“Don’t worry about it. We’re going to have that spread we always talked about. Remember?”

He was close to his brother now, and looking into Larry’s eyes, he felt a sudden chill running all through him. Larrabee Hogan’s eyes were brilliant, wild, and very wide. For an instant, Billy was terrified, but then he felt something take hold of him, and he was absolutely calm as he spoke.

“Larry, it’s too late. You’re no longer nineteen. You’re what you are, and the law will come for you. The soldiers will come. The firing up there has stopped.” And Billy felt something break and start to melt in him. He stared at his brother, the brother who had raised him; and he didn’t know what to do or say. All he could do now was try not to cry.

His brother’s grin was wild, like it had been cut into his face. “You gonna arrest me, soldier?”

Billy shook his head. “I just want you to let me go. And you better ride out of here fast.”

“Sorry, kid. I’ve waited one hell of a long time for this.”

Billy wanted to say something, but he didn’t trust himself not to break down. He turned, hoping his legs would support him as he started toward his horse, his back toward his brother.


But the shot that rang out was not from Larrabee Hogan’s gun. Billy, realizing he was still alive, turned, his eyes jumping with disbelief as he saw Larry falling to his knees, blood flowing out of his mouth, his hands clawing toward his neck.

“Hold it, kid!”

It was Elihu Cohoes who, standing by the chuckwa- gon, was covering him with a .45.

“Jesus!” Ching Domino-stood rooted where he was.