Full bibliographical references to the texts can be found in the Bibliography at the end of this book.
AT |
Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief (Andreas Thameyer’s Last Letter) |
Cambridge University Library, Schnitzler’s manuscripts |
E |
Fräulein Else (Miss Else) |
F |
Die Fremde (The Stranger) |
FiF |
Flucht in die Finsternis (Flight into Darkness) |
NL |
Das neue Lied (The New Song) |
SL |
Das Schicksal des Freiherrn von Leisenbohg (Baron Leisenbohg’s Destiny) |
T |
Traumnovelle (Dream Story) |
W |
Die Weissagung (The Prophecy) |
WiF |
Der Weg ins Freie (Road into the Open) |