Eczema supplements
Health Before Beauty (Karen Fischer’s website)
Skin care information or support
Eczema Association of Australasia (Australia)
Phone: 1300-300-182
National Eczema Association (USA)
Phone: 415-499-3474 or 800-818-7546
National Eczema Society (UK)
Helpline: 0800 089 1122
Eczema Scotland
European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients Association (EFA)
Itchy Kids (New Zealand)
Feeding fussy children
Inspire your fussy child to love healthy food and ask for more...
Healthy Family, Happy Family, Karen Fischer (Exisle Publishing)
Allergy tests
Ask your doctor for a referral for allergy testing in your area.
Liver detoxification function test
HealthScope Pathology (Melbourne, Australia)
Test: Functional Liver Detoxification Profile (salicylate/chemical sensitivity test)
Phone: 1300 554 480 (within Australia)
Breathing exercises for stress management
Breathe For Life, Sophie Gabriel
Carisma potato information