All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.

AB-hybrid rulers, xxi–xxiii
Aborigines, 91–92
Adites, 14
advanced being intervention theory
        (ABIT), x
advanced beings (ABs), xi
Aesir, 76
Africa, giants of, 87–90
aircraft, 9
Alarcón, Hernando de, 100–101
alphabet, xii–xiii
Ancient Aliens,
31, 150
ancient civilizations, 26–35, 57–59. See also specific civilizations
Antaeus, tomb of, 67
antediluvian world, 145–48
Antikythera, 9
Antiquities of the Jews,
Anunnaki, 150–51
Apes, Giants, and Man,
Apsu, xi
archaeology, 45–46, 59–62, 105–19, 135–37. See also fossil record
Area 51, 1
Ares, 47
Ari, 30
Aristotle, 179
Armenia, 30–31
Artemis, 49
Assyrian flood myths, 164
Atlantis, xx–xxi
    contenders for, 176–77
    popularity of, 169–71
    possible flight to Sumer, 177–78
    technology and, 172
Atlantis Encyclopedia, The,
Atlas, 16, 17
Audhumbla, 75
Australia, giants of, 91–95
Aym, Terrence, 23, 133
Aztecs, 129–30, 131, 165

Baalbek, Temple of, 31–32
Babyloniaca, 145–47
Babylonian flood myth, 163–64
Balor, 12–13
Bambara people, 166
Basques, 34–35
Bellamy, Hans Schindler, 37
Bellwood, Peter, 141–42
Bering Strait theory, 113–14
Berossus, 146–47
Bible, 95–97, 143–44, 148, 159–61
Binbali, 89–90
Bi Sheng, 10
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 19–20
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 109–10
Bochica, 14
Bol, Manute, 89–90
bone rush, 46, 59–61
Boniface, Saint, 78
book burnings, 10
Borr, 73, 75
Bruce, James, 151
Burdick, Clifford, 126–27
Burotu, 14

Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, 111
Calame-Griaule, G., 87–88
Camacho, Juan Armenta, 2–3
Canaan, 27–28
Carnac stones, 34–35
Caroli, Kenneth, 165–66, 178
Castañeda, Pedro de, 100–101
Caucasians, 109–10, 112–13
Celtic mythology, 71–72
Centaurs, 58
Central America, giants of, 130–32
Chibcha people, 14
Chickasawba, 119–21
Childress, David Hatcher, xx–xxiii, 9, 10–11, 29–30, 32, 34, 133, 139, 169, 172, 178
China and the Chinese, 10–11, 20–23
chlorine-23, 33
Chouinard, Patrick, ix–x, xii
Clovis people, 98
Coleman, Loren, 84
collective unconscious, 12–15
Comoros Islands, giants of, 90–91
Confucius, 10
Conneaut Giants, 106–9
Cook, James, 140
Corineus, 72–73
Coronado, Francisco, 100
Corrales, Scott, 19–20
cosmic ice theory, 35–38
cosmic rays, 38–42
Cosmos, 40–41
Cowden, Charles C., 124–25
Cowden, H. Flagler, 124–25
creation myths, xi, 74–76
Creek Indians, 117–18
Critias, 169, 170
Cro-Magnons, 34
Cyclopes, 47, 56

Dacia, 68
Daityas, 15–16
Däniken, Erich von, ix, 97, 140, 147
Death Valley, 124–25
Dechend, Hertha von, 163
Deloria, Vine, 4
Deucalion’s flood, 161–62
devas, x–xi
Diamond, Jared, 141
Dietrich of Bern, 72
Dillmann, August, 151
Dinka, 89–90
DNA, xviii–xix, 113–15
dolmens, 29–30
Drake, Francis, 133
Dunbavin, Paul, 29
Durán, Diego, 130–31

Earth, rotation of, 3–4
Earth Magic, 35
Easter Island, 111–12, 137–42
Eddas, 19, 73
end-times myths, 79–82
Enoch, Book of, 21, 149, 151–53
Ephialtes, 46–47
Erie, mound builders of, 115–16
Eugster, Jakob, 38–39
evolution theory, 57–59
extinction, 57–59

Faro, 166
Fauth, Philip, 35–36
Fawcett, Percy, 137
Fenris, 80
First Fossil Hunters, The, 50
Formorach, 12–13
fossil record, xvii–xviii, 54–55, 63–64
    in Africa, 87–89
    in Australia, 92–95
    in New World, 85–87, 105–19, 124–27
Frazer, James, 159
frost giants, 71–72, 77–78
Frywell, Ronald, 105

Galaup, Jean François de, 139–40
Genesis, Book of, 148, 152, 153
Genesis Apocryphon,
154, 156
genetic engineering, xii
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 33, 72
geomyths, 58
Geryon, 65 giants
    as builders of ancient civilizations, 26–35
    case for, 4–6
    as collective unconscious, 12
    cosmic rays and, 38–42
    as monsters, 64–67
    semantics of term, 8–9
    suppression of evidence, 6
    See also mythology; specific cultures
Giants, Book of, 151–53
Gigantomachy, 18, 58, 63–64
83–87, 99, 182
Gilroy, Rex, 92–93
global cataclysm, xix–xx
Goemagot, 72–73
Goliath, 96–97
Graveure, Jules, 39
Great Flood, 148, 158–67
Greece and the Greeks, 43–45, 51–57
Green, Matthew, 90–91
Greys, 149
Guerber, H. A., 76, 79
gunpowder, 10
Gunther, John, 89

Hall, Mark A., 84
Hancock, Graham, 158–59, 163
haplogroup X, 113–14
Hard, Robin, 174
Haze, Xaviant, 99, 100–101
height, 55–56, 109
Helike, 176
Hendel, Ronald S., 27–28, 148
Henderson, Jon, 179
Hercules, 58–59, 67
Hermes, 47
Herodotus, 45, 61–62
Hesiod, 43, 44–45, 57–58, 60
Hill, Howard E., 123
Hindu Yugas, 165–66
Hitching, Francis, 35
Hittites, 13
Hobbit, The,
Hoerbiger, Hans, 35–36
Homer, 43, 46–48, 57–58, 68, 179
Homo erectus,
xv, 84, 85
Homo sapiens,
x, xiii, 84, 93
Homo sapien sapiens,
xiii, xvi–xvii, xix
Hrungnir, 77
Hueyatlaco, 2–3
Hurrians, 13

Iliad, 46–48
Incas, 12
India, 15–17
Ireland, 12–13
Irwin-Williams, Cynthia, 2–3

Jaredites, 24
Jericho, Battle of, 28
Job, Book of, 95
Jokul, 79
Joseph, Frank, 13–14, 17, 81, 95, 160–61
Josephus, 28–29, 45
Joshua, Book of, 28
Jotun, 79
Jovian system, 3
Jupiter, 32

Kai, 13–14
Kennewick Man, 112–13
Kigali Rwanda, 88–89
Kimon, 60
Kiss, Edmund, 136–37
Knight, Christopher, 21–22
knowledge filters, 182
Koenigswald, Gustav Heinrich
    Ralph von, 84, 86
Kolosimo, Peter, 38–39, 89
Kronos, 174–75
Kumarbi, 13

Lamb, Dana, 85
Lamb, Ginger, 85
Lamech, 154–55
Langdon, Robert, 139
language, xii–xiii
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul, 87–88
Lemurians, 19–20, 92
León, Pedro Cieza de, 134
Leopold, Estella, 2–3
lightning motifs, 66–67
Loki, 80
Lomas, Robert, 21–22
Lord of the Rings, The, 71
Luna, 37–38

Mackenzie, Donald A., 71, 74
Magellan, Ferdinand, 132–33
Mahabharata, 165–66
Marion County, West Virginia, 116–19
Mayas, 165
Mayor, Adrienne, 45, 49–51, 53, 54–55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61–62, 64–66
Mediterranean, sunken cities in, 178–80
megalithic structures, 13–14, 26–35
Megalong Valley, 93–94
Meganthropus, 83–87, 182
Merlin, 33
mitochondria, 113–14
Mjollnir, 77
Moai, 137–42
monsters, 64–67
Mont Pelee explosion, 39
moons, 36–37
Mormon, Book of, 24
Moses, 27
mound builders, 106–9, 115–16
mummies, 123–24, 132
Muspelheim, 74–75, 80–81
mutations, 38–42
mythology, 8–11, 15–25, 46–54
    giants as collective unconscious, 12–15
    science and, 45–46
    See also Great Flood; specific cultures
Myths of the Norsemen: From the Eddas and Sagas,

Native Americans, 101–5
Navarrete, Fernández de, 100
Nayenezgani, 101–2
Needham, Joseph, 11
Ne-Mu, 13–14
Nephilim, 148–50, 151
Nettleton, Harvey, 106–7
New Caledonia, 94–95
New Guinea, 13–14
newspaper accounts, 119–23
New World, 23–25
    accounts of giants by explorers, 99–101
    discoveries in Marion County, 116–19
    giants of, 109–15
    mummies of the Southwest, 123–24
    newspaper accounts from nineteenth century, 119–23
    oral traditions of giants by Native Americans, 101–5
Nilot, 83, 89
Nimrod, King, 32
Noah, 154–57
Norse deities, 18–19
Norse mythology, 72–82
North America. See New World
North Atlantic Biocultural
    Organisation (NABO), 112

Oannes, 145–47
Odin, 72, 75–76
Odysseus, 179
Odyssey, 46, 47
Ohio mounds, 5
Olympians, 173–75
On Heroes, 51
oracle at Delphi, 59, 62–63
Orestes, 52, 62–63
Orion, 48–49, 59
Otus, 46–47

Paiute tribe, 23
paleontology, 54–55
Pallene (Phlegra), 65
P’an Ku, xi, 20–21
Patagonia, giants of, 132–33
Pausanias, 50
Peet, Stephen D., 107–8
Pelops, 49–51
Phaeton, 164–65
Philostratus of Lemnos, 51
Pineda, Alonso Álvarez de, 99–100
Plato, 45, 52, 54–55, 145, 169–71, 176–77, 179
Pliny the Elder, 48, 59
Plutarch, 67
Polynesia, giants of, 137–42
Polyphemus, 47
Poseidon, xxi
Posnansky, Arthur, 136–37
Pravda, 88–89
punctuated equilibrium, xiii–xiv

Quayle, Stephen, 92, 99, 130

radiation, 38–42
Ragnarok, 79–82
Rakshas, 16–17
Ramayana, 16
Red Headband, 90–91
Reeves, John C., 154
road systems, 4–5
Rogerson, John Williams, 152
Roggeveen, Jacob, 138–39
Romans, 44, 51–54
Rosenberg, Donna, 20–21
Routledge, Katherine, 112, 140
Russell, F. Bruce, 123

Sagan, Carl, 3–4, 40–41
Saint Pierre (city), 39
Santa Rosa Island, 110–11
Saos, 88
Saudi Arabia, 5–6
Schaeffer, Francis A., 149–50
Scheria, 176
Schliemann, Heinrich, 48, 68
Schoch, Robert M., 130, 177–78
Schouten, Wilhelm, 133
Schrag, Paul, 99, 100–101
    black holes of, 1–6
    mythology and, 45–46
    Sagan on, 3–4
Secret Cities of Old South America,
Seven Sages, 147
Siegfried, 72
Sinim, 94
Sitchin, Zecharia, ix, 150
Skoufos, Theodore, 65
snow monsters, 71–72
solar system, 36–38
Solon, 169–70
South America, giants of, 130–32
Spartans, 62–63
Steen-McIntyre, Virginia, 2–3
Steiger, Brad, 105, 125–26
Stonehenge, 33–34
Strabo, 55
Sturluson, Snorri, 73
Sumer, 177–78
Sumern flood myth, 162–63
sunken cities, 178–80
Suppressed History of America, The,
Surt, 80–81
Switzerland, 79
Swope, Robin, 115–16

Tarim mummies, 22–23
technology, 9–11, 172
Temple of Baalbek, 31–32
Teutonic Myth and Legend, 74
Theseus, 60
Thompson, Lucy, 102–5
Thor, 67, 72, 76–78
Thornton, Richard, 117–18
Thrud, 73
Tiahuanaco, 133–37
Tiamat, xi
Timaeus, 169–71
Timeless Earth, 38, 89
Titanomachy, 64, 173–75, 176
Titans, 17–18, 43, 173–75
Tityus, 43
Tolkien, J. R. R., 71
Tripura, 16
Troy, 48, 49–51, 68
True Giants, 84
Tse’tahotsilta’li, 101–2
Tsoukalos, Giorgio A., 170
Twilight of the Gods, 97
Typhon, 44, 65

United States, 4–5, 23–25. See also
    New World
Uranus, 173–75

Vardanyan, Mihran, 30–31
Ve, 75–76
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 3
Venus, 3
Vili, 75–76
Von Ward, Paul, ix–xxiv, 58
Voss, Roger, xi, xi–xii

Wa-gas, 102–5
Wagner, Richard, 72
Walker, Keith, 93
Watchers, 21–23, 148–50, 154
Weidenreich, Franz, 85–87
Welteislehre, 35–38
Wilkins, Harold T., 131–32
Williams, Kitty, 119
Williams, William W., 107–8
World Tree, 81
Wright, Aaron, 106–9
Wright, G. Ernest, 27

Yggdrasil, 81
Ymir, 73, 75–76

Zeus, 65, 161, 164, 166, 175
Zorats Karer, 30–31