
morality, Kellogg’s workout and, 56
mother-judgments, 97
Motherless Brooklyn (Lethem), 195
MPFC (medial prefrontal cortex): mother-judgments, 97; other-judgments, 97; self-construal and, 94–95
Muskie, 180
mystical experiences, 72
NAAR (National Alliance for Autism Research), 170
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 20–21
neglect, 73–74, 75–76
Nelkin, Dorothy, DNA Mystique, 16
neural correlates, 148, 153, 159, 222, 236n8
“Neural Correlates of Beauty” (Kawabata and Zeki), 112–113
neural self, 15
neural turn, 1
neuro: agendas, 228–229; in contemporary culture, 3; as cultural resource, 10–11; as hegemonic, 20–21; self-understanding and, 6
neuro lit crit, 73, 191–194, 225
neuroaesthetics, 8, 106–129, 192
neuroanthropology, 87, 90–95
neuroarthistory, 41, 107–108
neuroascesis, 7, 42–43; hermeneutics, 109; Kellogg and, 48–50; market, 53–54; phrenology and, 48–49
neurobabble, 238n2
neurobics, 5, 17; contemporary, 52–57
neuro-bigotry, 180
neurobiology: ADHD studies and, 19; biomarkers for mental distress, 137–139; Forel on, 35
neurobiologization, 58, 166
neurobiotics, 41–42
neurocentrism, 235n2
neurochemical self, 17; somatic individuality and, 21
neuro-collaborations, 77
neurocorrelational research, 156; causality and, 157–158
neurocultural spectrum, 6
neurocultures, 5
neurodisciplines, 7–8, 59; of culture, 85–86; designations, 59–60; features, 69–70; newer, 60
neurodiversity, 8, 230; and autism/Asperger’s, 166–167; autistic cultures and, 173–174; cultural diversity as, 96–99; identity and, 178–179; mental disorders versus brain disorders, 18; Singer, Judy, 173
neuro-enthusiasm, 4
neuroessentialism, 69
neuroethics, 61, 65–69
neurogenetics, 178
neuroimaging: autism and, 177–178; bipolar patients, 159; causality and, 164–165; compassion and, 153; depression and, 145, 147–148, 149–152; in media, 68–69; neurocorrelational research and, 156; transcultural, 88–89; treatment-specific biomarkers, 159–160. See also fMRI
neuroliterary readings, realism in, 193
neurological differences, 182–183
neurological fiction, 194–198
neurological self-awareness, 167
neurologization of mental illness, 176–177
Neuromancer (Gibson), 197
neuromarketing, 8
neuromolecular gaze, 21–22
neuromythology, 238n2
neuronarratives, 191–194, 198–201
neuronovels, 191–195, 225; solipsism and, 201–203
neurophysiology, 109–110
neuroplasticity, 41; creativity and, 41; cultural neuroscience and, 92; neuropolitics and, 62; sculpting the brain, 41–42; social influences, 153; therapy and, 41
neuropolitics, 60–61; neuroplasticity and, 62
Neuropolitics (Connolly), 60–61
neuropragmatism, 41
neuro-prophets, 4
neuropsychiatry, 131; DALYs, 136; Hyman on, 131. See also addiction; depression
neurorealism, 69
neuroscience: artists as neuroscientists, 109; big data, 5; critical neuroscience, 101; cultural neuroscience, 86–89; international expansion, 5; and self-understanding, 18–20; social neuroscience, 88; sociocultural neuroscience, 89
neuroscience revolution, 185–188
neuroscientific turn, 1
The Neuroscientific Turn (Littlefield and Johnson), 70
neuroskepticism, 4
neuro-turn, 1, 60; fMRI and, 73
neuroX, 59, 60; fMRI and, 78–79; neuroscientist critics, 71–72; overview, 62–65
New Methods in Education (Tadd), 45–46
A New View of Insanity: The Duality of the Mind Proved by the Structure, Functions, and Disease of the Brain and by the Phenomena of Mental Derangement, and Shewn to Be Essential to Moral Responsibility (Wigan), 44
Night of the Bloody Apes film, 210
NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), 20–21
Northoff, George, 99–100
nosologies, 137, 159
nutrition, 52–53; neuroascesis and, 48–50
objective self-fashioning, 52, 179
objectivity, 11, 70, 154–155, 166–167
O’Connor, Cliodhna, 20
Odd Corners (Hjortsberg), 198
Omega-3 fatty acids, 52–53
On the Sacred Disease (Hippocrates), 29
organic, 238n4
Orlac’s Hands film, 210
other-judgments, 97
Our Voice, 170
Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, 68
PACC (perigenual anterior cingulate cortex), 162
The Passions of the Soul (Descartes), 30
pathological anatomy, 38–42
Paycheck (film), 223
pedagogy. See education
Pepsi paradox, 236n8
person, 236n4
person-first language, 167, 240n9
personal identity, Locke and, 7, 25–26, 32–33
personhood: Bonnet and, 36; as brainhood, 25; in Latin Christian tradition, 228; in silico model, 229
pharmaceutical companies: therapeutic fallacy, 134–135; trust, 133–134
Pharmaggedon (Healy), 133
pharma-psych nexus, 133; professional ethics and, 133–134
phenotypic self, 15
phrenology, 36, 47–51, 195–196
Pickersgill, Martin, neuroscience and self-understanding, 18
Pinel, Philippe, on neurobiology, 36
placebo effect, 135
plasticity, 41. See also neuroplasticity
Pluth, Ed, 4
political brain, 61
politics, 60; identity politics, 185–188; mirror neurons and, 61. See also neuropolitics
Pollock, Jackson, 125–126
polygraphs, 42–43
pop art, 123
popular culture: the neuro in, 9
portrait artists MRI scan, 114
Posit Science Corporation, 53
positive programming of the brain, 51–52
possessive individualism, 25
Powell, Joe, 185–186
The Power of Images (Freedberg), 120–129
Powers, Richard, 195, 198–204
prefrontal cortex, 93–95. See also MPFC (medial prefrontal cortex)
Primitive Culture (Tylor), 103
The Primitive Mind Cure (Evans), 51
Prinzhorn, Hans, 122
The Professor (C. Brontë), 195
Professor Dowell’s Head (Beliaev), 196, 211
Professor Dowell’s Testament film, 211
Progress in Brain Research, 87
Proudly Autistic, 174
psy, 6
psy disciplines, 237n1
psychiatric consumer/survivor/ex-patients. See C/S/X
psychiatric nosologies, 137, 159
psychiatry, 131; brain-based vocabularies, 132; denosologizing, 146; globalization, 135–137; as neuroscientific discipline, 20–21. See also neuropsychiatry
Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry (Cooper), 169
psychoanalysis, 6
psychodynamic therapy, 135, 139–140
psychological distress, 8–9
Psychological Inquiry, 87
psychological therapy: neuroplasticity and, 41; return of, 139–140
psychology, terminology, 27
The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain (Solso), 114
psychopathology, 165
psychopharmacology, 133; pharmaceutical marketing, 135–137
psychophysiology, 38–42
psychosis, childhood trauma and, 141–142
psychotherapy, 140–141
psychopharmacological revolution, 8
Puccetti, Roland, 14
Putnam, Hilary, Reason, Truth, and History, 197
Quod Animi Mores Corporis Temperatura Sequantur (That the Traits of the Soul Follow the Temperaments of the Body) (Galen), 28
Raichle, Marcus, 161
Raymaker, Dora, 181
RDoC (Research Domain Criteria), 138–139; depression and, 146–147
Reason, Truth, and History (Putnam), 197
regulation of emotion, 154
Reichle, Ingeborg, 190
religion, brain death in different traditions, 23
Remembering film, 222
resting-state research for depression, 161–162; PACC and, 162; VMPFC and, 162
right brain, Broca and, 38–39
Rimland, Bernard, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior, 169–170
“The Rise of the Neuronovel” (Roth), 194–195
rock art, 122
Rose, Nikolas, 6, 237n1; neurochemical self, 17
Roth, Marco, “The Rise of the Neuronovel,” 194–195
Rubin, Sue, 172
Sacks, Oliver, An Anthropologist on Mars, 171
Saturday (McEwan), 195, 202
A Scanner Darkly (Dick), 197
Schismatrix (Sterling), 198
science popularization, 5, 200
Scientific Revolution, corpuscularianism, 32
schizophrenia, 8, 16, 139, 140–142, 147–149, 161
SCS (self-construal scale): cultural neuroscientists and, 96–97, 105; neuroanthropology and, 94–95
sculpting of the brain, 41–42
seat of the soul, 22
Second Treatise of Government (Locke), 25
self, 236n4
self-advocacy, 167, 169–172, 184
self-construal style, 94, 100
self-healing, 50,
self-help movement, 50–52
selfhood, 15–16
self-identity, brain-based vocabulary and, 132
self-understanding, neuro and, 6, 18–20
sgACC abnormalities in MDD, 160
Sherwood, Katherine, 190
Shirley (C. Brontë), 195, 196
Shorter, Edward, 135
Shweder, Richard, cultural psychology, 90–91
Sinclair, Jim, 175
Singer, Judy, 167, 171, 173, 175, 186
Singer, Tania, 153
Siodmak, Curt, Donovan’s Brain, 197
Sketches by Boz (Dickens), 195
Smiles, Samuel, 50
Smith, Edwin, 26
Social and Affective Neuroscience Society, 88
social cognition, cultural neuroscience and, 92
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 87, 88
social influences on neuroplasticity, 153
social model of disabilities, 168
social neuroscience, 88
Social Neuroscience, 88
socialities, 132
sociobiological culture, 102
sociocultural neuroscience, 89
solidism, 31
Solso, Robert: Cognition and the Visual Arts, 114; The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain, 114
somatic individuality, 21–22, 26, 229
soul, 22; Aristotle and, 26–27
spirits, 27–29. See also humors
Spolsky, Ellen, 206
Spurzheim, Johann-Caspar, 36–38
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), 133
Sterling, Bruce, Schismatrix, 198
Stevenson, Robert Louis, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 196
stigma, destigmatization, 142–143
Stoker, Bram, Dracula, 196
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 196
Strange Days film, 222
subject, 236n4
subjectivation, 4, 15
subjectivity, 16–20, 62, 133. See also personhood; self-identity, brain-based vocabulary and
substrates, 73
subtractive technique, fMRI and, 81–82
Sullivan, Ruth, 169–170
Sylvian fissure, in Einstein’s brain, 40
symmetry, aesthetic judgment and, 116–118
Szasz, Thomas, 169
Tadd, James Liberty, New Methods in Education, 45–46
Tan, 38–39
TAU (treatment-as-usual), 141
technologies of the self, 15
teenage brain, 19
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Brontë), 195
The Terminal Man (Crichton), 197
Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Hardy), 196
therapeutic fallacy of medication, 134–135
Thinking in Pictures (Grandin), 171
Thinks (Lodge), 198–199, 205–206
thoughts and healing, 51
threefold argument, 9–11
To the Lighthouse (Woolf), 193
Total Recall film, 219
Tourette syndrome, 19, 195
transcultural neuroimaging, 88–89, 99–100
transplantation theme in film and fiction, 196–197, 207–216
trauma, psychosis and, 141–142
Treatise of Man (Descartes), 30
treatment gap, 136
The Tryal of Wits: Discovering the Great Difference of Wits Among Men, and What Sort of Learning Suits Best with Each Genius (Huarte), 28
Tsur, Reuven, 192
The Turing Option (Harrison and Minsky), 197–198
Two Cultures, 205
Tylor, Edward, Primitive Culture, 103
underpinnings, 73
U.S. BRAIN Initiative, 66
van Praag, Herman, on depression, 146
The Varieties of Religious Experience (James), 50
Villette (C. Brontë), 195, 196
VMPFC (ventromedial prefrontal cortex), 162
Vogt, Oskar: Lenin’s brain, 39; man as brain animal, 35
VS (vegetative state), 23–24
Wallace, David Foster, 195
Warhol, Andy, Brillo Box, 120
Watson, James D., on genes, 16
Weintraub, Kit, 174–175
Wells, H. G., 196
Western context of brainhood, 23
Whale, James: Bride of Frankenstein film, 208–209; Frankenstein film, 207–209
When Gravity Falls (Effinger), 198
white matter hyperintensities, 158
WHO (World Health Organization): depression and, 143–144; mgHAP (Mental Health Gap Action Programme), 136
Wigan, Arthur, 44, 55, 197
Wilkes, Kathleen, 225
Willis, Thomas, 30; The Anatomy of the Brain and Nerves, 30–31; animal spirits, 30–31; cerebral convulsions, 30–31; Galen and, 31–32; Locke and, 35
Wolfe, Tom, 195
Woolf, Virginia, To the Lighthouse, 193
The World, The Flesh, and the Devil (Bernal), 197
Wray, John, Lowboy, 195
Young Frankenstein (Brooks), 208
Zeki, Semir: beauty and, 112; “Neural Correlates of Beauty,” 112–113; neuroaesthetics, 106