Mainstream archaeologists hold to the basic tenets of the Clovis First theory with almost religious zeal. This theory is so-named for a specific type of arrow-point found in Clovis, New Mexico, during the early half of the last century, and considered by the establishment to be the Holy Grail of North American paleoarchaeology. In the estimation of these mainstream archaeologists, sporadic waves of migrations beginning around fifteen thousand years ago moved from Siberia across the Bering Strait and into Alaska. When an ice-free corridor opened up a few thousand years later, the Paleo-Indians, as they are called, roamed southward into virgin territory, soon to occupy the whole of the Americas. In their view, this established the Clovis people as the New World’s first culture.

Many mainstream scientists now question this interpretation, but the number of academics who still cling to the old theory is truly staggering. As stated in previous chapters, ample evidence suggests that contrary to this view—that the New World was an unpopulated garden that became inhabited but a few short millennia ago—the New World is instead a land of vanished peoples and was the epicenter of a long-lost age of historical giants. Indeed, this evidence suggests that giants dominated the Americas for hundreds of thousands years before the arrival of Asian people from Siberia.


In their book The Suppressed History of America, Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze write: “Meriwether Lewis, described as a giant of American history, may have been preceded by an entire race of real, historical giants” (2011, 90). Indeed, this, in short, summarizes the main thesis of the race of giants hypothesis on which this book is based. Throughout Schrag and Haze’s work, they demonstrate how the famous American explorers and adventurers Lewis and Clark encountered stories among the Native Americans of a fallen race of giants. Furthermore, in many cases Lewis and Clark had their own close encounters with such beings. They wrote these down and then suppressed the accounts in later publications.

According to author Stephen Quayle, up until five centuries ago, the New World was still populated by living giants. Only in very recent times, the last few centuries, has evidence of living giants faded into the background. The only legends that persist are those of the mythical Sasquatch, which may or may not be a living species descended from Gigantopithecus. While the jury on that particular question is still out, let’s look at a sixteenth-century account of the New World’s giant phenomena.

In 1519, Spanish explorer Alonso Álvarez de Pineda mapped the entire Gulf Coast region, marking the various rivers and bays, noticeable landmarks and porting areas, all of which were the exclusive property of the king of Spain. After covering the entire coastlines of Florida and as far south as Tampico, Mexico, he returned up the Mississippi River, a journey he would never forget. Pineda was the first European ever to have ventured up the mouth of the Mississippi. He returned with an unbelievable account. According to Pineda, he found a large settlement of villages inhabited by giants. Pineda also claimed that these giants were friendly, and after some time he and his crew settled among them. There they rested, made repairs, and resupplied their foodstuffs, preparing for the journey onward (Schrag and Haze 2011, 91).

Pineda noted that there was an abundance of gold throughout the Mississippi and that the natives adorned themselves with gold jewelry and worshipped golden idols. Rather atypical for a Spaniard of his time, Pineda was less concerned with finding gold in the Mississippi and more captivated by the discovery of new lands and food, and the shock of finding a race of giants living among the native population.

After Pineda arrived back at his home base on the Caribbean island of Jamaica, he mentioned additional settlements of giants encountered on islands all the way up the Texas coast. He then presented Francisco de Garay, the Spanish governor of Jamaica, with his maps of the entire Gulf Coast along with his sketches and impressions of its inhabitants. These writings, archived by the famous Spanish compiler Martín Fernández de Navarrete, can be found by visiting the Archivo General de Indias in Seville, Spain (Schrag and Haze 2011, 92).

Twenty years later, the renowned Spanish explorer Francisco Coronado led an expedition across the American Southwest in search of the legendary Seven Cities of Cibola, known today as El Dorado. Throughout this quest, the expedition encountered numerous tribes of Indian giants. The man responsible for documenting these close encounters was Pedro de Castañeda, who traveled with Coronado and wrote firsthand accounts and histories of the expedition.

Castañeda’s book describes this fascinating journey and discusses the adventures of a key crewmember, Hernando de Alarcón, regarding interactions with living giants among the North American Indians of the Southwest. Schrag and Haze explain the adventure:

Low on provisions, a frantic Coronado sent Alarcón to find a river that could bring supplies more easily to the Spanish outposts along the California and Mexican coasts. After nearly destroying his ships and missing the waiting party at the rendezvous point, Alarcón haphazardly floated up the mouth of the murky Colorado River. Alarcón and his men became the first Europeans to fight the rough rapids as he brought his fleet into the heart of the Colorado River, reaching as far as the lower reaches of the Grand Canyon. While coasting up the river, Alarcón and his men came upon a settlement of an estimated two hundred giant warriors. These giants, amazed by foreign intruders on the riverbanks, were ready to attack.

Alarcón, however, averted conflict by offering them gifts and entering in a peace treaty with the imposing natives. This quickly diffused the situation and Alarcón and his fleet were permitted to continue unmolested by the natives. These giants were later identified as belonging to the Cocopa Indians; even more of these giant tribesmen were found further upstream. (2011, 92)


Oral traditions of most of the tribes of North America also contain accounts of giants. Diné (Navajo) legends mention a race of “alien gods” called the anaye. This name is also associated with a race that spoke a distinctly non-Navajo language. These tremendous ogres towered over the Navajo, “half as tall as the tallest pine-tree.” They were distinguished as not being less intelligent than the Navajo and other Native Americans, but also as being bloodthirsty cannibals who ravenously devoured human flesh and even consumed one another.

Another giant, who bore the difficult name Tse’tahotsilta’li, which means “He Who Kicks (People) Down the Cliff,” was felled by the Navajo cultural hero Nayenezgani (“Slayer of the Alien Gods”). Nayenezgani destroyed the wicked giant Tse’tahotsilta’li by hitting him right between the eyes with a stone knife. Tse’tahotsilta’li’s twelve children then ravenously devoured huge chunks of their father’s raw and bleeding corpse, while Nayenezgani went on the warpath and slaughtered eleven of these twelve children of the great giant. However, the final and eldest child was so filthy, ugly, and deformed that Nayenezgani took pity on him and spared his life. The boy giant, nothing more than a cannibal monster, traveled to Navajo Mountain (elevation 10,388 feet) on the Utah-Arizona border and, according to Native American legend, became the forerunner of the Paiutes.


Some of the earliest surviving written and oral accounts tell of fierce, light-skinned peoples who were once the central force of a lost civilization. They claimed that their antecedents were a race of giants. In her book To the American Indian, Lucy Thompson writes:

When the Indians first made their appearance on the Klamath river it was already inhabited by a white race of people known among us as the Wa-gas. These white people were found to inhabit the whole continent, and were a highly moral and civilized race. They heartily welcomed the Indians to their country and taught us all of their arts and sciences.

The Indians recognized the rights of these ancient people as the first possessors of the soil and no difficulties ever arose between the two people. . . . Their morals were far superior to the white people of today, their ideals were high and inspired our people with greatness. After we had lived with these ancient people so long, they suddenly called their hosts together and mysteriously disappeared for a distant land, we know not where. . . . Our people mourned their loss, as no more have we found such friends as they, so true and loyal.

In their farewell journey across this land they left landmarks of stone monuments, on the tops of high mountains and places commanding a view of the surrounding country. These land-marks we have kept in repair, down through the ages in loving remembrance. . . . When the Wa-gas left this land they assured my people that they would return to them at some future time. Perchance thousands of years have elapsed since then, and they have not returned, we have waited in vain for it seems that our cherished hopes are fading. However, some of our people are still looking for the return of the white man.

The traditions handed down leads us to believe that the Wa-gas returned to the land of their birth, in the far north, the valley of Cheek-cheek-alth, as their traditions were given to us that their origin was in this same land of Cheek-cheek-alth, as they came down from the North when they came to this land. When the Wa-gas first arrived on this continent they handed down the traditions to us that it was inhabited by a giant race of people when they first came.

These giants were represented by the Wa-gas as being very swarthy in complexion, and they used implements so large that no ordinary man could lift them. It was an age when large animals roamed the earth, and it seems the birds and fowls were all very large in size. It appeared to be the first age, and was the age of the giants. The recollections transmitted by the Wa-gas were that these giants were very cruel and wicked. It was said that God became displeased with them and destroyed them and they all perished from the earth.

It was also said that God appeared to the High Priest of the Wagas and told them that he was going to destroy the giant race and that the Wa-gas themselves would survive upon the earth as a new people. Smaller birds and animals would appear upon the earth for the use of man, thus the age of giants perished, but the Wa-gas do not hand down any tradition of how they perished from the earth, as my people have no recollections of ever seeing giants.

My mother says that our people in ancient times have seen many relics belonging to these prehistoric giants, such as huge stone bowls, stone slabs and other implements so great that our people could not move them. During the ages of rains and wearing away of the earth, these implements have been buried so deep and have sunk into the earth, is the reason we cannot find them today. The Indian name for the giant race is Pah-pel-ene, which means people that have all died and passed away.

When the Wa-gas returned to Cheek-cheek-alth it is supposed they found a ladder in this beautiful valley which extends from earth to Heaven, and climbed it to Werse-on-now, (Heaven) where they dwell with God. All the half castes with the exception of a few went away with the Wa-gas, and nearly all those that were three quarters Indian remained with our people. This is said to be the reason why some of our people are very fair. Some of the Indians are still looking for their return to the earth, when they come back it is believed that peace and happiness will reign supreme again over this great land and all evil will be cast out.

When the present race of the white people made their first appearance upon the American continent, we believed it was the Wa-gas returning and a hearty welcome was extended to them and there was great rejoicing among our tribes. But soon the sad mistake was discovered to our sorrow, when the men began to debauch our women, give whiskey to our men and claim our land that our fore-fathers had inhabited for so many thousands of years, yet not a single family has ever been driven from their house on the Klamath river up to this day. We no longer termed them as Wa-gas, but as Ken-e-yahs, which means foreigners, who had no right to the land and could never appreciate our kindness, for they were a very different people from the Wa-gas. They had corrupt morals that brought dissolution upon our people and wrought the horrors of untold havoc. (1916, 64–66)


Indeed, the evidence for the existence of a superior race of giants in North America preceding the Bering Strait population from Siberia is striking. Sophisticated stone tools have been found in an ancient Mexican streambed. These artifacts were considerably more advanced than even those used by the European and Near Eastern populations thirty-five thousand to forty thousand years ago.

Dr. Ronald Frywell of Washington State University was quoted by Brad Steiger in his book Worlds before Our Own regarding these findings: “We have apparently found geological data that led to a head-on confrontation with apparently sound archaeological data.” Steiger goes on to write: “People have been discovering data that simply will not fit into the accepted theories for the origin of the Amerindian no matter how much one bends, folds, or mutilates. How long these theories will be allowed to remain sacrosanct after such ‘head-on confrontations’ is a question that begs a forthright answer” (1978).

In reference to the monuments cited in Thompson’s book about the Wa-gas, in addition to the incredibly ancient artifacts, some being as much as 250,000 years old, enormous walled cities and fortifications were found scattered across the United States. According to Steiger: “In Rockwall, Texas’s smallest county, four square miles support the great stone walls of ancient fortification—some of which reach heights of forty-nine feet. The walls are about eight inches thick. The stones have been placed on top of each other with the ends breaking the center of the stone above or below, just as a fine mason would build a wall. The stones give the appearance of having been beveled around their edges” (1978).

There were also rumors of a vanished tribe that constructed an 885foot wall on Fort Mountain in northern Georgia. The walls run east to west, and overshadow numerous pits or foxholes from which, it is imagined, defenders repelled invading armies.

Examples of massive stone walls and fortified cities in ancient America before the arrival of Europeans could add to a renewed confidence in Native American ingenuity, but indigenous groups themselves maintain that these structures and artifacts are not products of their own engineering ability, but rather credit them to a race of giants known by a variety of names throughout the Americas and ancient Polynesia.


At the dawn of the nineteenth century, a young settler named Aaron Wright chose a homestead situated on a large “mound builder” burial ground. There he unearthed the “Conneaut Giants”—the giant-sized, ancient inhabitants of Ashtabula County, Ohio. The discovery and the mounds themselves, which were found to contain unusual and enigmatic bones, were described in 1844 by Harvey Nettleton:

The mounds that were situated in the eastern part of what is now the village of Conneaut and the extensive burying ground near the Presbyterian Church, appear to have had no connection with the burying places of the Indians. They doubtless refer to a more remote period and are the relics of an extinct race, of whom the Indians had no knowledge. These mounds were of comparatively small size, and of the same general character of those that are widely scattered over the country. What is most remarkable concerning them is that among the quantity of human bones they contain, there are found specimens belonging to men of large stature, and who must have been nearly allied to a race of giants. Skulls were taken from these mounds, the cavities of which were of sufficient capacity to admit the head of an ordinary man, and jaw-bones that might be fitted on over the face with equal facility. The bones of the arms and lower limbs were of the same proportions, exhibiting ocular proof of the degeneracy of the human race since the period in which these men occupied the soil which we now inhabit.

William W. Williams’s History of Ashtabula County, Ohio, published in 1878, is the first authoritative publication devoted to northeastern Ohio. In it are extensive accounts of various encounters with the gigantic remains of the “Conneaut Giants.” For chapter 6, entitled, “The Mound-Builders,” local antiquarian Stephen D. Peet provides the following detailed description:

An impenetrable mystery still hangs over . . . a race preceding the various tribes of Indians which history has come in contact with, and may be regarded as strictly pre-historic. . . . Ohio gives numerous evidences of such a race. Here, it would seem, was the chief seat of the ancient empire. . . . In this State two classes of works have been discovered. . . . [In] the southern counties the works are much more massive and distinct. They are also much more complicated and mysterious in their design. . . . The works at the north, on the other hand, are much simpler in their character, and are mainly indicative of a military race. Ashtabula County abounds in earthworks. . . . These works are generally situated on the banks of streams, or in such locations as to have attracted attention. . . . [Some] are works of defense, and are well chosen for this purpose. . . . That at Conneaut is situated on the summit of a lofty hill . . . which has been left by some former change of the bed of the stream. . . . A steep ascent protects it on all sides. The only approach is up a gradual slope to the eastward, formed by the narrow strip which has been left by the wash of the waters. The height of the eminence is . . . about seventy-five feet. . . . The only mark of artificial defense is found on the summit. This consists of a simple earth-wall built on the very edge of the bluff, and following closely the very line of the bluff. A ditch was on the inside of the wall, and the height of the wall may have been at one time five feet. Possibly a stockade may have surmounted it, making the inclosure doubly secure both from the natural and artificial defense.

The work has been described by those who visited it at an early date. The land thus inclosed was perfectly level, and embraced an area of about two acres, triangular in shape. . . . A single opening to the inclosure existed, and this was approached only from the level of the stream below by a narrow pathway. . . . The work might have served for a defense to the various tribes of Indians which inhabited the region, or it may have been the residence of the ancient people called the mound-builders. There is on the bank opposite this work, but farther down the stream, a large burial-mound, which might indicate that the occupants of this spot were of the more ancient race of original mound-builders.

This mound is beautifully situated on the very summit of the point of land where the river turns to the northward. . . . The location of this mound was favorable as a lookout, and connected with the defense. The defense itself might have served as a signal-station, to warn against the approach of an enemy from the lake below. There are also other mounds in this neighborhood, though they are of comparatively small size. They were situated in the eastern part of the village. It is not improbable that the Book of Mormon has some connection with these mounds, and possibly may have been suggested by them. Its author, Rev. Mr. Spalding, lived in Conneaut, and the story is based on the common sentiment that the descendants of the lost tribes buried their dead in large heaps, which caused the mounds so common in this country. Their arts and sciences and civilization account for all the curious antiquities found in North and South America. (1878, 17)

The Book of Mormon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always been associated with myths and accounts of giants. Could it be that these mounds have something to do with this mysterious tome?


Early nineteenth-century treasure hunters often dug into so-called “Indian mounds” of the American Midwest, hoping to find gold or precious jewels. Instead, they sometimes broke into ancient burials containing the skeletons of giants (Joseph 2013).

Often they couldn’t believe that what they found might actually be giants’ bones, and for nearly two hundred years, scientists rationalized that these oversized human remains only appeared as such because bones proportionately disarticulate in the soil over time. Beginning in the 1960s, however, improved excavation techniques and forensic procedures determined that the mounds’ skeletal evidence did, in fact, belong to individuals of extraordinary stature. Even mainstream archaeologists came to admit that first-millennium BCE Americans, academically referred to as the “Adena,” were at least occasionally given to physical height far above the modern average. Some of these specimens were seven feet two inches in length, although unofficial sources report other specimens being as long as eight feet.

None of this came as a surprise to Native American record keepers, who have long told of the Ron-nong-weto-wanca, or “fair-skinned giant sorcerers” that once strode across the American plains (Joseph 2013). We discussed these red-haired giants earlier in this book but bring them up again to underscore the point that they are more than an anomaly; they are a link to a forgotten race of Caucasian-like giants that once inhabited much of the New World.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840) first used the term Caucasian in 1795 to describe the white population of Europe. He was a German physician, physiologist, and anthropologist, and one of the first scientists to study humankind as an aspect of natural history; his teachings in comparative anatomy were applied to the classification of human races. Blumenbach adopted the term Caucasian from native inhabitants of the Caucasus Mountains in southeastern Europe, a race he believed to be the most beautiful and vigorous on Earth.

Reports of ancient Caucasoid peoples thriving in remote corners of the world and then vanishing mysteriously from history have existed for centuries. These accounts speak of white-skinned, red-haired giants and yellow-haired barbarians in countries now almost exclusively populated by non-Caucasian peoples. In time, modern archaeologists found traces of the existence of these Caucasoid peoples: millennia-old corpses preserved in desert sands or frigid glaciers were unearthed.

In addition to such physical remains, a wealth of historical and mythological evidence both in written form and oral tradition spoke of lost civilizations consisting of fair-skinned gods and light-eyed benefactors who helped to establish new cultures. According to numerous Native American accounts, at the dawn of their society they were visited by a Great White God arriving from a faraway land located across the sea. He helped them to establish their new mode of life and then departed, promising to return someday.

The discovery of light-skinned mummies in New Guinea and New Zealand, along with persistent references to godlike, light-skinned peoples inhabiting a now-sunken landmass in the Pacific Ocean, has upped the ante on this supposition. In the last decades of the twentieth century in particular we saw a revolution in our understanding of the magnitude of prehistoric Caucasian migration and influence.

In 1959, hard, physical evidence of proto-Caucasoid peoples existing in the Americas during prehistory began to surface. Archaeologists digging on Santa Rosa Island, off the California coast, unearthed a number of skeletal remains—having apparent Caucasian features—dating to 10,000 BCE. During the sixteenth century, as Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo skimmed the same coastline, he found that native Chumash Indians possessed physical attributes that set them apart from the rest of the Channel Island Indians. He reported that the women had “fine forms, beautiful eyes, and a modest demeanor,” and their children were “white, with light hair, and ruddy cheeks.”

Also in the New World, the 1990s saw the discovery of the most controversial archaeological find in North American history: Kennewick Man, a nine-thousand-year-old Native American with clearly Caucasian, not Asian, traits. Additional discoveries throughout the Americas hint at a primordial Caucasoid population that roamed freely across much of the Western Hemisphere.

In March 2010, the archaeological community was stunned by the discovery of yet another Caucasian skeleton, this time in Mongolia. DNA extracted from this individual’s bones confirmed a direct genetic link to the West. In essence, these remains were clearly European. This time, however, the ancient corpse was not as old, dating to the first century CE. Judging by the artifacts found at the burial site, the Mongolian individual was apparently held in high regard by his peers and seemed to have been a prominent figure in the Xiongnu Empire, a multiethnic melting pot of former Eurasian nomads who challenged the Han Dynasty supremacy. This ancient conglomeration of foreign tongues and non-Asian races no doubt consisted of many IndoEuropean-speaking peoples.

In Peru in 2007, Peruvian investigators found literally dozens of Caucasian mummies in a vaulted tomb buried eighty-two feet beneath the forest floor of the Amazon jungle. These belong to a pre-Inca race known as the Chachapoyas, or “Cloud People.” Their discovery complements sixteenth-century Spanish reports of “strange, white Indians” with beards, found in the same region.

Even the giant statues of Easter Island, 2,180 miles off the Chilean coast, bear witness to the arrival and passage of an ancient Caucasoid race. In 1915, British archaeologist Katherine Routledge learned from a native islander the true nature of the Long Ears:

men who came from far away in ships. They saw they had pink cheeks, and they said they were gods. The last real ariki, or chief, was said to be quite white. “White like me?” I innocently asked.

“You!” they said, “you are red,” the color in European cheeks. (221)

Red is “the term generally applied by Easter Islanders to Europeans. And urukeku is often translated ‘red-haired.’” Indeed, the towering statues obviously displayed something other than Polynesian physiognomy, “and if the fine, oval faces, the large eyes, the short upper lip and the thin, often Apollo’s bow lips, are any guide to race, they indicate a Caucasoid race.”

Anthropologists are also baffled by the apparent presence of Caucasoid peoples in the prehistoric Pacific. Genetic testing conducted during the 1990s showed traces of Basque DNA in the people of Easter Island and greater Polynesia.

These age-old, oral traditions are not only being underscored by the latest strides made in genetic research, but combining to show that the prehistory of the Americas and its Caucasian and giant heritage is far richer than previously suspected.

The preponderance of Caucasian racial types and European blood in ancient America is only part of the story, however. Scientists of the North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation (NABO) have made it clear that Asiatic migration via the Bering Strait was not the only possible path taken by prehistoric peoples into the New World. If this is true, could Kennewick Man, the nine-thousand-year-old Caucasoid skeleton found on the banks of Washington State’s Columbia River, be related to the oldest cultures of Western Europe? A definitive answer may be forthcoming in a new theory concerning North America’s human origins that addresses the dispersal of peoples across the continent from a circumpolar culture. This theory tackles not only mass migration between Asia and North America, but also interbreeding and the establishment of hybrid cultures.

Examination of human mitochondria may prove a Caucasoid link to the first Americans, who date as far back as 28,000 BCE. Known as the “power packs” of DNA, these organelles within cells helped scientists develop four categories of ancestral groups, or lineages, for Native Americans. Congruent with existing dogma and fueling arguments in favor of Asiatic origins for the New World population, these lineages can be traced back to Siberia and Northeast Asia, specifically the Baikal and Altai-Sayan regions.

However, a fifth lineage is also recognized among the founding genetic strains of Native Americans. Known as “haplogroup X,” this genetic signature is the vestige of either a later population found in Europe and the Middle East or a primeval population of Caucasoid ethnicity that inhabited Asia. Most Americans have been taught the Bering Strait theory as the sole explanation for the peopling of the continent, and are thus unaware that it is no longer entirely accepted, even by scientific dogmatists. Archaeological finds in South America and along the North American Eastern Seaboard show conclusively that there were several distinct and separate migrations of different racial groups to the Americas during prehistory.

Furthermore, recent studies point to the hypothesis of a North Atlantic Crescent, composed of water and ice, which may have served as a “bridge” that connected Europe with the Americas. In December 2000, archaic-cartographers of the National Geographic Society mapped a “European theory” for the possible migration of at least some Native American peoples. Scientific American, Discovering Archaeology, with its January 2, 2000, issue, had already broached the notion of an Atlantic passage. It depicted northern island-hopping routes from Iceland to Greenland, then Labrador, which are still possible today by following areas covered in ice. This theory is entirely plausible in that Arctic waters provide an abundance of seafood, enabling travelers to eat as they go, as exhibited in the Inuit migration from Alaska to Greenland some eight hundred to one thousand years ago.

This sudden turnabout—the admission of a possible alternate diffusion to the Americas—followed hard on the discovery of a “rare X-factor” in mitochondrial DNA among indigenous peoples of both Northern Europe and North America, and demonstrates a fundamental shift in mainstream scientific opinion. The “X pattern,” or “European X lineage,” joins the already well-known linkage of type O blood among North American natives (or type B, if from Asia) and modern aboriginal populations along the Atlantic fringe of Europe (the mountainous border of Norway and Sweden, the west coast of Ireland, and the Pyrenees Mountains). This “X pattern” link clearly proves that Europeans populated the Americas at some point in our collective past.

Referred to variously as “Old European,” “modern Cro-Magnon,” or “Paleo-Atlantid,” the race associated with this “X pattern” is made up of tall, heavy-browed individuals, with ruddy complexions and brunette hair. Light eyes are possible but not mandatory. The percentage of Rh negative blood is high. (Rh negative blood is rare.) Transatlantic migrations involving these ancient genotypes are enumerated by a growing frequency of genetic comparisons with North American aboriginal tribes. In Newfoundland, descendants from at least one of these migrations survived until their forcible extinction in 1829. They spoke a linguistic isolate bearing no connection to nearby mainland peoples, whether Inuit (Eskimo) or Algonquian.

Genetic sequencing of haplotypes reveals that more than one migratory event took place. As one DNA study states, “The notion of a homogeneous, Amerindian genetic pool does not conform with these and other results” (Callegari-Jacques et al. 1993). Mummies of Caucasoid persons have been found at South America’s pre-Columbian cities, some of which appear to have been populated by more than fifty thousand residents. These ruins continue to yield atypical evidence supporting the theory that many of America’s ancient civilizations were founded by seafaring peoples with long traditions of open-water voyages. Rather than walking ten thousand miles from Mongolia to Chile, the first Americans may have sailed first class. And where they came from will soon be firmly resolved by DNA testing.

From red-headed mummies in Peru’s pre-Inca graves to blond-headed Toltec warrior-priests in central Mexico, this is not the history of our parents’ generation. Pre-Columbian tombs are shattering the adage that “dead men tell no tales.” Great steps in understanding the real origins of America are being made. They are striding over the academically dead corpses of fearful, politically correct social historians, who now find themselves haunted by the long-dead bodies of Stone Age Americans. Some archaeologists have built their academic and financial empires on theories presently invalidated by modern genetics.

DNA research has placed all upholders of the old paradigm under siege. And when the lab results are in, they will be out looking for job retraining.


Some of the most significant archaeological artifacts yet discovered in North America were found in various Pennsylvania townships during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Rev. Robin Swope, a Pittsburgh paranormal investigator, recently encountered the following article while doing research on ancient gravesites near Philadelphia & Erie Road:

When the roadway of the Philadelphia & Erie road, where it passes through the Warfel farm, was being widened, another deposit of bones was dug up and summarily deposed of as before (Thrown in a neighboring ditch). Among the skeletons was one of a giant, side by side with a smaller one, probably that of his wife. The arm and leg bones of this Native American Goliath were about one-half longer than those of the tallest man among the laborers; the skull was immensely large; the lower jawbone easily slipped over the face and whiskers of a full-faced man, and the teeth were in a perfect state of preservation. Another skeleton was dug up in Conneaut Township a few years ago that was quite as remarkable in its dimensions. As in the other instance, a comparison was made with the largest man in the neighborhood, and the jawbone readily covered his face, while the lower bone of the leg was nearly a foot longer than the one with which it was measured, indicating that the man must have been eight to ten feet in height.

The bones of a flathead were turned up in the same township some two years ago with a skull of unusual size. Relics of a former time have been gathered in that section by the panful, and among other curiosities a brass watch was found that was as big as a common saucer. An ancient graveyard was discovered in 1820, on the land now known as Dr. Carter and Dr. Dickinson places in Erie, which created quite a sensation at the time. Dr. Albert Thayer dug up some of the bones, and all indicated a race of beings of immense size. (History of Erie County 1884, 166–69)


Marion County, West Virginia, was once the epicenter of an ancient civilization, as indicated by the archaeological evidence. Examples of the unique engineering skills of this early society include earthen forts, burial mounds, and macadamized roadways. Pictographs, inscribed stones, and even giant skeletons have also been discovered (Authentic Artifact Collectors Association).

This hints at the possibility of an advanced culture of giants. We find evidence of this in the 1850s, when workers excavating a root cellar in Palatine (East Fairmont) unearthed the entombed remains of two individuals who measured more than seven feet in height. The collection of bones vanished several days later, but not before an extensive examination had been performed. These relics did not display any degree of physical abnormality despite their tremendous size. Rather, the bones indicated that this was a normal racial characteristic, their morphology perhaps even indicative of a separate species entirely (Authentic Artifact Collectors Association).

These finds were backed up in 1875 when workers discovered three giant skeletons while constructing a bridge near the mouth of the Paw Paw Creek at Rivesville. Unearthed in heavy clay soil, they still had faint wisps of reddish hair clinging to their skulls. These remains survived and were determined to be more than eight feet in height (Authentic Artifact Collectors Association).

In his weekly newsletter, “People of One Fire,” architect and author Richard Thornton often suggests that the Creek Indians of ancient times were eastern North America’s genuine race of giants. He is a member of the Perdido Bay Muscogee-Creek Tribe. In a private memo to the author of this book he writes:

The Creeks have produced some of the tallest “normal” Homo sapiens that have walked the earth. By normal, I mean there was no hormonal imbalance. Their inherent genes programmed them to be of natural proportions, but 7 feet or more in height. This statement is based both on the discovery of seven foot tall skeletons in ancestral Creek burials such as Etowah and Ocmulgee, plus eyewitness accounts of Spanish, French and English explorers. As a whole, the Georgia Creeks averaged a foot taller than the Europeans who first came to the New World. The general of the Creek forces in the Revolution in Georgia was 93 years old and 7 feet tall. An un-natural selection occurred during the violent period of the late 1700s and early 1800s. Extremely tall men had an advantage in hand to hand combat, but were more vulnerable to musket balls. The Creek men who carried DNA programming super height were disproportionately killed in battle.

We are still much taller than the Caucasian population in the USA on average, but don’t see as many 7 footers. Nevertheless, 6'6"–6'7" is not that uncommon. Creek women are not exceptionally tall, except for those who are descended from the mountain branches of the Creek Confederacy. Where did this height come from? In our tradition, we, in the past had extensive contact with extremely tall extraterrestrials from another galaxy. Some intergalactic visitors mated with the ancestors of the Creeks, giving them their height. They also taught us advanced mathematics. Creek calendars were equally accurate as those today. We had a zero, a 10 based numerical system, knowledge of trigonometry and geometry, plus two types of writing systems. One worked like the bar code system in supermarkets, but also contained colors that transmitted information. The other was more like the early systems in Iberia and Tuscany.

They originally arrived by spacecraft, but eventually built star gates on top of massive spiral mounds at Ichese (Ocmulgee National Monument) and on the Savannah River at its confluence with the Broad River, near Elberton, GA. Some Keepers (priests) of the Wind Clan were taught how to travel to the other galaxy, but it was a dangerous trip for homo sapiens. Some never returned or returned dead/horribly deformed. The symbol of the Wind Clan is a spiral galaxy surrounded by stars and smaller galaxies. There is no way that a human on earth would know that a galaxy is spiral shaped unless they were outside our galaxy (or somebody’s galaxy) looking back. Supposedly, the star gates were dismantled before Europeans began to arrive in the Americas.

As we have seen, the Native American links to giants make fascinating reading. Following are a few more.


The following account is from the St. John Daily News, dated September 13, 1878. Its headline: “The Indian Chief Chickasawba: Skeletons Eight and Ten Feet in Height.”

Two miles west of Barfield Point, in Arkansas County, Ark, on the east bank of the lovely stream called Pemiscott River, stands an Indian mound, some twenty-five feet high and about an acre in area at the top. This mound is called Chickasawba, and from it the high and beautiful country surrounding some twelve square miles in area, derives its name, Chickasawba.

The mound derives its name from Chickasawba, a chief of the Shawnee tribe, who lived, died, and was buried there. This chief was one of the last of the race of hunters who lived in that beautiful region, and who once peopled it quite thickly, for Indians we mean.

From 1820 to 1831 he and his hunters assembled annually at Barfield Point, then as now the principle shipping place of the surrounding country, and bartered off their furs, peltries, buffalo robes and honey to the white settlers and the trading boats on the river, receiving in return powder, shot, lead, blankets, money, etc. Aunt Kitty Williams, who now resides there, relates that Chickasawba would frequently bring in for sale at one time as much as twenty gallons of pure honey in deer-skin bags slung to his back. He was always a firm friend of the whites, a man of gigantic stature and herculean strength. In his nineteenth year he took a young wife and by her had two children.

In 1831 she died, and the old chief did not long survive her, dying in the same year, aged 93 or 94 years. Mr. W. Fitzgerald, who moved in that country in 1822, says that up to the time of his death, Chickasawba supplied him with game. He was buried at the foot of the mound on which he lived, by the tribe, most of whom departed for the Nation immediately after performing the funeral rites. A few, however, lingered there up to a late date, the last of them, we believe, being John East, who, in 1860, at the breaking out of the war, joined Captain Charley Bowen’s company of the late “so-called” and fought the war through, as a gallant a “reb” as any of them, coming back home in 1866 to return to the arts of peace.

Chickasawba was perfectly honest, and the best informed chief of his tribe. His contemporary chiefs were Long Knife, Sunshine, Corn Meal, Moonshine, etc. Mike Brennan and Quill buried him. He left a son named John Pemscott.

A number of years ago, in making an excavation into or near the foot of Chickasawba’s mound, a portion of a gigantic human skeleton was found. The men who were digging becoming interested, unearthed the entire skeleton, and from measurements given us by reliable parties the frame of the man to whom it belonged could not have been less than eight or nine feet in height. Under the skull, which easily slipped over the head of our informant, was found a peculiarly shaped earthen jar, resembling nothing in the way of Indian pottery which had before been seen by them. It was exactly the shape of the round bodied, long necked carafes or water decanters, a specimen of which may be seen on Gatson’s dining table.

The material of which the vase was made was a peculiar kind of clay, and the workmanship was very fine. The belly or body of it was ornamented with figures or hieroglyphics consisting of a correct delineation of human hands, parallel to each other, open palms outward, and running up and down the vase, the wrists to the base and the fingers towards the neck. On either side of the hands were tibiae or thigh bones, also correctly delineated, running around the base. There were other things found with the skeleton, but this is all that our informant remembers. Since that time wherever an excavation has been made in the Chickasawba country in the neighborhood of the mound similar skeletons have been found, and under the skull of every one were found similar funeral vases, almost exactly like the one described.

There are now in this city several of the vases and portions of the huge skeletons. One of the editors of the Appeal (newspaper) yesterday measured a thigh bone, which is fully three feet long. The thigh and shin bones, together with bones of the foot, stood up in a proper position in a physician’s office in this city, measure five feet in height and show the body to which the leg belonged to have been nine to ten feet height.

At Beaufort’s Landing, near Barfield, in digging up the leg of which measured between five and six feet in length, and other bones in proportion. In a few days we hope to be able to lay before our readers accurate measurements of skeletons now in the city and of the articles found in the graves. It is not a matter of doubt that these are human remains but of a long extinct race; a race which flourished, lived and died many centuries ago.

Here is another newspaper account from the nineteenth century. It was published in the Huron Expositor Newspaper in Ontario, Canada, on October 13, 1893. Its headline: “Men of Great Stature Found at Two Large Burial Sites in Nebraska.”

A farmer plowing near Calhoun, Nebraska recently turned up a human skull, and search revealed a large number of other skulls, besides bones. These relics were those of a powerful race, and who they were is unknown. The skulls are large but the forehead is extremely low. A World-Herald reporter visited the place, and a measurement was taken of one of the lower jaws found and compared with the dimensions taken of one of the men on the field. The relic’s jaw was found to be an inch larger each way in proportion, than that of the person whose measurement has been taken, although he was six feet three inches in height, weighed nearly 200 pounds, and had unusually large jaws. The measurement of the lower maxillary found is as follows: depth, 4 inches; width inside measure from wisdom tooth to wisdom tooth 2¼ inches; total length of jaw, 5½ inches. The upper was fully as large, while the teeth resembled those of a cow more than those of a human being. They were badly worn and would go to show that the owner ate meat, presumably buffalo, a great deal. A dentist when shown the teeth said that they were much larger than any of those of a white person living in this age.

A theory advanced is that these are the remains of some Mandan Indians, who were the earliest settlers of this part of the country, but were ultimately exterminated by the Sioux. The size of these bones would explode this theory, however, as the Mandans were not a large race [Indeed, nor were they racially aberrant in any manner with normal cranium and teeth]. Another theory is that they are perhaps, the remains of northwestern Indians who were killed by another tribe. This tribe was large in stature, according to tradition, many being six feet and more in height.

The reporter found about fifty feet from the location of this trench another in which were buried the remains of five grown persons and one infant. A spade plied to the earth soon brought to view the remains of six human beings. These skulls were smaller and not of such extraordinary thickness as those exhumed from the first trench. They also bore the appearance of having lain in the ground for a long period, as they would crumble apart of their own weight, while those first discovered were in a fair state of preservation. The cavities of the skulls had become filled with dirt, and it was only with great care in handling that a very fair specimen was preserved. The trench was three feet-square and about two feet deep. In order to place a human body into so small a grave it must have been fearfully mutilated. When found the arms were over the head, while the tibia and fibula were found under all. The skulls were also found in different positions, some being straight up and straight down, while others were lying face up and face down. No pottery, metal or the like was found by which they could be classified with the mound builders (300 BCE–500 CE).


In 1931, an ancient repository of mummified male giants was discovered in the American Southwest. (No female remains were found.) The man credited with finding the mummies was a retired Cincinnati physician named F. Bruce Russell. The subterranean shafts that held the relics for millennia were located directly beneath the Colorado Desert. These relics were between eight and nine feet tall. Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, who participated in excavations at New Mexico’s famous cliff dwellings, reportedly dated the mummies to around eighty thousand years old. They were discovered along with a number of implements that also were placed at around the eighty-thousand-year mark. Dr. Howard E. Hill said, regarding the ancient remains: “These giants are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trousers extending slightly below the knees. The texture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today” (Childress 1991, 496).

Hill also claimed that another cavern was found in an elaborately constructed ritual hall, obviously utilized by the same civilization to which the gigantic mummies belonged.

Among its devices and markings were symbols not dissimilar to those used by the Freemasons, and hieroglyphs found at the site seem to indicate a melding of both Mesoamerican and Egyptian style, with some Mesopotamian influence. The hieroglyphs in question had been chiseled on carefully polished granite (Childress 1991, 496).

Hill affirmed that the explorers of the site believe this was a cemetery for the tribe’s racial hierarchy. Such an elite ruling class did not include women, obviously, as again, the remains of women weren’t found here. The temple wasn’t the only structure found at the site. “A long tunnel from this temple took the party into a room where some catastrophe apparently drove people into the caves. All of the implements of their civilization were found” (Childress 1991, 496).

Hill proudly proclaimed that what the team had ultimately discovered might be “the fabled lost continent of Atlantis.” In fact, Hill continued, “This discovery may be more important than the unveiling of King Tut’s tomb” (Childress 1991, 497). Such bombastic claims did not go over well with the archaeological establishment, of course, which has such a grip on our mainstream media. It is now hoped that the Internet may help to alleviate this deficit between the controlled media and free thought.


In 1898 the brothers H. Flagler Cowden and Charles C. Cowden undertook one of the most profoundly interesting series of excavations in North American history. This sibling team of scientists, studying the antiquity of desert populations, conducted archaeological excavations in the desolate and barren Death Valley and allegedly uncovered the skeletal remains of a giant woman, 7.5 feet tall. The Cowdens theorized that she was a member of “the race of unprecedented large primitives which vanished from the face of the earth some 100,000 years ago” (Childress 1991, 500).

The amount of silica in the soil and sands, the state of petrifaction of the skeleton, and the crystallization and opalization of the bone marrow helped the two scientists determine the age of the woman’s remains, which were found at a depth of five feet in a “hard-rock formation of conglomerate containing small amounts of silica, which required a longer time to petrify than normal desert sands” (Childress 1991, 500).

In Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of the Southwest, Childress quotes author Brad Steiger: “Ed Earl Repp, a writer, told of the ‘honor and privilege’ that were his in working with the Cowden brothers; in the June 1970 issue of Wild West magazine he recalled that ‘in the same earth-strata where the giant female skeleton was found, they also recovered the remains of prehistoric camels and mammals of . . . an elephant-like creature with four tusks. . . . With them were the remains of petrified palm trees, towering ferns, and prehistoric fishlike creatures.’”

The Cowdens theorized that in times of vast antiquity when the lost race of giants lived there, Death Valley may have been an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, for in the same area in which they found the skeleton of the giant females they also unearthed the petrified remains of marine life.

The two brothers also found that the giant woman’s skeleton bore a number of anomalous physical appendages and attributes not found in contemporary humans. She had several extra “buttons” at the base of her spine, and her canine teeth were twice the length of those of modern humans.

The Cowdens hypothesized that when the California we know today was formed—as the mountains rose and the sea retreated—what had been the tropical climate left the region. The steaming swamps were replaced by wastelands, which still remain in much of the southern portion of the state (Childress 1991, 500–501).

Another account of an ancient giant unearthed in California is as follows: In July 1895, a team of miners excavated the entombed skeletal remains of a woman who stood six feet eight inches tall. The discovery took place in a mine not far from the town of Bridlevale Falls, California.

In his book Montezuma’s Serpent and Other True Supernatural Tales of the Southwest, Brad Steiger reports:

G. E. Martindale, who was in charge of the miners, noticed a pile of stones that seemed to have been placed against the wall of a cliff in an unnatural formation. Assuming that the rock had been stacked by human hands, Martindale ordered his men to begin removing the stones in order to investigate what might lie beyond the formation.

The miners were astonished when they found a wall of rock that had been shaped and fitted together with apparent knowledge of fine masonry technique. Convinced that they had stumbled upon some lost treasure trove, they set about tearing down the wall so that they might claim their riches. Instead of ingots of gold or trunks of jewels, the men found a mummified corpse of a very large woman lying on a ledge that had been carved from natural stone. The corpse had been wrapped in animal skins and covered with a very fine powder. She was clutching a child to her breast. When the mummy was taken to Los Angeles, scientists agreed that the woman was a member of a giant race that had thrived on this continent long before the American Indian had become the dominant inhabitant. They concluded that the mummy’s height of six feet eight inches would have represented a height in life of at least seven feet. Figuring the classic height difference between men and women, they supposed that the males of the forgotten species would been nearly eight feet tall. (Childress 1991, 501–2)

In the 1950s, a popular anti-Darwinist and creationist author, Clifford Burdick, contended that amateur archaeologists had collected substantial physical evidence proving the existence of a race of giants in antiquity. These consisted of a number of now extinct races of giants he identifies with the Greek Titans, the frost and mountain giants of ancient Germanic lore, “who cut a swath through Jotunheim,” as well as the ancient Chinese race that was “twice as tall as us” (Time-Life 1991, 25).

Burdick investigated the work of several hobbyists who claimed to have plaster casts of gigantic footprints, some supposedly found beside dinosaur tracks. Between 1938 and 1950, a Texan by the name of Jim Ryals found several such tracks in sediments along the banks of the Paluxy River southwest of Dallas. The footprints were some sixteen inches long and eight inches wide. Alongside them were the prints of a three-toed dinosaur or other primordial reptile.

Examples of gigantic footprints and similar archaeological finds are abundant throughout the Western deserts, yet few mainstream paleontologists accept them as genuine. They insist they are fakes, especially when faced with the assertion that they were found alongside dinosaurs, which would make the footprints older than sixty-five million years, hinting at the supposed impossibility that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaneous.

In this chapter we have discussed many accounts of giants in North America. They would indicate to even the most casual observer that we were in fact preceded by a race of historical giants. There can be little doubt of the validity of these claims, nor their importance to the heritage of our nation and the world. But it is tricky business, being a proponent of the idea that giants once roamed the Earth, in a world in which the firmly entrenched establishment takes no quarter, no prisoners, in their attempt to intellectually subjugate the masses. This author believes that it is only a matter of time until the truth must and will be realized.