As an alternative to chocolate or sweets, give these handmade bracelets as a unique Easter gift. The cute egg-shaped beads and pretty pastel colours will delight all ages!
Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy peasy
You Will Need
Sheets of patterned paper 15cm × 15cm (6in × 6in)
Seed beads
Elastic cord
Sealing varnish
Foam block and cocktail sticks
1. Each bead is made from a long triangle of paper. First mark out the triangles onto the back of your paper sheets: make a pencil mark every 2cm (3⁄4in) down the right-hand side; on the left-hand side, make the first mark at 1cm (3⁄8in), then all subsequent marks 2cm (3⁄4in) apart.
2. To join the pencil marks, draw a line from the top right-hand corner to the 1cm (3⁄8in) mark on the left-hand side, then draw a line from the 1cm (3⁄8in) mark to the first 2cm (3⁄4in) mark on the right-hand side, and carry on zigzagging down the sheet.
3. Cut the triangles out, discarding those marked first and last on the paper sheet. Take a paper triangle and starting at the wide end, roll it snugly round a cocktail stick. Glue the last 10cm (4in) to keep the paper from unfurling, then place the cocktail stick in a foam block. Make nine more beads in the same way.
4. Apply a coat of sealing varnish to the beads and leave to dry; then apply another coat of varnish to ensure strong shiny beads. When dry, twist the beads off the cocktail sticks.
5. Cut a 30cm (12in) length of elastic cord and attach a paper clip about 5cm (2in) from one end. Thread on paper beads interspersed with seed beads – the number required will depend on the wrist size. Remove the paper clip and tie the ends together tightly in a knot. Cut off excess cord.