This spooky pumpkin tea cosy is perfect for a Halloween tea-time surprise – children will love it.
Time: 2 days
Difficulty: Fancy a challenge
You Will Need
5mm (US size 8) knitting needles
1 × 100g ball Rowan Creative Focus Worsted in following colours: orange (A) and green (B)
White and brown yarn
1. Knit the tea cosy following the pattern below:
Sides (make 2)
Cast on 40 sts.
Row 1 (RS): Using A, [K6, p2] 5 times.
Row 2 Using A, [k2, p6] 5 times.
Rows 1 and 2 form patt.
Cont in patt (Row 2) until side measures 15cm (6in), ending WS.
Shape top
Keeping patt correct, cont as follows:
Next row (RS): (dec) K6, p2tog, rep from * to end. 35sts
Next row: *K1, p6, rep from * to end.
Next row: (dec) K5, p2tog, rep from * to end. 30sts
Next row: (dec) P4, k2tog, rep from * to end. 25sts
Next row: (dec) K3, p2tog, rep from * to end. 20sts
Next row: (dec) P2, k2tog, rep from * to end. 15sts
Change to yarn B.
Next row: *K1, p1, rep from * to last stitch, k1.
Next row: *P1, k1, rep from * to last stitch, p1.
Rep last 2 rows twice.
Next row: (dec) *K1, p2tog, rep from * to end. 10sts
Next row: *K1, p1, rep from * to end.
Next row: (dec) K2tog 5 times. 5sts.
Cast off.
2. Join sides leaving spout and handle openings. Embroider face using the photograph as a guide.