Be your own forensic examiner.
1. Identify a high-stakes situation and clearly describe the outcome you want.
2. Ask yourself “why?” as many times as necessary to identify your underlying reasons for wanting the outcome. (Be as honest as you can about your motives.)
1. Why?
2. Why?
3. Why?
4. Why?
5. Why?
3. After listing the motives, ask yourself these questions:
a. Which motives are self-serving and need my attention (unhealthy)? Mark them with an “x.”
b. Which motives serve the whole——myself and others (healthy)? Mark them with a circle.
c. Which motives are most aligned with my values? Mark them with a star.
4. If others were to observe you acting on any self-serving motives (marked with an “x”), what would they see and how would they feel? Write your answer below.
5. If others were to observe you acting on the motives most aligned with your values (marked with a star), what would they see and how would they feel? Write your answer below.