Abraham Fund for Jewish-Arab Coexistence
- Abu Sayyaf Group (Philippines)
- Accountability: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; creating complementary processes to address postagreement; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; multiculturalism conflict management; potential trade-offs between inclusion during conflict phases and; as remedy for bias
- Accuracy: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; individual level of reading multiculturalism situations; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; negotiation motivation; organizational level of reading multiculturalism situations; processing motivation
- Acknowledgment of suffering
- Action evaluation research initiative
- Action science: to examine gap between stated and realistic behavior; mapping possible set of causal links in Sue’s case; sexual harassment in the workplace map using
- Actions: bungling; effective; substitutability of; three types of nonviolent
- Active unconscious
- Acts of protest. See also
Nonviolent struggle
- Adaptivity: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; individual level of reading multiculturalism situations; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; organizational level of reading multiculturalism situations
- Administrative Dispute Resolution Act (1990)
- Adolescence development: educators for social responsibility and; raising inclusively caring children with moral courage;
role of conflict in; stage theories of
- Adult learning theory: action science, experiential learning, and reflection contributions to; Dewey’s learning from experience contribution to; Mezirow’s critical reflection and “habits of mind” contribution to
- Adulthood development: conflict coaching for the individual; on conflict resolution skills; fifth-order consciousness; fourth-order consciousness; role of conflict in
- AEIOU communication behavior
- Afghanistan War
- Aggression: bullying; defining; implications for practice related to interventions for; nonviolent vs. violent responses to; sometimes confused with assertion; structural violence and; violence and resistance response to. See also
- Aggression interventions: conflict resolution programs to change behavior; deescalation; perspective taking; self-reflection
- Aggression theories: aggression and violence as frustration; biological; cultural theories of aggression and violence; moral theories on aggression and violence; personality; social learning and behavior
- Agreeableness personality dimension
- Agreement Circumplex: dimensions of the subtypes; eight basic types of products in the; illustrated diagram of; main types of agreements
- Agreements. See
Integrative agreements
- Airplane hijackings
- Al Qaeda
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Algerian colonization era
- Allocation biases: egocentrism and fairness; reactive devaluation
- Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) systems
- Alternatives to Violence Project
- Altruism born of suffering
- Americans for Indian Opportunity
- AmericaSpeaks
- Amygdala: emotions and the role of; hot reactions of the
- Analogical reasoning
- Analogy learning
- Anchoring: as cognitive bias; description of
- Anger-conflict interactions
- The Angry Roommates study
- Anterior cingulate (ACC)
- Anxiety: intrapsychic conflict and; safety needs to be free from
- Apartheid (South Africa)
- Applied linguistics (AL)
- Applied peace linguistics (APL): appreciative inquiry (AI) use of; constructive communication using; description of; implications for education by; nonviolent communication contribution of; nonviolent communication research using; powerful nondefensive communication using; rise of nonkilling linguistics from
- Appreciative inquiry (AI): description of; research on conflict resolution and
- Appreciative Inquiry Summit
- Al-Aqsa Martyrs brigades (Palestinian nationalist movement)
- Arab-Israeli conflict. See
Israel-Palestinian conflict
- Argentina: blanket pardons for perpetrators of the disappearances in; Nunca Mas report (1986) on disappearances in
- Armenia-Azaerbaijan conflict (1994)
The Art and Science of Love (ASL)
The Art of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication
- Arts-based conflict resolution approaches
- Arusha Accord
- Assertion
- Assertiveness of mediators
- Attack conflict resolution strategy
- Attitude change: constructive controversy benefit of positive; humanizing and developing positive orientation of the other; psychological factors affecting the. See also
Perspective taking
- Attitudes (cathexis): cooperation-competition theory on role of; definition of; pathologies of
- Attribution theory
- Authoritarianism
- Authority (BART system)
- Avoidance
- Avoidance conflict resolution strategy
- Awareness: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; individual level of multiculturalism; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; organizational level of multiculturalism
- “Bargaining in the shadow of the law” phenomenon
- BART system: Case of Pink Power using the; components of; joining Well’s taxonomy of group conflict with
- BATNAs (best alternative to a negotiated agreement): attribution error during; dealing with power differences through use of; defining the; developing autonomy through; reaching a settlement. See also
Outcomes; Solutions
- Beckhard’s managing planned change model
- Behavior: malignant social processes and; mediator; normalization of hostility and violence; regulated by feedback loops; role of framing in moral; scope of justice influence on
- Behavior change: conflict resolution programs to; self-reflection used for. See also
Change process; Perspective taking
- Belongingness and love needs
- Berlin Wall fall (1989)
- Betrayal process
- Biased punctuation of conflict
- Biases: of cognition; definition of; systematic processing and sources of. See also
Negotiator bias
- Biological theories of aggression and violence
- Bisexuals. See
LGBTQ community
- Black Stone of Mecca story
- “Black widows” suicide terrorists
- Blaming communication
Blind Trust
- Bonn Agreement (2002)
- Bottom-up power
- Boy Scouts of America (BSA): accountability and the; background information on; I-AM used to examine LGBTQ community conflict with; “Open Letter to America’s Families” sent out by
- Boycotts. See also
Nonviolent struggle
Boycotts and the Labor Struggle
- Brain: amygdala of the; anterior cingulate (ACC) of the; orbital frontal cortex of the; self-regulation and hot reactions of the emotional; ventromedial frontal cortex (VMFC) of the
Bridging Cultural Conflicts
- Bridging solutions
- Bringing Baby home (BBH) workshop
Bringing Peace into the Room
(Bowling and Hoffman)
- Broaden-and-build model
- Brooklyn Friends School (BFS)
Brown v. Board of Education
- Bullying
Bungling actions
- Burton’s human needs theory
- Calculus-based distrust (CBD): characterizing relationships based on; description of; strategies to manage
- Calculus-based trust (CBT): actions that build; characterizing relationships based on; Chutes and Ladders game as metaphor for; description and formation of; managing violations of; repairing; required for creating trust in a relationship
- Caring justice framework
- Catalyst
- Cathexis. See
Attitudes (cathexis)
- Causal modeling
- Center for Cognitive Liberties
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Change agents: conflict resolution practitioners developing skills as; fostering commitment of; generating motivation; identifying and handling resistance
- Change process: for changing collective memories and toward shared views of history; considering the relationship between conflict and; context of intractable conflicts bringing instability and; coordinating attention to short-term violence and long-term structural changes; implications for training; nonviolent struggle to bring about; psychological factors affecting the; theoretical conceptions of the. See also
Behavior change
- Change process factors: gaining commitment; motivation and unfreezing; movement and resistance
- Change process theory: Beckhard’s model for managing planned change; Lewin’s unfreezing framework
- Change resistance: additional factors which may increase; change agent’s role in identifying and handling; conflict and; constructively handling; movement stalled by; when movement overwhelms
Checkpoint Watch
- “Chicken game” negotiation
- Childhood development: during adolescence; ECSEL Program curriculum on; educators for social responsibility and development of adolescents and; function of conflict in early; during middle childhood; raising inclusively caring children with moral courage; self-control and discipline; social-emotional learning as part of; stages of development theory on; traditional assumptions about the end of
- Childhood development stages: egocentric, impulsive stage; egocentric orientation; Kohlberg moral development; neuroscientific contributions to; Piaget’s social cognitive approach to; post-Piagetian theories on; properational
- China: cooperation-competition theory used to examine conflict in; leadership in the hierarchical society of
- Chinese cooperation-competitive studies: cooperation, open-minded discussion, and effectiveness experiments; cooperation, open-minded discussion, and effectiveness surveys in Chinese organizations; cooperative conflict between organizations; cross-cultural; developing conflict resolution theory through the; findings on Chinese values for conflict management in China; research methods used during
- Chinese society: antecedents to cooperative goals in; becoming a cooperative conflict team in context of;
competition and conflict avoidance in; confirming that cooperation-competition theory is appropriate to study; cooperative conflict for cross-cultural teamwork in; differences between Western and; guanxi
(relation system) of; leadership in the hierarchical; responsiveness to goal interdependence in
- Civil disobedience. See also
Nonviolent struggles
Civil Disobedience
- Classrooms. See
- Coaches: as catalysts for learning through reflection; receiving conflict coaching by
- Coaching: conflict; “Emotion-Coaching” (Gottman lab); learning through reflection; organizational mediation with leadership
- Codex
- Cognition biases: anchoring; decision fatigue; fixed-pie perception; framing
- Cognitive orientation
- Cognitive reasoning
- Cohesiveness: groupthink driven by; as source of intergroup conflict
- Coleman Raider “Bare-Bones” Model of Stages of Negotiation
- Coleman Raider Filter Check Model
- Coleman Raider Mediation Model
- Coleman Raider Negotiation Planning Form: A Community Dialogue
- Coleman Raider Reframing Formula
- Coleman Raider Resolution Continuum
- Collaboration: comparing individual creative solutions with; egg drop exercise on creative; large group intervention methods for embedding new patterns of; negotiation culture for
- Collaborative inquiry project
- Collective memories
- Columbia: FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Columbia) violence in; guerrilla war (1960s to 2007) in; human rights and negotiations agendas in; peace-building efforts in
- Columbine High School massacre
- Commemorations for healing
- Commission of the African Union (AU)
- Commitment: ability to forgive dependent on relationship; change process and gaining; fostering change agent’s
- Communication: AEIOU communication behavior; of conflict resolution research findings; constructive communication (CC) approach to; cooperation-competition theory on; cosmopolitan communicative virtuosity of; creating new social worlds made from dialogic; dialogic paradigm of; elements of the process of; encoding-decoding paradigm of; establishing supportive conditions for; form versus substance of; interntionalist paradigm of; peace linguistics; perspective-taking paradigm of; “silent seething”; universal acknowledgement on importance of; war model of. See also
Dialogue; Messages
- Communication problems: during conflict; medium as remedy for bias; preventing and overcoming; unwanted repetitive patterns (URPs)
- Communication process elements: context; culture; meaning making through relationship; other; self
- Communicaty Leadership Center (CLC)
- “Community game”
Comparative case analysis: framework for; of interactive conflict resolution
- Compensation (nonspecific) solution
- Competition: Chinese cultural studies on avoidance of conflict and; constructive and destructive; cooperation-competition theory on effects of; democratic governance and fair; initiating; situational model of power and conflict and role of
- Competitive orientation: comparing cooperative and; as source of integrative negotiation impasse
- Complementary movement
- Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project (CPMEP)
- CompStat’s New York City Police Department project
- Concurrence seeking: constructive controversy theory on process of; description of; structuring; theoretical assumptions for creating outcomes through
- Con-div group dynamic: conflict management process and role of; description of the; during Iraq War
- Conference Model
- Confidence: confidence/warmth-conflict interactions; social learning theory on
- Conflict: Anxiety and intrapsychic; biased punctuation of; change process relationship to; communication problems during; within the conflict resolution field; constructive controversy type of; couples’; creativity coming out of; development function of; escalation of; exaggeration of; “false”; implications of cooperation-competition theory for understanding; injustice as the source and during course of; interaction between emotions and; intergroup; internal; interpersonal; interrelatedness between culture and; intractable; language used to describe; linguistics of; mapping dynamic ecology of peace and; multiculturalism context of; oppression and; origins and nature of; over defining what is just; positive consequences of; principles of power-conflict dynamics; PSDM model phase of diagnosing the type of; relationship issues included in; role of personality in; self-fulfilling prophecies of; situated model of power and conflict; social network; strategic choice theory on; stress response to; theorizing about the positive aspects of; “waging good conflict”
Conflict across Cultures
(LeBaron and Pillay)
- Conflict coaching
Conflict Intelligence: Harnessing the Power of Conflict and Influence
(Coleman and Ferguson)
- Conflict management: using fair rules for; measures of conflict style used for; of trust and distrust. See also
Conflict resolution
- Conflict mapping: Mozambique conflict and peace process; useful for identifying aspects of social systems
- Conflict resolution: as collaborative effort; conflict within the field of; cooperation-competition theory implications for; direct social psychological approaches to; encouraging innovation in; examining interconnectedness of peace, language, and; gender differences and; global cooperative interdependence challenge for;
implications of applied peace linguistics to; importance of point of view in; indigenous knowledge and practice for; indirect social psychological approaches to; intergroup conflict intractability and resistance to; intractability as powerful psychological barrier to; learning to learn about; multiple motives for; neuroscience as a resource for; overcoming judgmental biases in; persuasion during; PSDM model of; readiness for; situation versus personality influence on; task-oriented learning-mastery orientation toward; training for inventing solutions for. See also
Conflict management
- Conflict resolution education: about conflict and conflict resolution; ICCCR’s role and commitment to; implications of peaceful language for; language in peace-building teacher education
- Conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs): action research on; basic research questions on; consumer research on; developmental research on; evaluation of; examining; field research on
- Conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs) research: audiences for; different types of; for evaluating CRIs; strategies used for
- Conflict resolution motives: accuracy motivation; defense motivation; impression motivation; social motivation
- Conflict Resolution Network (CRN)
- Conflict resolution practitioners: change process implications for; cooperation-competition theory implications for; CRIs research implications for; cultural fluency implications for; developing change agent skills; implications of multiple motives of conflict resolution for; knowledge of systematic forms of injustice in society; situated model of power and conflict implications for; workshop for teaching conflict resolution skills to
- Conflict resolution programs: diagnosis of the problem; ethical difficulties; evaluation; intervention. See also specific program
- Conflict resolution research: applying findings of; audiences for; case studies: emic, qualitative; case studies: etic, quantitative; communicating findings of; on conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs); Gottman lab on marriage and divorce; growing interest and trends in; learning gains from; recent findings on negotiation
- Conflict resolution research audiences: executives and administrators; funding agencies; practitioners; researchers
- Conflict resolution research strategies: Appreciative inquiry (AI); causal modeling; experience surveys; experimental and quasi-experimental; learning by analogy; survey research; time series analysis
- Conflict resolution research types: action research; basic research; consumer research; developmental research; field research
- Conflict resolution skills: adolescence development of; adulthood; childhood development of; childhood peer relationships that teach; developing change agent; development function of conflict for teaching; ECSEL Program curriculum
to teach; middle childhood development of; self-control; workshop for learning
- Conflict resolution strategies: for addressing aggression and violence; arts-based approaches and; attack; avoidance; contending; naive; neuroscience to understand process of conflict; personality influence on; self-affirmation; situation versus personality influence on; social network role in. See also
Negotiation strategies
- Conflict Resolution: Strategies for Collaborative Problem Solving workshop: AEIOU communication behavior; AEIOU communication behavior taught during; attitude objectives of the; case study examples on the effectiveness of the; Coleman Raider “Bare-Bones” Model of Stages of Negotiation; Coleman Raider Filter Check Model; Coleman Raider Mediation Model; Coleman Raider Negotiation Planning Form: A Community Dialogue; Coleman Raider Reframing Formula; Coleman Raider Resolution Continuum; knowledge objectives of the; overview of the; seven workshop modules of the; skills objectives of the
- Conflict resolution training: for addressing aggression and violence; change process implications for; cooperation-competition theory implications for; cultural fluency implications for; Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) implications for; enlarging the scope of one’s moral community; on forgiveness and reconciliation; implications of multiple motives for; to increase empathy; intergroup conflict; on inventing solutions; justice and conflict interactions and implications for; knowledge of systematic forms of injustice in society; mediation implications for; PSDM model of conflict resolution implications for; research on Chinese cooperative conflict team; situated model of power and conflict implications for; substantive content of; workshop for teaching conflict resolution skills. See also
- Conflict resolution workshop: the Coleman Raider design for; insights from practice for teaching a
- Conflict situations: conflict resolution influenced by personality vs.; constructive controversy; managing trust and distrust in; PSDM model process applied to. See also
Social situations
- Conflict Style Inventory
- Conflict symbolism
Conquest of Violence
- Conscientiousness personality dimension
- Conscientization
- Constructive communication (CC): how to writing constructively; for interacting positively; research on
- Constructive competition
- Constructive conflict resolution: reframing; values underlying
- Constructive controversy: benefits of; concurrence seeking, debate, and individualist learning during; conditions determining the constructiveness of; deliberate discourse for; democracy and role of; description of; gender preference when choosing a strategy for; processes of interaction during; structuring
- Constructive controversy benefits: attitude change about the issue; changed attitudes toward controversy and decision making; cognitive reasoning; creativity; enhancing self-esteem; improved decision making, problem solving, and learning; interpersonal attraction and
support among participants; motivation to improve understanding; perspective taking
- Constructive controversy processes: concurrence seeking; theoretical assumptions of
- Constructive controversy requirements: cooperative goal structure; rational argument; skilled disagreement
- Constructive controversy theory: on controversy and concurrence seeking processes; on structuring the situation
- Contact hypothesis
- Contending conflict resolution strategy
- Context: consideration of dialogue; cooperative; dialogue thought of as; as element of communication
- Contextual mediator interventions
- Contingent mediation
- Contract negotiation: examining gender differences in; self-construals during; social role expectations during; social roles and context during
- Control and defense mechanisms
- Controversy: constructive; theory of
- Cooperation: adolescence development of; cooperation-competition theory on effects of; cooperation-competition theory on norms of; four Fs (firm, fair, flexible, and friendly) approach to; global cooperative interdependence; gradual development of mutual trust and; initiating; middle childhood development of; pathologies of; principles for establishing reconciliation; situational model of power and conflict and role of; social perspective; two main reasons for refusing; what to do when other side rejects
- Cooperation strategies: moral values appeal; self-actualization appeal; self-interest appeal
- Cooperation-competition theory: applied to China; on effects of cooperation-competition; implications for managing conflict; implications for understanding conflict; on positive or negative goal interdependence; on social psychological processes
- Cooperation-competition theory implications: importance of cooperative orientation; for managing conflict; on norms of cooperation; reframing constructive conflict resolution; on social context of application; on social context of learning; for training; on values underlying constructive conflict resolution
- Cooperative conflict teams: Chinese cultural studies on; for cross-cultural teamwork; research on training for
- Cooperative context: description of; structuring concurrence seeking by establishing
- Cooperative Home Care Association (CHCA)
- Cooperative orientation: comparing competitive and; cooperation-competition theory on importance of
- Cosmopolitan communicative virtuosity
- Cost cutting solution
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Counterphobic defenses
- Couples’ conflict intervention: challenges involved in; stage 1: discovery of reliable patterns of interaction; stage 2: prediction and the replication of the predication; stage 3: theory building, understanding, and prevention and intervention; study of gay and lesbian couples; summary of effectiveness evidence for prevention and
- Couples’ interactions scoring system (CISS)
Couples Together Against Violence (CTAV)
- Creative Response to Conflict (CRC)
- Creative solutions: ability to see other’s point of view; developing novel point of view; egg drop exercise; encouraging conflict resolution innovation and; general guidelines for developing; individual compared to collaborative; playfulness as part of the process; techniques for stimulating novel ideas for; time required to develop
- Creative solutions guidelines: adequately define the problem; challenge the myths about creativity; develop a serious but playful atmosphere; foster confidence to take risks; foster optimal tension; have appropriately phased divergent and convergent thinking; use time and space arrangements to prepare creative oasis
- Creativity: conflict resolution through efforts of; constructive controversy facilitation of; encouraging conflict resolution innovation and; evolving systems approach to conflict resolution; play ethic and; resulting from conflict; shadow box experiments; techniques for stimulating; time and irreality of
- Creativity in conflict perspectives: creative products from creative persons in a creative process; creative products of integrative agreements; integrative agreement as creativity; overview of the person, process, and product
- Criminal terrorist groups
- Critical reflection
- Crude Law of Social Relations
- Cuban missile crisis
- Cultural differences: aggression and violence responses to; Chinese vs. Western; Coleman Raider Filter Check Model on; negotiation bias related to; perception of fairness and; readiness for conflict resolution and issues of
- Cultural fluency: building; capacities enhanced by; conflict and conflict resolution context of; description of; elements of cultural intelligence (CQ) related to; implications for conflict resolution pedagogy; implications for theory and practice; meaning-making processes and; neuroscience to better understand
- Cultural framing of dialogue
- Cultural imperialism: cultural reconstruction of “differences” under; definition of; double identity of culturally dominated groups under
- Cultural intelligence (CQ): definition of; four elements related to cultural fluency
- Cultural theories of aggression and violence
- Culture: collaborative negotiation; comparing multiculturalism and; cooperation-competitive studies of Chinese; defining; as element of the communication process; human security by increasing cultural diversity; interrelatedness between conflict and; justice sustained by peaceful; power distance dimension of; of terrorist groups
- Cyberbullying
- Cycles of humiliation
- Dayton Accords (1995)
The Decent Society
- Decision fatigue
- Decision makers: groups as; individual as
- Decision making: constructive controversy and improved attitudes toward; constructive controversy
and improved quality; PSDM model integrating problem solving and; destabilizing through dynamic adaptivity of; risk of; structuring constructive controversy for. See also
Group decision making
- Deep structure of power relations
- Deescalation strategies
- Defense and control mechanisms
- Defense motivation of conflict resolution
- Defense processing motivation
- Delay of gratification
- Deliberate discourse
- Democracy/democracies: civil disobedience role in; conflict resolution techniques rooted in goals of; constructive controversy role in; historic evidence on willingness to negotiate with terrorism; power of constructive conflict as driving; reconciliation role played by fair institutions of; respect and recognition concepts of
- Denial
- Destructive competition
- Deutsch’s Crude Law of Social Relations
- Development: adolescence; adulthood; ECSEL Program curriculum on childhood; function of conflict in early childhood; middle childhood; reinvent understanding on the continuing state of; self-control and discipline during childhood; social-emotional learning as part of; stages of development theory on
- Dewey’s learning from experience
- Dialogic communication: stage 1: preparation; stage 2: in the moment; stage 3: reflection
- Dialogic paradigm of communication: on focusing on establishing conditions for communication; overview of
- Dialogue: additional uses of; approaching communication through; Buberian; consideration as relationship, event, or context; creating new social worlds made from; different meanings of; having a dialogue
form of; I-It relationships expressed in; I-Thou relationships expressed in; preventing and overcoming problems in communication during; problems in communication during conflict; as techniques used to create space for co-inquiry. See also
Communication; Information processing
- Dialogue processes: Public Conversations Project (PCP); sustained dialogue; world Café
Dictionary of Conflict Resolution
Dictionary of Power and Struggle
- Difficult personality parties
- Dignism
Dirty Harry
- Dirty tricks
- Disadvantage group deprivation
- Displacement: description of; pain of
- Disposition (personality)
- Distributive injustice: definition of; training to recognize
- Distributive justice: definition of; equity, equality, and need principles of; theory of relative deprivation on
- Distrust: calculus-based distrust (CBD); fundamental difference between trust and; identification-based distrust (IBD); relationships as containing elements of both trust and
- Diversity: Brooklyn Friends School (BFS) use of psychoeducation to promote; human security by increasing cultural; unity-in-diversity identity
Divide-and-choose approach
- Divorce: “four horsemen of the apocalypse” predictors of; mediation for; ratio of positive to negative SPAFF codes predictor of; summary of effectiveness evidence for prevention of. See also
Domestic violence; Marriage
- Domain theory
- Domestic chastisement
- Domestic violence: Gottman lab work on; how emotions interaction with; as largely underreported. See also
Divorce; Violence
- Domestic violence-emotions interaction: fear of humiliation in; role of anger in; role of fear in; role of guilt in; scenarios tracing the
- Dominance legacy
- Dominator model of society
- Double-swing model
- Dream Act
- Dreams-within-conflict blueprint
- Dual concern models
- Dynamic network theory
- Dynamical Systems Theory (DST): guidelines for altering the attractor landscapes of intractable conflicts; implications for conflict resolution training; overview of the
- Dynamic network intelligence (DNI)
- Economic Community of West African States
- Economic justice: framework for implementing; reconciliation and role of
- Economic justice framework: description of; politics of deserving
- ECSEL (Peaceful Kids Educating Communities in Social-Emotional Learning) Program
- Effective actions
- Efficacy: competencies required for; social learning theory on
- Egalization
- Egg drop exercise
- Egoistical deprivation
- Elias Castro School of Excellence
- Emic conflict resolution research: methodologies used in; single case studies on qualitative; time series analysis: quantitative/qualitative
- Emotional management: broaden-and-build model on positive; cosmopolitan communication virtuosity for; importance of learning; task-oriented learning-mastery orientation of. See also
Social-emotional learning
- “Emotion-Coaching” (Gottman lab)
- Emotions: anger and hatred; Colman Raider workshop on dealing with anger and other; communication problems related to conflict and; confidence and warmth; dynamic network theory on social network spread of; fear; guilt; hot to intervene in conflict and manage; humiliation; interaction between conflict and; intractable conflict processes and; mirror neurons and; nature of; reflection role on affect and; three functions of; trust built from; understanding the power of
- Empathic listening
- Empathy: conflict role in childhood development of; gender differences in; listening with; training to increase
- Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
- Employees: organizational transformation for inclusion of; Praxis Consulting Group addressing inequality of; restaurant
- Encoding-decoding paradigm of communication
- Enga of Papua New Guinea
- Environmental power: culture; deep structure; description of; hierarchy; inequitable opportunity structures; legitimizing myths; roles
- Epistemic curiosity
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Equality principle
- Equality Trust: description of the; promoting policies designed to reduce inequality gaps
- Equity distribution principle
- Equity principle
- Erikson’s psychosocial stages in development
- Escalation: bilateral sequences of; as control and defense mechanism; description of; intergroup conflict and; interpersonal conflict; sequences of unilateral
- ETA (Spain)
- Ethical dilemmas (conflict resolution)
- Etic conflict resolution research: case analysis: quantitative; methodologies used in; structured focused comparison (SFC) qualitative
- Evaluating conflict resolution initiatives (CRIs): action evaluation research initiative for; Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project (CPMEP); framework for comparative case analysis; Negotiation Evaluation Survey (NES) for; process evaluation of intergroup encounter interventions; research on
- Exclusion: intractable conflict and role of; moral
- Expanding the pie solution
- Experience: coaches and facilitators as catalysts for reflection on; Dewey’s learning from; informal and incidental learning model for reflection on; Mezirow’s “habits of mind” and critical reflection on
- Experience surveys
- Experiential learning, theorists of
- Experimental research
- Extraversion personality dimension
- Facebook
- Facial affect coding system (FACS)
- Facilitators. See
- Fairness: cultural differences on how to perceive; egocentrism and allocation bias of; group decision making and interpretations of. See also
- Fall prevention negotiation
- Fallibility: definition of; as underlying constructive conflict resolution value
- “False conflict”
- FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Columbia) [Colombia]
- Fear: of future humiliation; interactions between conflict and
- Feedback: Murray’s need theory of personality on need for; negotiation bias remedy through
- Feedback mapping: Mozambique conflict and peace process; useful for understanding social systems
- Female genital cutting
- First Nations (British Columbia)
- Fishbowl theory on hostage negotiation
- 501(c)(3) organizations
- Five-factor model (FFM): on adult personality; examining conflict resolution using the; personality facet scales of the
- Fixed-pie perception
- Flexible attention deployment
- Flexible thinking
- Forgiveness: acknowledgment of suffering as part of; commitment to relationship impact on; many meanings of; power of private; as providing relief to those with PTSD; psychological spiritual healing through; reconciliation process moving toward; training
to facilitate reconciliation and; treatment of PTSD role in. See also
- Four Fs (firm, fair, flexible, and friendly)
- “Four horsemen of the apocalypse” divorce predictors
- Framing: as cognitive bias; communication problems related to; cooperation-competition theory on constructive conflict resolution; dialogic communication preparation of cultural; how to improve women’s negotiation outcomes through; Iraq War decision making; moral behavior and role of
- Fraternal deprivation
- Free press rights
- Freudian stages of development theory
- Frustration: aggression and violence as consequence of; comparing injustice to; description of; as sense of deprivation and injustice
- Funding agencies
- Future Search
(community justice process)
- Gamaa al Islamiyya
- Gays. See
LGBTQ community
- Gender: choosing a conflict resolution strategy and influence of; definition of. See also
- Gender differences: conflict resolution and; in empathy; evaluating and adapting conflict resolution style; negotiating boundaries and; negotiating contracts and; negotiation implications and applications; network access and; questions on negotiation not yet answered; self-construal and social role expectations and; social dominance orientation (SDO) and; strategies to improve outcomes for women. See also
Men; women
- Gender roles: conflict resolution style and; self-construal and expectations of
- Gender wage gap: negotiating contracts; persistence of the
- General Accounting Office (US)
- General Electric
The General Strike
General System Theory
(von Bertalannfy)
- Geneva Conventions
- Genocide: Holocaust; Rwandan (1994); Serbian ethnic cleansing. See also
- Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy
Getting to Yes
(Fisher and Ury)
Gewaltfrier Aufstand
- Global conflict resolution: global justice burden of; lessons from indigenous societies for
- Global cooperative interdependence
- Globegalization
- Goal interdependence: Chinese cultural studies on responsiveness to; positive or negative; situational model of power and conflict and
- Goals: antecedents to cooperative goals in Chinese society; constructive controversy requirement of cooperative; dynamic network theory on working together to reach common; group decision making for progress toward; self-regulation role in the pursuit of; of terrorist groups
- “Good conflict”
- Good Friday Agreement (GFA, 1998) [Northern Ireland]
- Google+
- Gottman Couples theory
- Gottman lab: Bringing Baby home (BBH) workshop; Couples Together Against Violence (CTAV); discovery of reliable patterns of material interaction; “Emotion-Coaching”; Gottman Couples theory; intervention
and prevention studies; Loving Couples Loving Children (LCLC); prediction and the replication of the predication work by; Sound Relationship House theory (SRH); study of gay and lesbian couples by; summary of evidence for intervention/prevention; trust and betrayal theory. See also
- Gottman-Rapoport conflict blueprint
- Gottmans’ conflict blueprints
- Great October Strike (1905)
- Greek-Turkish conflict. See
Turkish-Greek conflict
- Group boundaries: BART system on; definition and function of
- Group conflict: BART system of; destructive process of; diagnostic framework of; evolution of intense violence from; examining the Pink Power organization case of; Lewin’s research on; Wells’s model of
- Group decision making: behavioral; con-div group dynamic of; during conflict of War in Iraq; constructive controversy procedures for; interpretations of fairness during; Iraq War; large group intervention methods for; Native American value of consensus; polythink; power imbalance in; PSDM model on conflict resolution; purpose of; restabilizing through dynamic adaptivity of. See also
Decision making
- Group identity: description and types of; intractable conflict and oppositional; promoting open-minded processing about
- Group relations: brief history of research on group dynamics and; large group intervention methods
- Group roles: BART system on; description of
- Groupthink: characteristics of; cohesiveness driving; conflict management process and role of; continuum of polythink and; description of; Iraq War decisions moving to polythink from
A Guide to International Negotiation
- Guided imagination
- Guilt-conflict interactions
- “Habits of mind”
- Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Handbook for Discourse
(Van Dijk)
Handbook of Large Group Methods
(Bunker and Alban)
- Hatred-conflict interactions
- Healing psychological wounds of violence
- Heart Math emwave biofeedback device
- Helsinki agreement
- Heuristic processing: negotiation settings and systematic vs.; overview and comparison of
- Heuristic-systematic model: on cognitive consequences of processing modes; on modes of information processing; overview of; on sources of bias
- Hewlett Theory Centers
- Hezbollah
- High-power groups (HPGs)
- Holocaust
- Homophily of social networks
- Homophobia
- Honor ideologies
- “Honor killing”
- Hostage negotiation: airplane hijackings and; effectiveness of; fishbowl theory applied to; intervention techniques used during; media and public opinion during; with rogue states; role of trust and historical gestures during;
stages and variables of; state engagement in; strategic options for engaging terrorists during; types of concessions made during; victims of. See also
- Hostage posting
- Hot spots
- Hot/cool model of willpower
- Howard Beach incident
Huckleberry Finn
- Human and social polarities
- Human Dignity and humiliation Studies
- Human equality: definition of; as underlying constructive conflict resolution value
Human Judgment and Social Policy
- The human relations paradigm of intractable conflict
- Human rights: ideals of; UN Charter on; UN R2P (Responsibility to Protect) resolution on
- Human rights practice: challenges to synergy of peace-building practice and; Columbia’s ongoing violence and; concerns over “naming and shaming” strategy of; key differences between mediation and peace-building practice during; latest developments in international conflicts and; Northern Ireland peace agreement implementation (1998–2005) and; operationalizing peace with justice to further; Sierra Leone’s immediate postviolence period (1999–2000) and
- Human rights Watch
- Human security
- Humanization of the other
- Humiliation: fear of future; human rights ideals being fueled by feelings of; interactions between conflict and
- Huristic processing
- Hurricane Katrina
- Iceberg principle of persuasion
- Idea generation
- Identification-based distrust (IBD): characterization of relationships on; description of; strategies to manage
- Identification-based trust (IBT): actions that build; characterization of relationships on; description of; managing violations of
- Identity: group; as source of integrative negotiation impasse
- Ideological frames: honor ideologies and violence against women; pluralist; radical; unitary view
- Ideology: destructive ideology versus constructive; Hitler’s; Internet websites promoting; intractable conflict and issues of; personal power framed by; Pol Pot’s; social dominance orientation (SDO) support of
- I-It relationships
- Illusion of transparency
- Implicit power theories
- Impression negotiation motivation
- Impression processing motivation
- Inclusion: Brooklyn Friends School (BFS) use of psychoeducation to promote; dynamic inclusivity and “deep coexistence”; using psychoeducational strategies to foster
- Inclusively caring children
- Incremental beliefs: extreme intergroup emotions and political action; negative trait judgments about out-group and political action
- Incremental theory of groups: on emotional dimension of incremental beliefs; on judgment dimension of incremental negative beliefs; overview of the
- Indigenous societies: applications to modern conflicts; examining the
knowledge and practice of; harnessing their wisdom for global conflict resolution; peace systems of; reciprocity practices of; reflections on conflict resolution approaches by; value orientations of; Waorani (Ecuador)
- Inducibility: cooperation-competition theory on role of; definition of; pathologies of
- Induction
- Inequality: and aggression related to sexualization of women; confronting privilege by challenging; examining conditions that induce persons of privilege to challenge; National Urban League report on US racial; policy changes to initiate or reduce; system justification of
- Inequality gaps: Equality Trust promoting policies designed to reduce; organizational transformation and development to reduce; psychoeducational strategies to foster inclusion and reduce; racial. See also
- Informal and incidental learning model: case example: after-action review (AAR); case example: on reflection after conflict; case example: reflection with the help of a trusted other; case example: using an action science facilitator to learn to handle conflict; encouraging dialogue and new ideas using; illustrated diagram of; overview of; reflection and critical reflection using the
- Information processing: cognitive consequences of mode used for; dynamic network intelligence (DNI) on social networks; heuristic mode of; moderate positions and unexpected information; motives for; negotiation stage of exchanging information; promoting open-minded; sources of bias in; systematic mode of. See also
- Injustice: comparing frustration to; conditions causing persons of privilege to challenge social; in the course of conflict; distinction between oppression and; forms of; frustration over deprivation and sense of; implications for conflict resolution training; intractable conflicts with legacies of dominance and; “myths” that justify; as the source of conflict; training for knowledge of systematic forms of. See also
- Injustice forms: cultural imperialism; distributive injustice; moral exclusion; procedural injustice; retributive and reparative justice; sense of injustice
- Innovation. See
- Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton)
- Institute for Survival and Beyond’s (PISAB) Undoing Racism (UR) training
- Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (Georgetown University)
- Institute of Cultural Affairs Strategic Planning Process
- Instrumental reconciliation
- Intact team building
- Integration-adaptation model: accountability component of; accuracy in reading situation component of; adaptivity component of; awareness of situation component of; Boy Scouts of America (BSA) conflict with LGBTQ community examined using; overview of the
- Integrative agreement products: type 1: compromise; type 2: logrolling; type 3: modify the resource pie; type 4: expand the resource pie; type 5: bridge the interests; type 6: cut the costs; type 7: compensation (nonspecific); type 8: superordination
Integrative agreements: Agreement Circumplex; compromise versus integrative; conflict management system producing; examined as creativity; flexible thinking and idea generation; interaction between conflict and creativity; mix of information needed for; providing time and space for; relationship between cooperation and creativity in; seeing the other’s point of view; settlement versus resolution. See also
Outcomes; Solutions
- Integrative negotiation: description of; in difficult to resolve conflicts; five major stages of; promotion of; theoretical and empirical roots of
- Integrative negotiation impasse: characteristics of negotiation environment and setting; characteristics of negotiation issues and; characteristics of the parties as source of; how negotiators can resolve
- Integrative negotiation stages: 1: preparation; 2: building a relationship with the other party; 3: exchanging information; 4: inventing and exploring options; 5: reaching settlement
- Intellectualization and minimization
- Intense internal dynamics
- Intentionalist paradigm of communication: on considering the listener when formulating a message; on listening to understand intended meaning; overview of
- Interdependence: asymmetries related to degree of; positive or negative goal
- Interests: defining; negotiation role of; to secure cooperation
- Intergroup conflict: implications for training; implications for understanding and practice; overview of; resolving intractable; sources and dynamics of
- Intergroup conflict dynamics: escalation; resistances to resolution and intractability
- Intergroup conflict resolution practices: analyzing the conflict; confronting the conflict; overview of; resolving the conflict
- Intergroup conflict resolution training: on analytical skills; on consultation skills; on group leadership skills; on intergroup skills; on interpersonal skills; overview of; personal qualities and
- Intergroup conflict sources: group-level factors; perceptual and cognitive factors
- Intergroup encounter interventions: description of; evaluation of
- Internal conflict
- International Crisis Group
- International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR)
- International conflict: “bargaining in the shadow of the law” phenomenon in; International Criminal Court (ICC) indictments related to; Northern Ireland; Sierra Leone (1999–2000); Syria. See also
Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Peace-building practice; War
- International Criminal Court (ICC): human rights concerns of; indictments in Uganda and Libya by
- International Institute for Sustained Dialogue (IISD)
- International legal system: architectural development of; Geneva Conventions
- International social network linkages
- International Social Survey Program
- Internet: online dispute resolution (ODR); social networks on the; websites promoting
ideologies; “wild west” of the
- Interpersonal conflict: escalating spirals in; self-regulatory failure in
- Interpersonal conflict resolution: cooling strategies and techniques for; reflection; time-out
- Interpersonal negotiation strategies (INS) model
- Interpersonal relation dimensions: cooperation-competition; formal versus informal; intensity and importance; power distribution (equal versus unequal); task oriented versus social-emotional
- Interpersonal scope
- Inter-Tajik Dialogue (ITD)
- Intractability: as powerful psychological barriers to conflict resolution; resistance to intergroup conflict resolution
- Intractable conflict: components of; defining; Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) on; five paradigms for addressing; Mozambique conflict and peace process feedback mapping; ongoing global; “prevention orientation” approach to
- Intractable conflict components: context; core issues; outcomes; processes; relationships
- Intractable conflict intervention guidelines: 1: leverage instability; 2: complicate to simplify: mapping dynamic ecology of peace and conflict; 3: read the emotional reservoirs of the conflict; 4: begin with what is working; 5: beginnings matter most; 6: circumvent the conflict; 7: seek meek power; 8: work with both manifest and latent attractors; 9: alter conflict and peace attractors for the long term; 10: restabilize through dynamic adaptivity
- Intractable conflict intervention paradigms: the human relations paradigm; overview on; the pathology paradigm; the postmodern paradigm; the realist paradigm; the systems paradigm
- Intractable conflict processes: malignant social processes; pervasiveness, complexity, and flux; strong emotionality
- intractable group conflict: direct conflict resolution to; implications and future directions of research on; incremental beliefs about; indirect social psychological approaches to; Israel-Palestinian conflict; Turkish-Greek conflict
- Intrapsychic conflict and anxiety
- IRA (Irish Republican Army)
- Iranian US embassy hostages (1979)
- Iraq Body Count
- Iraq War: biased information processing: selective use and framing during; con-div group dynamic during the; decision-making dynamics during the surge (2007); failure to reappraise previously rejected alternatives during; groupthink dynamic in decision to invade Iraq (2003); lack of communication and confusion during the; lowest-common-denominator decisions and decision paralysis during the; McChrystal’s Rolling Stone
interview during the; moving form groupthink to polythink; policy implications of the decision making during; polythink process of withdrawal from Iraq. See also
- Iroquois Confederation
Irreducible Uncertainty, Inevitable Error, Unavoidable Injustice
- Islands of agreement
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Abraham Fund for Jewish-Arab Coexistence initiative to resolve; Air France flight
rescue by Israeli government; cultural fluency used to better understand the; destructive versus constructive ideologies of the; emotional dimension of incremental beliefs; events to change collective memories and move toward shared view of history; increased levels of hope regarding end of; judgment dimension of incremental beliefs; normalization of hostility and violence; psychodynamic theory used to explain the; social media role in monitoring events of; symbolism and ideology issues of the. See also
International conflict
- Issue scope
- I-Thou relationships
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
Journal of Homosexuality
- Judgment and moral reasoning
- Justice: analyzing the true impacts of retributive; conflict between two reasonable principles of; conflict over defining what is; distributive; economic framework of; gacaca
(community justice process); global justice burden; operationalizing peace with; peace as requiring; peace-building process that commits to long-term peace and; reciprocity practice by indigenous societies for; reconciliation and processes of; scope of; solidarity and caring framework of. See also
Fairness; Injustice
- Justice frameworks: economic and politics of deserving; solidarity and caring
- “Justifying,” as negotiation tactic
Kamp Uden Vaaben
(Ehrlich, Lindberg, and Gammeigaard Jacobsen)
- Kidnapping. See
Hostage negotiation
- Kinetic power
- Knowledge acquisition. See
- Kohlberg’s moral development stages
- Kosovo bombing issue
- Kosovo Liberation Army
- Language: definitions of; dehumanizing trait of; used to describe conflict; examining interconnectedness of peace, conflict resolution, and; peace linguistics
- Large group intervention methods: applications to peace building and legislative processes; that create the future; embedding new patterns of collaboration; methods for discussion and decision making; overview of; for work design
Large Group Interventions: Engaging the Whole System for Rapid Change
(Bunker and Alban)
- Layered personality
- Leadership coaching
- League of Women Voters
- Learning: conflict management and social-emotional; constructive controversy and improved quality; experiential; informal and incidental learning model on reflection for; knowledge acquisition from conflict resolution research; to learn about conflict resolution; reflection on experience for; social context of
- Learning by analogy
- Learning Communities Project
- LeBenevolencija
- Legitimacy, socially constructed
- “Legitimizing myths” of power
- Leith Open Space
- Lesbians. See
LGBTQ community
- “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King)
- Levesno lab
Lewin’s change process framework: driving and restraining forces; movement phase of; refreezing phase of; unfreezing phase of
- LGBTQ community: Boy Scouts of America conflict with; honor ideologies and violence against
- Libya
- LinkedIn
- Listening: dialogic communication with empathic; taking listeners perspective into account; trying to understanding intended meaning of message
- Logrolling solution
- Lome Agreement (1999)
- London bombings
- Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) [Uganda]
- Lose-lose outcome
- Loss averse
- Love and belongingness needs
- Loving Couples Loving Children (LCLC)
- Low-power groups (LPGs)
- Lufthansa flight negotiations (1977)
- Maalot School terrorism (Israel)
- MACBE (motivation, affect, cognition, behavior, environment) model
- Madrid terrorist attacks
- Manila hostage crisis
- Marginalization: moral exclusion or; psychological mechanisms for; selection of targets for; “structural” violence and
- Marriage: couples’ conflict intervention; friendship as “emotional bank account” for; Sound Relationship House theory (SRH) on; specific affect coding system (SPAFF) measures of; trust and betrayal theory for emotional attunement in. See also
Divorce; Gottman lab
The Marriage Clinic
The Marriage Clinic Casebook
- Marriage intervention/divorce prevention: The Art and Science of Love (ASL)
; Bringing Baby home (BBH) workshop; Couples Together Against Violence; Gottmans’ conflict blueprints; Loving Couples Loving Children (LCLC); proximal change experiments
- “Marshmellow test”
- Marxist doctrine
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
The Mathematics of Marriage
(Gottman, Murray, Swanson, Tyson, and Swanson)
- McChrystal’s Rolling Stone
- Media: coverage of terrorism by; nonviolent struggle coverage by the; political processes and freedom of the press by; social media as social networks
- Mediation: Coleman Raider Mediation Model for; conditions for effective; contingent; definition of; efficacy of; factors determining use of; implications for training; implications for understanding and managing conflict using; key differences between human rights and; leadership coaching for organizational; outline for parents; problem-as-puzzle model of; “satisfaction story” of; short-term success in mediation (STSM); theory and research on; traditional, narrative, and transformative; whole school programs for
- Mediator behavior: assertiveness; contextual interventions; as mediation factor; reflexive interventions;
substantive interventions; tactical interventions
- Mediator styles: evaluative; facilitative; problem-solving; relational; strategic
- Mediators: behavior of; as catalysts for learning through reflection; characteristics of the potential; how gender affects style of; implications for; maintain realistic expectations; using multiple; negotiation biases of; skills required for intergroup conflict resolution; stressful social role of; stylistic orientation of; twelve stages of moves made by. See also
Conflict resolution practitioners; Conflict resolution training
- Mediators beyond Borders
- Men: network access of; social dominance orientation (SDO) levels in. See also
Gender differences
- Men Organized against Rape
- Mercy Healthcare system (California)
- Messages: considering what the listener will take it to mean; listening to try to understanding intended meaning of; pay attention to the form of the; taking listener’s perspective into account. See also
(Katz and Hooven)
- MHS (mutually hurting stalemate)
- Middle childhood development: description of; Erikson’s psychosocial stages in development; role of conflict in; sense of self; stage theories of
- Middle-out power
- Mindfulness
- Minimization and intellectualization
- Minorities at Risk Project
- Mirror neurons
- The MODE
- Modeling: self-regulation; social-emotional learning promoted by
- Modify the resource pie
- Mondragon (Spain)
- Moral behavior, role of framing in
- Moral community: empathy required to enlarge one’s; intergroup simulations to experience a; justice principles of deserving often extended only to one’s; training to enlarge the scope of one’s
- Moral courage
- Moral development: of extraordinary moral responsibility and creativity; Kohlberg’s moral development stages on; raising inclusively caring children with moral courage
- Moral exclusion: definition of; individual and groups who suffer; psychological mechanisms of; selection of targets for; social conditions allowing; three central psychological questions regarding; training to recognize
- Moral exclusion
- Moral orientation
- Moral reasoning and judgment
- Moral theories on aggression and violence: moral exclusion; moral reasoning and judgment; norm violations; overview of
- Moral values appeal
- Morse code
- Motivation: conflict resolution and multiple motives and; generating change agent’s; to improve understanding during constructive controversy; information processing and defense, accuracy, or impression; middle childhood development of; Murray’s need theory of personality on; self-regulation role in
- Motivational orientation
- Mozambique peace process: example of the utility of meek power in the; mapping the conflict and
- Multiculturalism: comparing culture and; examining relationship to conflict and conflict resolution;
increasing cultural diversity in today’s societies; meaning of conflict and resolution in context of; noteworthy applications of; as a social movement
- Multiculturalism conflict management: accountability component of; accuracy in reading situation; adaptivity component of; awareness of situation; case study: Boy Scouts of America and multiculturalism; integration-adaptation model of
- Multiple mediators
- Mumbai attacks (Pakistan)
- Murray’s need theory of personality
- Musekeweya (New Dawn) radio drama (Rwanda)
- Mutual respect principle
- Mutual security principle
- Mutual trust principle
- Naive conflict resolution strategies
- Narrative mediation
- National Commission for Democracy and Human Rights
- National Fund for Social Enterprise (Mexico)
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Institutes of Health Office of the Ombudsmen
- National Public Radio
- National Science Foundation
- National Training Laboratory in Group Development (NTL)
- National Urban League
- Native American values
- Nazi Germany
- Need for power
- Need principle
- Needs theories: Burton’s human needs theory; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Murray’s need theory of personality
- Negative self-transcendence
- Negotiating boundaries: description of; gender differences in; legal entitlements
- Negotiation: anchors, frames, and reference points of; Coleman Raider “Bare-Bones” Model of Stages of Negotiation; Coleman Raider reframing formula for; conflict resolution research on; contract; cooperation-competition theory implications for training; definition of; difficulty personalities and; examining gender differences in; facing dirty tricks during cooperative; integrative; judgmental biases during; multiple motives during; persuasion during; psychodynamic personality theory on irrational deterrents to; reducing ambiguity; research developments on; role playing during; social context of; strategies to improve outcomes for women; substantive content of training for; terrorists and hostage
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
(Kressel and Wall)
Negotiation Behavior
- Negotiation bias outcomes: damaged negotiation relationships; exaggeration of conflict/false conflict due to; failure to reach agreement even when mutually beneficial; loss of confidence; reaching agreement prematurely or in substandard way
- Negotiation bias remedies: deliberate and structured interventions; naturally occurring
- Negotiation biases: of cognition; cultural differences related to; information processing and sources of; of outcome and allocation; of process; remedies of
Negotiation boundaries: fall prevention; pregnancy and parental leave
- Negotiation Evaluation Survey (NES)
- Negotiation impasse: characteristics of the parties as source of; strategies for dealing with
- Negotiation strategies: “chicken game” negotiation; Five factor model (FFM) predicting; for handling impasse; interpersonal negotiation strategies (INS) model; negotiation in order to prepare for an assault; normal; secret. See also
Conflict resolution strategies; Persuasion
- Negotiation tactics: “building a golden bridge”; “justifying” as
- NEO-PI-R FFM questionnaire
- Nepalese Maoists (Unified Communist Party of Nepal)
- Network Conflict Worksheet: describing the system using the; illustration of the; other applications and caveats on using the; overview of the; transforming roles using the
- Networks of effective action
- Neuroplasticity
- Neuroscience: on the brain and emotions; as conflict resolution resource
- Neuroticism personality dimension
- New Peoples Army (NPA)
- New York City Resolving Conflict Creatively Program
New York Times
- News Research Center Iraq War Casualties
- 9/11 attacks: Columbia’s antiterrorism policies justification by; debate over World Trade Center site following
- Noncooperation
- Nonkilling linguistics
Nonkilling Linguistics: Practical Applications
- Nonspecific compensation solution
- Nonviolence value, definition of
- Nonviolent actions: acts of protest; noncooperation; nonviolent intervention; in response to aggression and violence
Non-Violent Coercion
- Nonviolent communication: implications for conflict resolution; research being conducted on
Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Communication: Companion Workbook
- Nonviolent intervention: description of; nonviolent struggle form of
- Nonviolent struggle: definition of; efforts at planned adoption of; history and successes of; importance of; media coverage of; needed future explorations and research on; new scholarly and strategic attention on; nonviolent action for “wrong” objectives; Untouchables campaign (1924–1925). See also
Acts of protest; Boycotts; Civil disobedience
- Non-Western practices: how social relations are impacted by cultural differences and; violence and aggression against
- Norm violations
- Normal negotiation strategy
- Normalization of hostility and violence
- North American Free Trade (NAFTA) talks
- North Korea
- Northern Caucasus separatists groups
- Northern Ireland: British government negotiations with the IRA; former IRA in; Good Friday Agreement (GFA) of 1998; peace agreement implementation (1998–2005); “Troubles” of
Nunca Mas report (Argentina, 1986)
- Nuremberg trials
- Occupy movement
- Office of the Ombudsman (National Institutes of Health)
- Online dispute resolution (ODR)
- Open Space Technology
- Open-minded processing: on group identity; on self-affirmation strategy
- Openness personality dimension
- Oppositional group identities
- Oppression: cultural imperialism as; distinction between injustice and; nonviolent struggle against; structural; study on effects and risk of
- Orbital frontal cortex
- Organizational development (OD)
- Organizational transformation: Praxis Consulting Group addressing inequality through; reducing inequality gaps through
- Organizations: cooperation, open-minded discussion, and effectiveness surveys in Chinese; 501(c)(3); integration-adaptation model applied to; reducing inequality gaps in; shared ownership through hierarchical structure of
- Other: arts-based approaches to understand the; dialogic communication preparation of; as element of the communication process; humanizing and developing positive orientation of the; incremental beliefs on negative trait judgments of. See also
- Outcomes: effective power and sustainable; integrative agreements as creativity; intractable conflict; lose-lose; negotiation bias and; negotiation stage of inventing and exploring options for; reactive devaluation of; strategies to improve women’s negotiation. See also
BATNAs (best alternative to a negotiated agreement); Integrative agreements; Solutions
- Overcommitment
- Palestinian-Israel conflict. See
Israel-Palestinian conflict
- Panama Canal talks
- Paradigmatic persuasion experiment
- Parental mediation outline
- Participative Design
- Partnership model of society
- The pathology paradigm of intractable conflict
- Peace: altruism born of suffering and; indigenous practices for; justice required as part of; mapping dynamic ecology of conflict and; peace-building process that commits to long-term justice and. See also
- Peace Education Program (Columbia University)
- Peace linguistics: description and focus of; implications for conflict resolution; implications for education for using; interconnectedness of language, conflict resolution, and peace; LIF PLUS; peace-building teacher education use of; rise of nonkilling linguistics; THRIL technique
- Peace systems: common indigenous practices for; description of; harnessing indigenous wisdom for global; Iroquois Confederation example of. See also
- Peace-building practice: accepting that sometimes sequencing is the best alternative; challenges to synergy between human rights and; Columbia;
committing to long-term peace and justice; concerns over human rights’ “naming and shaming” strategy; incorporating human rights experts as advisors during; key differences between mediation and; large group intervention methods applications to; Northern Ireland peace agreement implementation (1998–2005); operationalizing peace with justice to further human rights during; Sierra Leone’s immediate postviolence period (1999–2000); Syrian conflict and. See also
International conflict; Reconciliation; War
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators: High School Lessons
- Peaceful cultures and justice
- Peer mediation
- People’s Front of Liberation of Palestine
- Perceived power
- Perpetuators. See
- Persistent intractable conflict
- Personal power: authoritarianism; description of; ideological frames; implicit power theories; need for power; orientations of; other individual differences in; social dominance orientation
- Personality: conflict resolution influenced by situation vs.; defense and control mechanisms of; definitions of; layered; research on how conflict is influenced by; social learning theory on
- Personality facet scales
- Personality models: need theories; negotiating with difficult personalities; psychodynamic theories; social learning theory; social situations and psychological orientations; trait approaches
- Personality theories of aggression and violence
- Personality trait approaches: multitrait measures of personality and conflict; overview of; situation versus personality
- Persons of privilege: “equity motive” experiments with; investigating how to help them confront injustice; prototypes used to facilitate reduce inequality gaps by; responsibility of
- Perspective taking: adolescence development of; conflict role in childhood development of; constructive controversy positive impact on; as intervention for aggression and violence; middle childhood development of. See also
Attitude change; Behavior change; Point of view
- Perspective-taking paradigm of communication: overview of; on taking your listener’s perspective into account
- Persuasion: conflict resolution context of; definition of; heuristic-systematic model of; iceberg principle of; moderate positions and unexpected information; motives for processing information for; paradigmatic persuasion experiment findings on; promoting open-minded processing for; as strategy for negotiating with terrorists. See also
Negotiation strategies
- Pew Case Studies in International Affairs
- Philippines government-New Peoples Army (NPA) talks
- Physiological needs
- Piaget’s social cognitive childhood development
- Pillars of support
- Pink Power organization: BART system used to examine the; joining Wells’s levels and the BART system for examining; Wells’s five levels of organizational analysis to examine
PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) [Turkey]
- Plato’s parable of the cave
- Play ethic
- Point of view: ability to see the others’; conflict resolution and importance of; developing a novel; shadow box experiments on. See also
Perspective taking
- Political instability: intractable conflicts and; leveraging instability as intervention for ending conflict
- Political jiu-jitsu
- Political terrorist groups
- Politics of deserving: dictating who is deserving; neglect of Hurricane Katrina survivors and
The Politics of Nonviolent Action
- Polythink: conflict management process and role of; continuum of groupthink and; decision-making; description of; Iraq War decisions moving from groupthink to; remedies to
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
- Positive emotions
- Postmodern constructivism
- The postmodern paradigm of intractable conflict
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): description of; how forgiveness can provide relief from; principles for treatment of; professional education required for effective
- Potential power
- Power: components of; conditions causing persons of privilege to relinquish their; as a dynamic; environmental; general versus relevant; group decision making and imbalanced; overview of the concept of; perceived; personal; pillars of support; potential and kinetic; primary and secondary; relational; seeking “meek”; sustainable outcomes and effective; top-down, middle-out, and bottom-up
- Power components: environmental factors; personal factors; principles of power-conflict dynamics
- Power distance
- Power relations: environmental; between low-power groups (LPGs) and high-power groups (HPGs); personal; principles of power-conflict dynamics; as source of integrative negotiation impasse
- Power-conflict dynamics: principles of; situated model of power and conflict
- Practitioners. See
Conflict resolution practitioners
- Praxis Consulting Group
- Presbyterian Church USA
- Press. See
- Primary power
- Prisoner’s dilemma game
- Privilege: challenging inequality and confronting; efforts to retain and justify; examining past politics of; responsibility through; why persons of privilege challenge unjust social arrangements. See also
Inequality gaps
- Problem identification
- Problem solving: analogical reasoning used for; constructive controversy and improved quality; PSDM model integrating decision making and
- Problem-solving approaches: critiques of different; evidence of better outcomes with; individual and social interaction perspectives on; overview of different; research that predicts use of
- Procedural injustice: definition of; training to recognize
- Procedural justice: description of process of; questions with regard to; values implicit in questions about
Program for Imaging and Cognitive Sciences (Columbia University)
- Projection
The Promise of Mediation
(Bush and Folger)
- Protected trauma of conflict
- PSDM model of conflict resolution: committing to a choice phase of; in conflict situations; on decision-making process; diagnosis of problem phase of; evaluating and choosing phase of; identifying alternative solutions phase of; illustrated figure of the; implications for training and practice; overview of the; on problem-solving process
- Psychodynamic personality theories: on active unconscious; on conflict with another leading to intrapsychic conflict and anxiety; on control and defense mechanisms; on internal conflict; on irrational deterrents to negotiation; on the layered personality; overview of; on stages of development; summary and critique of
- Psychoeducational strategies: Brooklyn Friends School (BFS) diversity and inclusion using; fostering inclusion over inequality
- Psychological orientation: cognitive, motivational, and moral components of; description of; interpersonal relations dimensions of; social situations and
- Psychologists for Social Responsibility
- Public Committee for Democratic Processes (PCDP)
- Public Conversations Project (PCP)
- Public policy: the Equality Trust mission promoting policies reducing inequality; initiated to reduce inequality; large group intervention methods applications to legislative; nonviolent struggle to bring about
- Quaker community values
- Qualitative research: methodologies used in; single case studies: emic; time series analysis: emic quantitative and
- Quantitative research: experiments, surveys, and aggregate case studies: etic; focused comparison: etic; methodologies used in; time series analysis: emic qualitative and
- Quasi-experimental research
- R2P (Responsibility to Protect) resolution [UN]
- Racial inequality: Minorities at Risk Project on risk of; National Urban League report on US
- Racism: Brooklyn Friends School (BFS) psychoeducation to reduce; Institute for Survival and Beyond’s (PISAB) Undoing Racism (UR) training; metaphor of the airport automatic walkway for
- Railway Labor Act (1926, amended in 1934)
Raising and Emotionally Intelligent Child
- Rational argument, as constructive controversy requirements
- Reaction formation
- Reactive devaluation
- Real Time Strategic Change (or Whole Scale Change)
- The realist paradigm of intractable conflict
- Reciprocity: definition of; manifestations of; practice by indigenous societies; as underlying constructive conflict resolution value
- Recognition concept
- Reconciliation: altruism born of suffering and; creating complementary processes to address postagreement; definition of; instrumental vs. socioemotional; justice processes related to; moving toward and past forgiveness;
multiple processes in; prevention of new violence and; principles and practices of; progressive nature of; psychological spiritual healing through forgiveness and; Rwandan gacaca
(community justice process) of; Rwandan genocide (1994) interventions for; security issues during; training to facilitate forgiveness and; treatment of PTSD role in. See also
Peace-building practice
- Reconciliation principles: for establishing cooperation; establishing the complex truth; healing the wounds of all parties; humanizing the other and developing positive orientation to the other; processes of change of collective memories and toward shared views of history; understanding impact of violence on survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders; understanding roots of violence and avenues to reconciliation
- Reconciliation processes: destructive ideology versus constructive ideologies; political conditions, democratic institutions, and reconciliation; progressively increasing acceptance of the past; public education and conflict and conflict resolution; raising inclusively caring children with moral courage
- Red Army Fraction (Germany)
- Red Brigades (Italy)
- Red Cross
- Redesign work methods
- Reference point of negotiation
- Reflection: coaches and facilitators as catalysts for learning through; critical; dialogic communication stage of; emotions and affect role of; informal and incidental learning model for; interpersonal conflict resolution using; learning through; questioning the sustainability of Western peace systems
- Reflection case examples: using an action science facilitator to learn to handle conflict; after-action review (AAR); on reflection after conflict; reflection with the help of a trusted other
- Reflective practitioners: cooperation-competition theory implications for; description of; how to become a
- Reflexive mediator interventions
- Rehearsing self-regulation
- Relational power: description of; situational model of power and conflict
- Relational self-construal theory: gender differences in conflict resolution argument of; on gender-based differences in self-construal and social role expectations
- Relationships: adolescence development of social; building one with the other party during negotiation; Chinese guanxi
(relation system) of; as containing both trust and distrust elements; couples’ conflict; cultural differences as factor in; Deutsch’s Crude Law of Social Relations; developmental and multifaceted nature of; dialogue that focuses on the; expectations upon which we trust new; intractable conflict and role of; I-Thou compared to I-It; meaning making of communication as taking place in; mediation and improvement in; middle childhood development of social; Native American value of; as remedy for bias; social-emotional learning for developing; strengthen commonalities between parties to strengthen; sustained dialogue approach for building; trust elements used to characterize; types of conflict that include
issues of. See also
Social networks
- Religious terrorist groups
- Research. See
Conflict resolution research
- Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD)
Resistance, Politics, and the American Struggle for Independence
(Conser, McCarthy, Toscano, and Sharp)
Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany
- Respect: democratic concept of; principle of mutual
- Restaurant industry employees
- Restaurant Opportunities Centers United
- Retributive and reparative injustice: definition of; training to recognize
- Retributive and reparative justice: analyzing the true impacts of; psychology of; societal functions of
- Risk, decision making
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rogue states
- Role playing: Colman Raider workshop use of cultural differences; increasing empathy through; negotiation; self-regulation
- Russian Revolution (1905)
- Rwanda: gacaca
(community justice process) in; genocide (1994) and reconciliation in; Musekeweya (New Dawn) [2004] radio drama in; providing public education about conflict and conflict resolution in; role of institutional democratic organizations in healing of; uneven justice processes as part of reconciliation in
- Rwandan genocide (1994): interventions for reconciliation following the; war crime trials (2001–2010) following the
- Tactical mediator interventions
- Tajikistan independence
- “Talk table” device
- Tamil Tigers (Sir Lanka)
- Target position
- Task-oriented learning-mastery orientation
- Tasks: BART system on group; definition of
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
- Teacher education: language in peace-building; Peace Education Program (Columbia University); peaceful language implications for
- Teachers College (Columbia University)
- Team building
- Team effect
- Teams: building; cooperative conflict; making effort by; T-group (training group) for
- Technical Conference
- Temperament
- Terrorism: airplane hijackings; definition of; failure of traditional diplomacy to stop; history of; media and public opinion regarding; during modern times; 9/11 attacks; by rogue states. See also
Hostage negotiation
- Terrorists: actions taken by; culture, psychology, values, and goals of; issue of trust when dealing with; negotiating with; political, religious, and criminal profiles of; strategic options for engaging; suicide terrorists; victims of
- T-group (training group)
- Theory of relative deprivation
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Style Inventory
- THRIL technique
- Time series analysis: description of; emic quantitative and qualitative
- Time-out
- Times Square bomb
The Tipping Point
- Top-down power
Toward a Nonkilling Paradigm
Tract 2 diplomacy
- Training. See
Conflict resolution training
- Transformative mediation
- Transgender. See
LGBTQ community
- Transparency, illusion of
- Trust: characterizing relationships based on elements of; definition of; differing perspectives on; fundamental difference between distrust and; gradual development of mutual; hostage negotiation and historical gestures and; hostage posting strategy to rebuild; implications for managing conflict; implications of relationships and distrust and; negotiating with terrorists and issue of; of new relationships; relationships as containing elements of both distrust and; repairing broken; trust and betrayal theory on; what happens when it is violated; why it is critical to relationships
- Trust and betrayal theory
- Trust forms: calculus-based trust (CBT); identification-based trust (IBT)
- Truth: changing collective memories and moving toward shared views of history and; as essential for survivors; establishing the complex
- The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (South Africa)
- Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
- Turkish-Greek conflict: Burton’s human needs theory developed during the; emotional incremental beliefs on; political action tendencies
- Twitter
(indigenous knowledge)
- Uganda
- UN Economic Commission for Europe
- UNESCO: Linguapax Program of the; study of indigenous conflict resolution approaches
- Unexpected information
- United Nations: UN Charter; UN Development Program; UN R2P (Responsibility to Protect) resolution; United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
- United States: approach to Syrian conflict by the; complementary movement pioneered at community level in the; National Urban League report on racial inequality in the; 9/11 and other terrorism attacks against the; SALT I negotiation process by the; SALT II negotiation process by the; Soviet Union-United States talks (1985–1987); Spanish-US base rights talks (1975–1976); US embassy hostages in Iran (1979)
- Unity-in-diversity identity
- Untouchables campaign (1924–1925)
- Unwanted repetitive patterns (URPs)
- US Department of Justice
- US embassy hostages in Iran (1979)
- US General Accounting Office
- US Postal Service mediation program
- US-Canada acid rain talks
- Values: constructive conflict resolution; fallibility; human equality; of indigenous societies; nonviolence; reciprocity; shared community; of terrorist groups
- Ventromedial frontal cortex (VMFC)
- Victimizers: acknowledgment of suffering by; blanket pardons for Argentine disappearances; healing the wounds of all parties including the; as moral toward their own moral community; Rwandan genocidaires
sense of injustice by; victim “identification with the aggressor” or
- Victim-offender mediation
Victims of Groupthink: A Psychological Study of Foreign-Policy Decisions and Fiascoes
- Victims/survivors: acknowledgment of suffering by; of betrayed trust; establishing the complex truth for; healing the wounds of all parties including; humiliation of; “identification with the aggressor” by; “myths” that justify injustice against; perpetuating the conflict and taking the role of; selection for moral exclusion; sense of injustice by; of terrorism; understanding impact of violence on survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders. See also
Forgiveness; Other
- Violence: bullying; coordinating attention to long-term structural changes and short-term; defining; Geneva Conventions limitations on war-related; group conflict evolution into intense; healing psychological wounds of; implications for practice related to interventions for; moral exclusion permitted by culturally sanctioned; moral theories on aggression and violence; nonviolent actions employed against; nonviolent vs. violent responses to; normalization of hostility and; reconciliation and the prevention of new; Seville Statement on Violence; structural; understanding impact on survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders; violence and resistance response to. See also
Aggression; Domestic violence; War
- Violence interventions: conflict resolution programs to change behavior; deescalation; perspective taking; self-reflection
- Violence theories: aggression and violence as frustration; biological; cultural theories of aggression and violence; personality; social learning and behavior
- Volkan’s tree model of medical prevention
- Walkaway position
- “Wall Street game”
Wall Street Journal
- Waorani people (Ecuador)
- War: masculinized justifications for violence during; The realist paradigm of intractable conflict on; violence of civil wars; war model of communication. See also
Genocide; International conflict; Iraq War; Peace systems; Peace-building practice; Violence
War without Violence
- Well’s taxonomy of group conflict: applied to the Pink Power organization; five levels of; joining the BART system with; providing a framework for understanding conflict
What Am I Feeling?
What Makes Love Last?
(Gottman and Silver)
White Like Me
- White Privilege Conference
- Whole Scale Change
- Whole school programs
- Whole-Scale Interactive Events
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
- Willpower: delay of gratification “marshmallow test” on; description of; essential preliminaries for self-regulation and; how hot reactions and the emotional brain impact; how to enable
- Women: adapting to expected context of social roles; aggression related to sexualization of; “black widows”
suicide terrorists among; evaluating and adapting conflict resolution style preferences of; female genital cutting; greater empathy of; honor ideologies and violence against; “honor killing” of; negotiating contracts; network access of; preference for conflict resolution strategy by; questions on negotiation not yet answered about; social dominance orientation (SDO) levels in; strategies to improve negotiation outcomes of; wage gap experienced by. See also
Gender differences
- Work design methods
- Working Group on ADR
- Work-Out
- Workplace: gender differences and contract negotiations; gender differences and negotiating boundaries in the
- World Café
- World Dignity University initiative
- World Economic Forum
- World Federation of Modern Language Teachers Association
- World Health Organization
- ZOPA (zone of potential agreement)