With the most enormous and heartfelt thanks to:
Gaia Banks for continuing to give me most excellent, and honest, criticism as well as support and advice and some rather nice lunches.
Sara O’Connor for her skilful editing and story guidance, and the fabulous Hot Key Books team, especially Jenny Jacoby and Megan Farr.
Cait Davies from Hot Key Books for her tireless efforts to turn me from technodork to technotyro – a remarkable achievement.
Jacqueline Wilson for encouraging me and saying such lovely things about the first Harvey Drew book.
Alfie, Bertie, Archie and Annie Beth for being proud of me.
And Annie Beth for giving Maxie the best line in the book: ‘Death by pizza! Not a very heroic way to die!’
And finally,
Sam Hearn for his brilliant illustrations. Sam, this is a huge thank you for adding so much in your pictures. Sam, you rock.