to get over here fast; should be along directly. Thing is, how do you want him to come in?”

Matt had been studying the fight through his field glasses. “They’re working around real carefully to outflank us,” he said, still looking through the glasses. Then, putting them down, he said, “Is Taylor coming through the timber? Will he be approaching that way?”

“Why, you want him somewheres else?”

“I want you to get back to him fast and tell him to hold, just back of the timber.”

“What about them hostiles?” Windy nodded toward the area Matt had been studying. “They get us outflanked, we’ll be out of business real fast.”

“We’ll just let them.”

“I see you got men working across that other side there. You figuring to outflank Quick Thunder while he thinks he’s got you pinched?”

“That’s about it. We’ll let the Sioux think they’ve got us outflanked. But get Taylor up there fast and have him hold. And then when we bugle it, he can come right in on them.”

Windy spat. He spat quickly, for he was in a hurry to say something. “By God, you’re getting to be almost as smart as old Windy, by God!”

Billy had collected all the guns of the Cohoes cowboys while Elihu Cohoes and Ching Domino glared in fury. But twice Larrabee Hogan had to tell his brother to move faster. When finally the weapons had been placed in the chuckwagon, Hogan stepped in closer toward the men, while at a signal from him, the other Cohoes drovers, who had been left with the herd, came in.

“Here is the way it is going to be.” Larrabee Hogan made a movement with the Winchester. “Come in a little closer there. Now I’ve already told these here men that