
You are reading this because you expressed interest in the Get Lost Book Club.

Now, I know you might be thinking, Wait! I never said I was interested in the Get Lost Book Club. I’ve never even heard of it. Not to worry. It’s my job to pick up on little clues that reveal your interest, like a detective. Maybe it’s the number of books on your shelf. Odd things you mutter under your breath or doodle during class. That weird topping you like on your pizza. You know the one. These signs may seem trivial to you, but you may as well have chiseled an application letter into my front door.

I should warn you, the Get Lost Book Club isn’t for the faint of heart. Or the faint of brain.

We believe that the greatest power of a story is its ability to make the world around you go away for a while … and sometimes that “while” can be longer than you expected.

Intrigued? Worried? Downright terrified? You should be. Danger stalks these pages. Also, sword fights. Feuding families. Tight tights. Tomatoes.

Do you have what it takes to be a literary adventurer? I think you do, but it’s up to you to prove it.

If, on the other hand, you want to turn back now, then no hard feelings. I’ll understand. Some people just aren’t cut out for thrilling chases, fascinating characters, devious villains, and a whole lot of fun.

But if you’re ready for an adventure, step right up and follow me. It’s time to get lost.

Go on, turn the page. I dare you.

