The author and editor would like to thank the educators across the globe who continue to make an impact on student learning. During the historic time of COVID-19 and #BlackLivesMatter, passionate educators have spent countless hours redefining and reimaging what classroom instruction looks like. Without dedicated teachers such as you, we cannot move out of the industrialized and marginalized model of education. Thank you for embarking upon this journey as a trailblazer and being willing to STRETCh1 yourself into the unknown.
A special thank you to all those educators who have read and provided feedback on the first edition of this book.
Due to the feedback of these educators, many resources have been added to the second edition. We encourage you to check out the QR codes embedded throughout the book, as many represent the work of educators currently implementing computer science and/or computational thinking lessons within their classrooms. The resources, lessons, and activities are truly global in representation. A special thank you goes to the educators across the world willing to share their work. The possibilities of K–5 CS/CT integration are endless!
This book would not have been possible without the support, encouragement, and involvement of the ISTE Computer Science Network. This community actively works to encourage the teaching of computer science in PK–16 and to advance educators’ skills and expertise in the area of computer science. Longstanding leadership team members who directly contributed to the ideas within the book include Joe Kmoch, Karen North, Michael Tempel, and Steve Rainwater. To learn more about ISTE communities and membership visit
1 Striving to Reach Every Talented Child (STRETCh). Learn more about becoming a STRETCh Instructor at