>= (greater than equal to) operator, JavaScript
<= (less than equal to) operator, JavaScript
!= (not equal) operator, JavaScript
- (subtraction) operator, JavaScript
/ (division) operator, JavaScript
|| (OR) operator, JavaScript
+ (addition) operator, JavaScript
= (equal) operator, JavaScript
=== (equal values or types) operator, JavaScript
== (equality) operator, JavaScript
!== (not equal value or types) operator, JavaScript
! (NOT) operator, JavaScript
&& (AND) operator, JavaScript
% (modulus) operator, JavaScript
* (multiplication) operator, JavaScript
< (less than) operator, JavaScript
<> (chevrons), in syntax of XML tags
> (greater than) operator, JavaScript
7-Zip compression utility
<a> (links/anchors) tag, XHTML hypertext
AAC LC (Advanced Audio Codec with Low Complexity)
abbreviation (<abbr>) tag, XHTML
absolute size, CSS font properties
acronyms (<acronym>) tag, XHTML
addition (+) operator, JavaScript
address (<address>) tag, XHTML
ADE (Adobe Digital Editions)
adjacent sibling
CSS order of precedence
selector for
ADE (Adobe Digital Editions)
DRM (Digital Rights Management) scheme
Advanced Audio Codec with Low Complexity (AAC LC)
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
encrypting EPUB content
security and
alert box example
alignment property, CSS text
a:link property, CSS links
alt attribute
client-side image map tags and
of object tag
Amazon Kindle, converting EPUB to AZW
anchors/links (<a>) tag, XHTML hypertext
AND (&&) operator, JavaScript
Apple DRM (Digital Rights Management) scheme
area (<area>) tag, XHTML client-side image maps
Ark, Linux Zip viewer
arrays, JavaScript
associative arrays
multidimensional arrays
assignment operators, JavaScript
associative arrays, JavaScript
attributes, audio
attributes, CSS
CSS order of precedence
special selectors
attributes, video
attributes, XHTML
of base tag
bidirectional text
of body tag
of client-side image map tags
of edit tags
of head tag
of html tag
of hypertext tags
of image tags
of link (<link>) tag
of list tags
of meta information tag
of object tag
of presentation tags
of table tags
of text tags
of title tag
overview of
recording controls
selector and magnify tools
exporting to MP4/MP4a format
media types
narration with Audacity
SMIL file example
synchronizing with text
troubleshooting SMIL
AZW format
converting EPUB to
MOBI compared with
<b> (bold) tag, XHTML presentation
background-attachment property, CSS
background-color property, CSS
background-image property, CSS
background-position property, CSS
background-repeat property, CSS
Barnes and Noble Nooks
EPUB conversion and
support for embedded fonts and
base (<base>) tag, XHTML
bidirectional override (<bdo>) tag, XHTML
big (<big>) tag, XHTML presentation
block elements, compared with inline elements
blockquote (<blockquote>) tag, XHTML text
body tag, XHTML structure
bold (<b>) tag, XHTML presentation
Book Browser pane, in Sigil
Boolean variables, JavaScript
border-bottom-color property, CSS box model
border-bottom-style property, CSS box model
border-bottom-width property, CSS box model
border-collapse property, CSS table
border-color property, CSS box model
border-left-color property, CSS box model
border-left-style property, CSS box model
border-left-width property, CSS box model
border-right-color property, CSS box model
border-right-style property, CSS box model
border-right-width property, CSS box model
border-spacing property, CSS table
border style property, CSS box model
border-top-color property, CSS box model
border-top-style property, CSS box model
border-top-width property, CSS box model
border width property, CSS box model
bottom, CSS formatting
box model, CSS
break line (<br>) tag, XHTML
calculations, function for returning data from
converting from EPUB
converting to EPUB
input formats
output formats
overview of
capitalization, text-transform property and. See also case
caption (<caption>) tag, XHTML table
caption-side property, CSS table
CAs (certificate authorities)
Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
case sensitivity
in EPUB 3 standard
of JavaScript
of XML tags
case, text-transform property and
CBZ (Comic Book Zipped)
centimeters (cm), measuring font size in
certificate authorities (CAs)
certificates, for digitally signing EPUB files
charset attribute, XHTML links/hypertext
child elements
CSS order of precedence
first child
using selectors with
JavaScript support
Readium and
cite attribute
of edit tag
of quote tag
cite (<cite>) tag, XHTML text
class name assignment, CSS selectors
classes, CSS order of precedence
clear property, CSS formatting
client-side image map tags, XHTML
clip property, CSS formatting
Clipyard for Windows
cm (centimeters), measuring font size in
code (<code>) tag, XHTML text
Code View, in Sigil
color property, CSS
color property, CSS box model
converting to grayscale
overview of
column (<col>) tag, XHTML table
column group (<colgroup>) tag, XHTML table
Comic Book Zipped (CBZ)
comments, in HTML and JavaScript
comparison operators, JavaScript
methods and values
of SVG files
ZIP requirements of EPUB files
concat method, JavaScript arrays
conditions, JavaScript
Boolean variables and
comparison operators
if-else statement
if statement
logical operators
nesting operators
overview of
switch statement
container.xml file
overview of
requirements of physical container
content after selector, CSS
content attribute, meta tag
content before selector, CSS
content element, NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
conversion, of EPUB files
Calibre input formats
Calibre output formats
from EPUB
overview of
preparing for
coords attribute
client-side image map tags and
XHTML hypertext tags
cover images
in EPUB 3 standard
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
box model properties
Calibre styles
class name assignment
color and background properties
embedding fonts
font properties
formatting properties
link properties
list properties
manipulating EPUB content
OPS and
page properties
practice using
precedence of styles
rendition properties
SMIL file and
special selectors
table properties
tag name assignment
text properties
@viewport properties
what they are
DAISY (Digital Accessible Information SYstem)
DTBook and
NCX requirements and
data attribute, of object tag
data passing methods, JavaScript
data types, objects as
datetime attribute, of edit tag
DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative)
<dd> (description of term) tag, XHTML list
declarations, CSS
box model properties
color and background properties
font properties
formatting properties
link properties
list properties
overview of
page properties
table properties
text properties
declarations, JavaScript
dedication, navLabel attribute and
defined term (<dt>) tag, XHTML list
definition (<dfn>) tag, XHTML text
definition list (<dl>) tag, XHTML list
Deflate compression, of EPUB files
delete (<del>) tag, XHTML editing
CSS order of precedence
special selectors
description of term (<dd>) tag, XHTML list
<dfn> (definition) tag, XHTML text
digest method, digitally signing EPUB files
Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY)
DTBook and
NCX requirements and
Digital Rights Management. See DRM (Digital Rights Management)
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
digital signatures
digitally signing EPUB files
validating EPUB files
Digital Talking Book. See DTB (Digital Talking Book)
dimensions, of SVG images
dir attribute, in head tag
display property, CSS formatting
division (/) operator, JavaScript
division tag (<div>) tag, XHTML text
<dl> (definition list) tag, XHTML list
do while loop, JavaScript
<doctitle> section, NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
DOCTPYE, NCX header and
Document Type Definition (DTD)
document.write method, JavaScript
Dolphin, for viewing contents of EPUB file in Linux
downloading e-books, from online libraries
DRM (Digital Rights Management)
Adobe and Apple schemes for
downloading e-books and
limits on sharing EPUB files
rights.xml and
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
<dt> (defined term) tag, XHTML list
DTB (Digital Talking Book)
DAISY (Digital Accessible Information SYstem)
NCX and
requirements for use with OPS
DTD (Document Type Definition)
Dublin Core
metadata.xml and
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
e-books (electronic books)
e-readers (electronic readers)
popularity of
reading system requirements in OPS
types supporting EPUB
edit tags, XHTML
<em> (emphasis) tag, XHTML text
em, font size measured in
embedded styles, CSS order of precedence
emphasis (<em>) tag, XHTML text
empty-cells property, CSS table
empty, special selectors in CSS
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
encryption.xml file
of fonts (font mangling)
PKI and RSA and
ZIP files and
encryption.xml file
EOT font format
EPUB 2 standard
basic parts of
container.xml file
EPUB 3 standard compared with
manifest.xml file
META-INF requirements
metadata.xml file
mimetype file
OCF (Open Container Format)
OPF (Open Packaging Format)
OPS (Open Publication Structure)
OPS support for MIMETYPES
OPS use with CSS style sheets
OPS use with DTBook
OPS use with XHTML documents
preparing to view contents of EPUB file
viewing contents of EPUB file
what EPUB is
XML basics and
ZIP (compression) requirements
EPUB 3 standard
changing OPF file to accommodate SMIL
cover images
embedding audio
embedding video
EPUB 2 compared with
fixed layouts
Flash animation support
MathML (Mathematics Markup Language)
new navigation file in
overview of
sample of SMIL file
SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
troubleshooting SMIL
TTS (Text to Speech) support
viewing files
EPUB conversion. See conversion, of EPUB files
EPUB Validator, FlightCrew
equal (=) operator, JavaScript
equal values or types (===) operator, JavaScript
equality (==) operator, JavaScript
escape codes, JavaScript
events, JavaScript
ex, font size measured in
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. See XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language)
external styles, CSS order of precedence
audio and video files
EPUB support for
FFmpeg import/export library, for use with Audacity
directory structure
listing in OPF manifest section
new navigation file in EPUB 3
security files
first child, special selectors in CSS
first letter
embedding fonts and
special selectors in CSS
first line, special selectors in CSS
first of type, special selectors in CSS
Flash (.swf) animation support, in EPUB 3
Flate/Deflate compression, of EPUB files
FlightCrew EPUB Validator
float property, CSS formatting
flowing text, around images
font-family property
CSS font
embedding fonts and
font mangling (encrypting)
Font Obfuscation, Sigil
font-size-adjust property, CSS fonts
font-size property, CSS fonts
comparing sizes of font families
embedding fonts
overview of
font-stretch property, CSS fonts
font-style property, CSS fonts
font-variant property, CSS fonts
font-weight property, CSS fonts
font mangling (encrypting)
overview of
for loop, JavaScript
audio formats
image formats
formatting, CSS formatting properties
functions and
placing form data in URLs
functions, JavaScript
creating external file of most used functions
data passing methods
global and local variables in
passing parameters to
printing data to screen
returning data from calculations
use in forms
Geany, downloading Linux text editor for use with JavaScript
Gedit, downloading Linux text editor for use with JavaScript
EPUB support
image formats
global variables, JavaScript
Google Chrome
JavaScript support
Readium and
grayscale, converting to
greater than equal to (>=) operator, JavaScript
greater than (>) operator, JavaScript
<guide> section, OPF (Open Packaging Format)
h1.h6. See headers
hashes, digital signatures and
<head> section
fixed layout in EPUB 3 and
NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
head tag, XHTML structure
embedding fonts and
NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
OPF (Open Packaging Format)
XHTML text tags
height property, CSS box model
hexadecimal values, for displaying colors
horizontal rule or line (<hr>) tag, XHTML presentation
href attribute
base tag and
client-side image map tags and
link tag and
OPF <guide> section and
XHTML hypertext tags
html <html> tag, XHTML structure
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). See also XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language)
comment syntax
EPUB file extensions and
Tidy2 plug-in for cleaning up code
XHTML compared with
hypertext tags, XHTML
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
id attribute
in head tag
in html tag
in hypertext tag
in text tag
in title tag
ID selector
CSS order of precedence
CSS special selectors
IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum)
digitally signing EPUB files
EPUB support for embedded fonts and
Font Obfuscation method
mimetype file and
on OCF
Readium EPUB 3 viewer
if-else statement, JavaScript
if statement, JavaScript
image (<img>) tag
embedding images and
adding cover image
flowing text around
getting dimensions of SVG images
media types
overview of
for section breaks
shape attribute for using images as link
in (inches), font size measured in
indentation property, CSS text
inheritance, of CSS styles
inline elements, compared with block elements
inline styles, CSS order of precedence
insert (<ins>) tag, XHTML edit
International Digital Publishing Forum. See IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum)
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
formatting tags indicating
assignment operators
associative arrays
Boolean variables
comparison operators
creating external file of most used functions
data passing methods
global and local variables
if-else statement
if statement
logical operators
math operators
multidimensional arrays
nesting operators
null and undefined variables
placing scripts
printing data to screen
setting up for
switch statement
join method, JavaScript arrays
image formats
scanning magazine as
keyboard (<kbd>) tag, XHTML text
Kindle, converting EPUB to AZW
Kindle Previewer
Konqueror, preparing to view contents of EPUB file in Linux
LAME MP3 encoding library, for use with Audacity
lang attribute
in head tag
in html tag
in title tag
language, ISO codes
last child, special selectors in CSS
last of type, special selectors in CSS
layouts, fixed layouts in EPUB 3
left property, CSS formatting
length property, CSS font-size
less than equal to (<=) operator, JavaScript
less than (<) operator, JavaScript
letter-spacing property, CSS text
special selectors in CSS
strings representing
downloading e-books
for use with Audacity
licensing, rights.xml and
line break (<br>) tag, XHTML text
line through property, text-decoration
lines, special selectors in CSS
link (<link>) tag, XHTML
links/anchors (<a>) tag, XHTML hypertext
links property, CSS
downloading text editor for use with JavaScript
preparing to view contents of EPUB file
viewing contents of EPUB file
list (<li>) tag, XHTML
list-style-image property, CSS
list-style-position property, CSS
list-style-type property, CSS
CSS properties
XHTML tags
local variables, JavaScript
logical operators, JavaScript
loops, JavaScript
lossless compression
magic number, ZIP files
<manifest> section
new navigation file in EPUB 3
OPF (Open Packaging Format)
manifest.xml file
META-INF requirements
overview of
map (<map>) tag, client-side image map tags and
margin-bottom property, CSS box model
margin-left property, CSS box model
margin property, CSS box model
margin-right property, CSS box model
margin-top property, CSS box model
math operators, JavaScript
MathML (Mathematics Markup Language)
comparing EPUB 2 with EPUB 3
max-height property, CSS box model
max-width property, CSS box model
may, terminology in IDPF standard
media types
controlled by IANA
embedding audio and video
type attribute
root directory of ZIP file
meta information (<meta>) tag, XHTML
in NCX <head> section
OPF <metadata> section
<metadata> section, OPF (Open Packaging Format)
metadata.xml file
microphone, for use with Audacity
millimeters (mm), font size measured in
mimetype file
overview of
in ZIP root
mimetype file
OPS support for
OPS use with XHTML, DTBook, and XML
min-height property, CSS box model
min-width property, CSS box model
mm (millimeters), font size measured in
AZW format compared with
converting EPUB to
converting to EPUB
modulus (%) operator, JavaScript
MP3/MP4, embedding audio and
multidimensional arrays, JavaScript
multimedia, EPUB and
multiplication (*) operator, JavaScript
must not, terminology in IDPF standard
must, terminology in IDPF standard
name attribute
client-side image map tags and
meta tag and
names, CSS
class name assignment
tag name assignment
Namespace-based Validation Dispatching (NVDL)
narrative files, creating without a microphone
Nautilus, preparing to view contents of EPUB file
in Linux
of directory structure
new navigation file in EPUB 3
Navigation Center Extended. See NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
navLabel attribute, NCX
<navMap> sections, NCX
<navPoint> section, NCX
NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
comparing EPUB 2 with EPUB 3
content element
<doctitle> section
<head> section
navLabel attribute
<navMap> sections
<navPoint> section
<ncx> section
in OPF
overview of
<ncx> section
nesting operators, JavaScript
nohref attribute, client-side image map tags and
EPUB conversion and
support for embedded fonts and
normal font-style
not equal (!=) operator, JavaScript
not equal value or types (!==) operator, JavaScript
NOT (!) operator, JavaScript
not recommended, terminology in IDPF standard
Notepad++, downloading for use with JavaScript
nth child, special selectors in CSS
nth last child, special selectors in CSS
nth last of type, special selectors in CSS
nth of type, special selectors in CSS
null (undefined) variables, JavaScript
strings representing
variables representing
NVDL (Namespace-based Validation Dispatching)
object (<object>) tag
creating Flash files
objects, JavaScript
overview of
oblique font-style
OCF (OEBPS Container Format)
META-INF requirements
overview of
ZIP (compression) requirements
ODF (OpenDocument Format)
OEB (Open eBook)
OEBPS Container Format. See OCF (OEBPS Container Format)
OEBPS (Open eBook Publication Structure)
OGG, embedding audio and
<ol> (ordered list) tag, XHTML list
on dblclick event, JavaScript
onchange event, JavaScript
onclick event, JavaScript
online libraries, downloading e-books
onload event, JavaScript
only child, special selectors in CSS
only of type, special selectors in CSS
onreset event, JavaScript
onsubmit event, JavaScript
onunload event, JavaScript
Open eBook (OEB)
Open eBook Publication Structure (OEBPS)
Open Packaging Format. See OPF (Open Packaging Format)
Open Publication Structure. See OPS (Open Publication Structure)
Open Type Fonts. See OTF (Open Type Fonts) OpenDocument Format (ODF)
operators, JavaScript
.OPF file
OPF (Open Packaging Format)
changing OPF file to accommodate SMIL
container.xml file and
deleting NCX file when using EPUB 3
<guide> section
<manifest> section
<metadata> section
overview of
<package> section
<spine> section
OPS (Open Publication Structure)
overview of
support for MIMETYPES
use with CSS style sheets
use with DTBook
use with XHTML documents
XHTML types
optional, terminology in IDPF standard
OR (||) operator, JavaScript
ordered list (<ol>) tag, XHTML list
orphans, CSS page properties
OTF (Open Type Fonts)
comparing sizes of font families
support for
outline-color property, CSS box model
outline-style property, CSS box model
outline-width property, CSS box model
overflow property, CSS formatting
overlines property, text-decoration
<p> (paragraph) tag, XHTML text
<package> section, OPF (Open Packaging Format)
padding-bottom property, CSS box model
padding-left property, CSS box model
padding property, CSS box model
padding-right property, CSS box model
padding-top property, CSS box model
page-break-after property, CSS page
page-break-before property, CSS page
page-break-inside property, CSS page
page setup, converting with Calibre and
page-spread settings, CSS
panes, in Sigil
paragraph (<p>) tag, XHTML text
parameters (<param>) tag
creating Flash files
XHTML object
pc (picas), font size measured in
converting to EPUB
downloading e-books
percentage property, CSS font-size
permissions, rights.xml and
pixels, font size measured in
PKCS (public-key cryptography standards)
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
PNG image format
points (pt), font size measured in
position property, CSS formatting
<pre> (preformatted text) tag, XHTML text
precedence, of CSS styles
preformatted text (<pre>) tag, XHTML text
presentation tags, XHTML
private keys, in PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
pt (points), font size measured in
public-key cryptography standards (PKCS)
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
public keys
digitally signing EPUB files
in PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
QFlash, creating Flash files
quote (<q>) tag, XHTML text
recommended, terminology in IDPF standard
rel attribute, link tag and
relative size property, CSS font
remainder (%) operator, JavaScript
rendition properties, CSS
required, terminology in IDPF standard
reverse method, JavaScript arrays
RGB (red, green, blue) integers, for displaying colors
RGB (red, green, blue) percents, for displaying colors
right property, CSS formatting
root, special selectors in CSS
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) encryption
sample output (<samp>) tag, XHTML text
Scalable Vector Graphics. See SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
<script> tags, JavaScript syntax
section breaks
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
digitally signing EPUB files
encryption.xml and
font mangling (encrypting)
introduction to
PKI and RSA and
rights.xml and
validating EPUB files
security files
encryption.xml and
rights.xml and
selectors, CSS
class name assignment
order of precedence
overview of
special selectors
tag name assignment
SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
digitally signing EPUB files
signatures.xml and
shadowed text
shall, terminology in IDPF standard
shape attribute
client-side image map tags and
XHTML hypertext tags
shapes attribute, of object tag
should not, terminology in IDPF standard
should, terminology in IDPF standard
order of precedence in CSS
selector for adjacent sibling
special selectors in CSS
Book View and Code View on toolbar
creating/editing EPUB files
embedding audio
Font Obfuscation
providing NCX and OPF files
Six-Digit Hex, displaying colors
small (<small>) tag, XHTML presentation
SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
changing OPF file to accommodate
CSS file example
multimedia component of DAISY
overview of
putting it all together
sample of SMIL file
XHTML file example
sort method, JavaScript arrays
span attribute, of column tag
span (<span>) tag, XHTML text
<spine> section
OPF (Open Packaging Format)
page-spread settings and
src attribute, of image tag
src file, NCX content element listing source file
strings, JavaScript
strong (<strong>) tag, XHTML text
structure tags, XHTML
body tag
head tag
html tag
overview of
title tag
style sheets (<style>) tag, XHTML
subscripts (<sub>) tag, XHTML presentation
subtraction (-) operator, JavaScript
summary attribute, of table tags
superscripts (<sup>) tag, XHTML presentation
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
comparing sizes of font families
font formats supported
getting dimensions of SVG images
image formats supported
use in EPUB
what it is
.swf (Flash) animation support, in EPUB 3
switch statement, JavaScript
symbols, for section breaks
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. See SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
table data (<td>) tag, XHTML table
table header (<th>) tag, XHTML table
table-layout property, CSS
Table of Contents pane, in Sigil
table of contents (TOC), creating from NCX header tags
table row (<tr>) tag, XHTML table
CSS table properties
XHTML tags
tag name assignment, CSS selectors
tags, selecting with asterisk (*)
tbody (<tbody>) tag, XHTML table
<td> (table data) tag, XHTML table
teletype (<tt>) tag, XHTML presentation
CSS text properties
fixed layout in EPUB 3
flowing around images
media types
synchronizing audio with
XHTML text tags
text-align property, CSS
text-decoration property, CSS
text-indent, CSS
text-shadow property, CSS
Text to Speech (TTS) support, EPUB 3 standard
text-transform property, CSS
tfoot (<tfoot>) tag, XHTML table
<th> (table header) tag, XHTML table
thead (<thead>) tag, XHTML table
Three-Digit Hex, for displaying colors
Thunar, preparing to view contents of EPUB file
in Linux
Tidy2, for cleaning up HTML code
TIF files
title attribute, of abbreviation tag
title tag, XHTML structure
titles, NCX <doctitle> section
TOC (table of contents), creating from NCX header tags
top property, CSS formatting
<tr> (table row) tag, XHTML table
TIF files
True Type Fonts. See TTF (True Type Fonts)
<tt> (teletype) tag, XHTML presentation
TTF (True Type Fonts)
comparing sizes of font families
support for
TTS (Text to Speech) support, EPUB 3 standard
type attribute
of hypertext tags
of link tag
of object tag
of style sheet tag
type selector, CSS order of precedence
typefaces, CSS font properties
<ul> (unordered list) tag, XHTML
undefined (null) variables, JavaScript
underlining, text-decoration property and
Unicode Transformation Format. See UTF (Unicode Transformation Format)
Uniform Resource Name (URN)
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), in NCX <head> section
unordered list (<ul>) tag, XHTML
uppercase, text-transform property and
URLs, placing form data in
URN (Uniform Resource Name)
usemap attribute
of image tag
of object tag
UTF (Unicode Transformation Format)
OPF file UTF-8
OPS use with DTBook and XML
OPS use with XHTML documents
support for UTF-8
and UTF-16
ZIP files encoding filenames in UTF-8
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier), in NCX <head> section
EPUB files
NCX (Navigation Center Extended)
values, special selectors in CSS
var command, for declaring variables
<var> (variables) tag, XHTML
variables, JavaScript
global and local
null and undefined
overview of
variables (<var>) tag, XHTML
version attribute, in html tag
Version Needed To Extract Field, in ZIP header
vertical-align property, CSS formatting
media types
@viewport properties, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
visibility property, CSS formatting
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
Web browsers, JavaScript support and
Web Open Font Format. See WOFF (Web Open Font Format)
while loop, JavaScript
white-space property, CSS text
widows, CSS page
width property, CSS box model function, JavaScript
Windows 7, preparing to view contents of EPUB file
Windows XP, preparing to view contents of EPUB file
WOFF (Web Open Font Format)
comparing sizes of font families
support for
word-spacing property, CSS text
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Xarchiver, Linux Zip viewer
XBrackets Lite plug-in, autocomplete utility for use with JavaScript
XFE (X File Explorer), viewing contents of EPUB file in Linux
XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language)
adding JavaScript to
base tag
bidirectional text tag
body tags
client-side image map tags
edit tags
EPUB content as
EPUB file extensions
head tag
HTML compared with
html tags
hypertext tag
image tags
link tags
list tags
meta information tags
object tags
OPS use with XHTML documents
OPS XHTML elements
overview of
practice using
presentation tags
setting up audio file in
SMIL file and
structure tags
style sheet tags
table tags
text tags
title tags
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
namespace (xmlns)
OPS use with
SVG files based on
xml:lang attribute
in head tag
in html tag
in title tag
xmlns (XML namespace)
z-index property, CSS formatting
ZIP files
comparing standard and ZIP64
EPUB requirements and
OCF and
renaming as EPUB