Without question we are experiencing a rebirth in the study of ancient giants. The presence of giants in human prehistory, and more important, their relationship to us, has become a hotly debated topic. New discoveries on a regular basis continue to prove that this is a story that is as vital to the study of human evolution as any of the prehistoric finds discovered throughout southern Africa. Included in the myths and folklore of indigenous cultures and in the hallowed scriptures of our modern-day churches, temples, and mosques, the archetype of the giant is inescapable.

One of the key arguments of this book is that our ancient ancestors possessed a higher order of civilization than our present global culture. Contrary to popular belief, our ancestors were not ignorant and simpleminded, but rather had very sophisticated and advanced technologies as well as a clear knowledge of astronomy, medicine, and engineering—among other disciplines. Our distant forebears were also excellent record keepers as well as credible witnesses to the unusual phenomena of what the modern mind would deem “the alternative history of early civilization.” We have also seen, with the introduction of the cosmic ray theory discussed in chapter 2, how it is scientifically possible for radiation to cause mutations resulting in abnormally large beings.

However, as we know, we are immersed in a global conspiracy masterminded by the world’s many national governments that suppresses many new discoveries that seek to confirm that we were, in actual fact, preceded by a race of giants. Because many of these anomalous discoveries have engendered controversy, they are often met with a “knowledge filter”—a self-limiting system that tends to dismiss new theories, not judging them on their merits, but instead rejecting them because they don’t necessarily fit with what has become the standardized, codified knowledge base that establishment academics support (Gallegos 2009, 11). Given this, there is little chance of a truly original and paradigm-shattering idea ever gaining widespread acceptance within mainstream scientific circles. The guardians of the establishment simply don’t want to risk their reputations and careers on a competing idea, even if that idea is the correct one. Rather than acting to support a genuine search for the truth, this filter relegates any and all ideas, evidence, or speculation not officially sanctioned by the academic hierarchy to the domain of “fringe science.” This is a death sentence for any scientist attempting to gain broad acceptance for a new theory.

In contrast to current academic thought regarding the nature of human evolution, I believe in intelligent intervention, the idea that our evolution was accelerated five hundred thousand years ago by a targeted mutation of our genes by extraterrestrials. I also believe that giants represent the true earthborn race that evolved independently on this world, as a result of this mutation, over its four-billion-year history. This mutated culture is described in the Sanskrit writings of India; it possessed the Vimana spacecraft, and it was eventually either adopted by or passed on to the larger human population. All of this was to end during the great age of cataclysms, when Atlantis and the world trembled and then passed into oblivion.

My beliefs are contrary to those of most scientific elitists who support an absolutist interpretation of Darwin’s theory and thus reject the concept of a targeted mutation and the ensuing development of a race of giants. Personally, however, I see no evidence that the race of giants hypothesis is incompatible with the theory of evolution as impacted by an alien intervention.

In the pages of this book I have attempted to present the argument for the race of giants theory and, in so doing, have provided ample evidence from the world over, whether that evidence is found in mythological accounts containing irrefutable references to giants or in findings unearthed in the archaeological record. There is no question in my mind that the findings from these excavations are genuine, as most if not all were unearthed within plain view of numerous, if not hundreds, of eyewitnesses. Many were widely documented at the time of their discovery.

The issue of prehistoric giants such as Gigantopithecus and Meganthropus is a closed case. Their existence is neither speculation nor some sort of hoax. There really were gigantic humanlike creatures living in the dense, tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia—as there probably are to this day! The established cry of lack of evidence might fit in well at academic-dominated universities or skeptical publications, but the plain truth of the matter is that evidence is robust and abundant, from documentary and historical data, to archaeological discoveries, to rich mythological traditions. We are approaching ever closer a real understanding of the remote human past and the mysterious creatures that shared this planet with us.

In this book, I the writer and you the reader have taken up an exploration of giants in the ancient world. I hope that what you have ingested here has opened your mind to the idea that giants were, in all probability, a seminal part of our remote past.

It is my belief that in the months and years ahead, more fossilized remains of giants will be unearthed throughout the world. As a result, the views of the mainstream establishment will be pushed to the tipping point, and it will be sheer folly to continue to refute what is the obvious truth: giants were a part of human evolution, and to them we owe an immeasurable debt in ways that may well prove too innumerable to ever fully calibrate.